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They won't because they have absolutely no intention of ending reliance on donated food. This is the logical end point of New Labour welfare policy. Power relations and structural inequality are irrelevant, you must choose the paths they value for us, or be condemned as morally deficient scum. :(

Absolutely. This is where neoliberalism's distaste for state involvement (especially in sectors that can make the private sector money) effectively leads, and none of the occupants of the Palace of Idiots give a fuck. Their nests are feathered, and as long as they can continue to dupe the electorate with the occasional olive branch, things will only get worse.
Pretty shocking

Not at all shocking. it's pretty much a foreseeable consequence of devolving responsibility downward - local authorities are shit-scared to disburse money in case it runs out before the new financial year, so they fall back on their age-old practice of skimping 11 months of the year, and splurging for the other month to use up the budget.
Saw this coming a mile off. :(
Hatchet job on food banks by those cunts at the Daily Mail.

Pardon the language, but this has made me furious :mad:

People contribute to food banks; poor people go and use those food banks, mind you own fucking business Mail. The comments are largely hateful bile as well. Utter utter pricks

A hatchet job on food banks on Easter Sunday for fuck's sake,fucking mentality of someone who would take so much time and effort to discredit a charity beggars belief,cuntfuckery dos'nt even cover it.....
A hatchet job on food banks on Easter Sunday for fuck's sake,fucking mentality of someone who would take so much time and effort to discredit a charity beggars belief,cuntfuckery dos'nt even cover it.....
It seems to have caused the opposite reaction,but yes the mail is a vile repugnant rag
Is that really his number?

I don't know

the piece was also authored by Simon Murphy and Sanchez Manning.

I know of them not.

l 'in beginning to wonder if there's any truth to this. i suspect they never even went to a food bank at all and make the whole thing up.
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Hard to tell, the photos in that link and the photo of the glumfaced poltroon in tht MoS article look quite different.
A hatchet job on food banks on Easter Sunday for fuck's sake,fucking mentality of someone who would take so much time and effort to discredit a charity beggars belief,cuntfuckery dos'nt even cover it.....

its to provide the readership a decent way of ending the sense of cognitive dissonance they get from trying to square 'tory benefits cuts are working' with the reality of regular headlines about the explosion in foodbank usage.

it must be cos everyones on the take! right! now back to finding reasons to hate the coloureds...
its to provide the readership a decent way of ending the sense of cognitive dissonance they get from trying to square 'tory benefits cuts are working' with the reality of regular headlines about the explosion in foodbank usage.

it must be cos everyones on the take! right! now back to finding reasons to hate the coloureds...

It's from top to bottom as well. I work with someone (everyone on the shift thinks he's a miserable tit) who with a straight face told me that out of work benefit claimants can get a tenner pet food allowance per day, and alcoholics get a twenty-two quid drink allowance per day. He seems to genuinely believe that an alcoholic on the dole who owns two dogs can get more than double what me and him earn in a week. Someone who could very easily find himself in the kind of desperate situations the people he hates find themselves in.

There's been plenty of misinformation out there to attack state provision of welfare and the people who most definitely need it, and even before the cuts it was a safety net spread out only a foot above the floor, but wilfully ignorant and hateful people populate all classes, I'm afraid. Some people just want or need someone to hate and feel superior, and will avoid or ignore anything that contradicts their prejudices.
It's from top to bottom as well. I work with someone (everyone on the shift thinks he's a miserable tit) who with a straight face told me that out of work benefit claimants can get a tenner pet food allowance per day, and alcoholics get a twenty-two quid drink allowance per day. He seems to genuinely believe that an alcoholic on the dole who owns two dogs can get more than double what me and him earn in a week. Someone who could very easily find himself in the kind of desperate situations the people he hates find themselves in.

There's been plenty of misinformation out there to attack state provision of welfare and the people who most definitely need it, and even before the cuts it was a safety net spread out only a foot above the floor, but wilfully ignorant and hateful people populate all classes, I'm afraid. Some people just want or need someone to hate and feel superior, and will avoid or ignore anything that contradicts their prejudices.
How the fuck can anyone seriously think the unemployed get £70/week for pet food and £154/week if they're an alcoholic as well as their dole money?
It's from top to bottom as well. I work with someone (everyone on the shift thinks he's a miserable tit) who with a straight face told me that out of work benefit claimants can get a tenner pet food allowance per day, and alcoholics get a twenty-two quid drink allowance per day. He seems to genuinely believe that an alcoholic on the dole who owns two dogs can get more than double what me and him earn in a week. Someone who could very easily find himself in the kind of desperate situations the people he hates find themselves in.

There's been plenty of misinformation out there to attack state provision of welfare and the people who most definitely need it, and even before the cuts it was a safety net spread out only a foot above the floor, but wilfully ignorant and hateful people populate all classes, I'm afraid. Some people just want or need someone to hate and feel superior, and will avoid or ignore anything that contradicts their prejudices.

I've no illusions as to the ideological purity of the working class :D I've met with similar myself- not quite on the blatantly weird situation you describe. But while I was at Weetabix a big harrumph from the union guys that ununionised polish workers were working in a clearing room for laundry without lighting, thusly making mugs of all of us who demand lighting if we are to work. Turned out to be um big heap bollocks of course. Amazing how quick a rumour can spread though

It would be comforting to think the wail is a paper for p/b moaners but its not at all- as you say, some people always want someone to piss on
That said, the MoS editor, Geordie Greig, has a good record on helping the poor. In his previous post as editor of the London Evening Standard he was responsible for the award-winning "Dispossessed" campaign.

I understand he regarded the food bank investigation as a legitimate inquiry to ensure the system was working as it should, and regards the backlash as a relatively minor one.
He is not amused, however, that his paper is widely viewed as being no different from the Daily Mail.

Btw, Mr Greig does talks across the country on various topics related to the arts.
Looking at this from a different angle, is there a case to answer that by not conducting robust enough checks that people who don't deserve or need a Foodbank parcel are claiming one, thus possibly depriving genuine poor people in need?
It has to be a limited resource. Although because of the way the article is written, and the agenda, its hard to know if this is actually an issue or not.

Obviously that would never be the Mail's motivation, but is this point something that needs to be addressed?

My instincts say that it does seem like a lot of fannying about for £20s worth of grub or whatever, so why would anyone who didn't really need it bother? Plus its not an exhaustive supply; I cannot remember exactly, but didn't the article say technically folks were only allowed a parcel a few times a year?

A friend occasionally works at a homeless soup kitchen type deal in Bethnal Green way, and apparently they do have a problem with blokes turning up on their way too and from work and just using it as a free café.
The subtext of the mail article is that it is relatively easy to blag a food parcel from a foodbank, so of the 917,000 reported uses of the Trussel Trust, many must be fake, therefore the usage figure isn't accurate and can't be used to attack the government's welfare reforms, which the paper supports. It's an attempt to deny the clear harm and suffering caused by these policies and by low-wage/part time employment.
The subtext of the mail article is that it is relatively easy to blag a food parcel from a foodbank, so of the 917,000 reported uses of the Trussel Trust, many must be fake, therefore the usage figure isn't accurate and can't be used to attack the government's welfare reforms, which the paper supports. It's an attempt to deny the clear harm and suffering caused by these policies and by low-wage/part time employment.
Oh yes, I've no doubt that this is the intention of the article. But IF there are a certain amount of skinflints who take the piss, wouldn't rooting them out mean that the genuine poor get more in their parcels, or could claim one more often?
Oh yes, I've no doubt that this is the intention of the article. But IF there are a certain amount of skinflints who take the piss, wouldn't rooting them out mean that the genuine poor get more in their parcels, or could claim one more often?
I don't know much about foodbanks, but I know a bit about people, and I can safely say that the proportion of people using a foodbank for the lols, is absolutely miniscule.
The Mail comments reminded me a bit of a Billy Connolly stand up I saw where he was saying he'd overheard a woman saying how she was going to give some money to a homeless man, but saw he was smoking a cigarette so decided not to.

"He hasn't got a house, let him have a fag for fuck's sake"

Good point, Big Yin (doesn't quite undo the Ken Bigley business though)
I don't know much about foodbanks, but I know a bit about people, and I can safely say that the proportion of people using a foodbank for the lols, is absolutely miniscule.

That's pretty much what Trussell said in their statement about this - that yes a tiny tiny minority of people who could be said to be taking advantage of the system does exist but it's so tiny as to be not worth talking about.
Oh yes, I've no doubt that this is the intention of the article. But IF there are a certain amount of skinflints who take the piss, wouldn't rooting them out mean that the genuine poor get more in their parcels, or could claim one more often?

How would you propose you achieved this without further humiliating people with more in depth checks? It's bad enough you have to get a voucher and essentially beg for food IMO. If people are taking the piss, it will be an absolutely tiny number. I think you underestimate how demeaning and shameful visiting a food bank is for many people, I would loathe to see any more processes put in place.
How the fuck can anyone seriously think the unemployed get £70/week for pet food and £154/week if they're an alcoholic as well as their dole money?

I know, but it happens. I pointed out the absurdity of it, but I'm guessing he doesn't know how much someone actually gets on the dole aside from the crap that he read somewhere.
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