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This shit makes me really angry. Someone needs to find that 'Ross Slater' and give him a bloody good hiding. I hope the food he STOLE was returned with a full apology since the entire article is based on him lying to the CAB to get access to a foodbank.

This says everything that's wrong with the cunts in power: they lie and cheat and use that against the innocent they victimise. "Look i can steal from a foodbank through carefully planned mendacity and duplicity so therefore poor people with nothing must be no better - in fact worse because they're poor."

This is the most wretched and shameful kind of behaviour. It's clear the government is losing the war on welfare reform (despite the high price the rest o fus are paying); they can no longer acknowledge that foodbanks aren't needed or that the people using them just get given the stuff. Instead they now argue that the 'big society' is being undermined by greedy scroungers, which will of course provoke even more 'reforms'. I wouldn't be surprised if this leads to the DWP threatening to curtail CAB funding if it doesn't stop referring people.

Ross Slater and the MoS, you are all cunts I hope you die slowly, you fucking vermin.
The more I think about it, the fact that the biggest selling newspaper used resources on this story indicates they do see the rise of food banks as a potential vote loser for the Condems but also that 'decent' people are on a huge scale giving to 'scroungers' not just Hope For Heroes or any other of their favoured causes rankles them and must be undermined.

I think you're probably right, but there's also the fact that they genuinely believe all this shit about handouts of any sort undermining people's willingness to work, stand on their own two feet and all the rest of the clichés.

As for Slater and his ilk, I wonder how these cunts can sleep at night.
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Isn't that the Old Holborn who is/was a really unpleasant extreme libertarian? has he had a conversion?
Maybe, I've called him out on twitter (big man that I am) numerous times so I was quite surprised that he'd posted this. I just googled for ross slater on twitter and found this. I've no idea if it's even his number.
If you go into a shop, you can simply steal stuff. Seriously, it's all laid out for you. It's like they want you to shoplift. Charity shops are even easier than most, because they tend to be run by old people who can't run very fast. Likewise, if someone disabled is on public transport they're dead easy to rob. Or if you find who's down on their luck they'll do anything for money. It's hilarious!

So don't stop at robbing food banks- there are loads of ideas for your next piece!
Just when I thought the coalition couldn't possibly make me sick to the pits of my stomach any deeper , up they pop with nauseating attitudes and policies. There is a scene in David Leans production of Oliver Twist. As the hungry children eat their gruel, they sit under a large sign that says in large letters, 'GOD IS LOVE'. Next door, in a warm room , the clergy and the great and the good sit at a table full of food of the highest quality and feed their fat faces. When I hear and see the well padded Cameron and Pickles talk of God and IDS bemoan the kindness of volunteers ( he of course being a 'Christian' ) my spirit sinks. I am an atheist and when I see this hypocrisy it only strengthens my dislike of pious religionists. I don't believe in poor and undeserving poor, nor charity based on religious belief. I see my fellow humans struggle through no fault of their own, or because they have made bad choices. We are all capable of that, but we are supposed to be a nation, banded together to cover each other in time of war, natural disaster and other events. We have a privileged group of rich men, claiming to be Christian, governing on behalf of their own kind, London and the Home Counties . When property is threatened , rich mens property of course, our young men are sent to war . Most are from poor backgrounds and many will never get a home of their own. They will be killed or injured and have to fall back on a shrinking NHS , a cold hearted Atos test and many will end up homeless and on medication for stress.
Why should we they bother? I have good housing, rarely go short and am rarely at the mercy of the state, but I see the poor, sick and young being ruthlessly squeezed by a bunch of Christians who think Jesus was a Thatcherite . I wish to god we had a modern day Guy Fawkes or the guts of the French people who would burn down government buildings if they were subject to such cruel and inhuman treatment in the name of god. I would volunteer to go to Hell if I could take every member of this coalition of the damned with me. No wonder Jesus wept. This government would make a stone weep.

Superb justification for food banks and why we should care, from a poster on CIF: 'Return of the King'
"Well some people are genuine their not all fakers....And I hope they give the food back to the food bank"

This is one of the comments attached. 200 people disliked it.

These fucking rats are unbelievable. "I couldn't get free food without lying through my sweaty quivering arse cheeks, therfore those paupers must all be liars"
Like I and others have noted, the public does not like to see children going without food, Labour could really go for the Condems on this but they won't.
BBC News had a package about food banks in the Highlands, real poverty with many couldn't afford to heat the food up,

goodness knows how they cope with the cold in the winter?:(:mad:
Many many layers, probably, with sleeping bags used indoors whilst on the computer (if they have one) or watching TV or reading. Going to bed early.
Like I and others have noted, the public does not like to see children going without food, Labour could really go for the Condems on this but they won't.

They won't because they have absolutely no intention of ending reliance on donated food. This is the logical end point of New Labour welfare policy. Power relations and structural inequality are irrelevant, you must choose the paths they value for us, or be condemned as morally deficient scum. :(
I posted it to indicate what kind of person Old Holborn is, I deleted it on the Hillsborough thread, will delete this one. Perhaps you could delete the example you posted.
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I posted it to indicate what kind of person Old Holborn is, I deleted it on the Hillsborough thread, will delete this one. Perhaps you could delete the example you posted.
Perhaps you could edit the 'correct sensitivities' bit of your post. It was entirely inappropriate for that image to be posted with no explanation as to why you were posting it, and in any case it was an image which played up the portrayal of people who used foodbanks as being scroungers on the make. So no, people weren't being 'sensitive', you didn't think about what you were posting.
eh, why do you assume the worse?, I meant it in its literal sense, people's sensitivities were offended so I took it down, nothing to do with 'political correctness'

btw, I never made the disgusting image.
"An analysis by the Guardian shows that under the new local welfare assistance schemes,"

Sickening, just the term conjures up the parish/town relief that people had to go to cap in hand that we thought had gone for ever.
eh, why do you assume the worse?, I meant it in its literal sense, people's sensitivities were offended so I took it down, nothing to do with 'political correctness'

btw, I never made the disgusting image.
I never said you did make it.

But by saying people's sensitivities were offended you make it sound like people were over-reacting to the image, which I don't think is right. Why not just say people were offended?
Sickening, just the term conjures up the parish/town relief that people had to go to cap in hand that we thought had gone for ever.
We've been through this. Nobody thought these schemes had ever gone, they just became less visible because not many people used them. But they've always existed. Sure, it's not the workhouse but with the Tories that might not be too far away.
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