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Food Banks not necessary says Cameron

Although you'd never tire of punching that smug face would you?

Ignoring the rather obvious point that nobody should be in such a poor financial position to need to use food banks in the first place (especially if they have children), for fucking fuck's sake, how much cuntier can he be. :mad::mad::mad:
Has nobody else read the article...he may be a cunt in so many other ways, but he hasn't actually said this!

He was persistently refusing to answer questions on food banks during PMQs today, repeatedly saying that their numbers increased under Labour blah blah, then said something like 'anyway i believe we should be praising the valuable work these people do, not attacking them'.
Hasn't said what?

I didn't read article

Cameron didn't say there's no need for food banks. Nor did anyone else. In the interests of fairness, this is the quote from Downing Street:

Speaking after Cameron's announcement at the weekly prime minister's questions session in the House of Commons, a source said food banks were to be welcomed as an example of "the big society".
But she added: "Benefit levels are set at a level where people can afford to eat. If people have short-term shortages, where they feel they need a bit of extra food, then of course food banks are the right place for that. But benefits are not set at such a low level that people can't eat."
Cameron didn't say there's no need for food banks. Nor did anyone else. In the interests of fairness, this is the quote from Downing Street:

Speaking after Cameron's announcement at the weekly prime minister's questions session in the House of Commons, a source said food banks were to be welcomed as an example of "the big society".
But she added: "Benefit levels are set at a level where people can afford to eat. If people have short-term shortages, where they feel they need a bit of extra food, then of course food banks are the right place for that. But benefits are not set at such a low level that people can't eat."

oh right, I thought Global Stoner was saying Cameron never spoke about his constituency's foodbank
Q: Why is it the case that the Prime Minister is afraid to go and visit a food bank? Could it be that if he visited one, he'd see the heartless Britain that he's creating?

A: Only yesterday I was discussing with the person who runs the food bank in my constituency, which I will be visiting very shortly, he pointed out to me it was established 5 years ago and it is worth remembering that food bank use went up 10 times under the last Labour government. Instead of criticising people who run food banks, we should be thanking them for the work they do.
Q: Why is it the case that the Prime Minister is afraid to go and visit a food bank? Could it be that if he visited one, he'd see the heartless Britain that he's creating?

A: Only yesterday I was discussing with the person who runs the food bank in my constituency, which I will be visiting very shortly, he pointed out to me it was established 5 years ago and it is worth remembering that food bank use went up 10 times under the last Labour government. Instead of criticising people who run food banks, we should be thanking them for the work they do.

ta Minnie. Regarding that btw, he's being very misleading

Mr Cameron is absolutely right to say that the numbers of people being fed by food banks went up tenfold on Labour’s watch. There were fewer than 3,000 users in 2005/06 and more than 40,000 by the end of 2009/10.
But we are talking about relatively low numbers, so putting things in terms of percentages makes the increase sound bigger.
Compare that with the rise after the coalition comes to power: from 40,898 in 2009/10 to 128,697 in 2011/12.
You could say that’s only a threefold increase compared to a tenfold increase, but that would be a misleading way of describing the trend.
It would be more accurate to say that the number of people using food banks reached 40,000 after six years of Labour, then grew by an additional 90,000 in just two years of the coalition.

It's not even just that. Having experience of just how easily Housing Benefit or Tax Credits can suddenly decide to suspend your payment because, well, pretty much because they feel like it (when I got made redundant they suspended my Housing Benefit, which I was already getting, for a few weeks while they processed the fact that I'd told them I'd lost my job :facepalm: ) Universal Credit scares the bejesus out of me. The way it is now, because I get HB once a month, Child Benefit once a month at a different time, Tax Credits once a week and Income Support fortnightly, if one of the buggers makes a cockup and leaves my claim sitting in an in-tray for a couple of weeks, I know I'll have some other income source coming shortly and might be able to stretch things to bridge the gap. Under UC that won't be an option. I can see people being regularly late with their rent, getting into overdrafts, getting evicted. It's nothing to do with not being able to budget. It's to do with not having the safety net of a few grands' savings to cover your rent in an emergency.

I forgot about the child benefit being included in it. I think carers allowance is not nor dla for now.

Making sure I don't miss a direct debit could be tricky as they come out left right and centre.
Otherwise it'll just be a case of switching rent/ bills to bulk monthly payments
Had three foodbank reliefs from the church in the latter months of last year. Cunts not got a clue. Redefining poverty eh, to say that you are not fucking hungry when you are

one package included two Imperial Leather mens shower gels* and two packs of Ainsley Harriot cous cous.

At what point do you have too much ainsley harriot cous cous and imperial leather mens shower gel and decide 'fuck me, the cous cous is piling up! best give it to charity or else it won't get used!'

something is wrong here, badly wrong

*felt obligated to wash
<snip>At what point do you have too much ainsley harriot cous cous and imperial leather mens shower gel and decide 'fuck me, the cous cous is piling up! best give it to charity or else it won't get used!'<snip>
Unwanted christmas/birthday presents?
My hatred of the Tories knows no bounds. After I posted up this thread I went to get my kids from school, one of them is all excited because he's got a place on a residential, it costs £230. I lost my job on Friday... he might not be going unless I'm exceptionally lucky and find work in the next few days... this was my experience all through school even though both my parents worked, we were always skint, no proper school uniform, no school trips... the job I had until last week involved me helping people with various problems; everyday I would be making referrals to the food bank for people who hadn't eaten in days... those Tory cunts haven't ever missed a meal in their life... sorry, not really making a coherent point here. I'm so angry I can't think straight!
Had three foodbank reliefs from the church in the latter months of last year. Cunts not got a clue. Redefining poverty eh, to say that you are not fucking hungry when you are

one package included two Imperial Leather mens shower gels* and two packs of Ainsley Harriot cous cous.

At what point do you have too much ainsley harriot cous cous and imperial leather mens shower gel and decide 'fuck me, the cous cous is piling up! best give it to charity or else it won't get used!'

something is wrong here, badly wrong

*felt obligated to wash

That ainsley harriot cous cous is horrible. I wouldn't give it to the bin let alone charity.
That ainsley harriot cous cous is horrible. I wouldn't give it to the bin let alone charity.

It's not that bad. I didit with chicken breasts I'd cut into strips then pan fried with lee n perrins and crushed garlic. Had a moment of panic when I realised the pinkness of the lee n perrins meant I couldn't tell if the chicken was properly cooked. Threw caution to the wind and served it up anyway. Everyone survived and thanked me for the meal.

no way I'd pay for his branded stuff though, it was a bit bland. Surely one can do better and cheaper with plain cous cous and adding chilli seeds, chopped onion et
Last time I was starving on the dole, about 14 years ago, they distributed cans of EU food mountain beef... it was like dog food... Ainsley Harriot cous cous doesn't sound so bad.
Dotcommunist, couple of posts above this one. He's involved but probably not in the way you mean.

I am all for customer feedback but I wouldn't count DCs involvemnet as in setting one up. Mind you he could volunteer and see if they will take on any suggestions he made.
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