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Food Banks not necessary says Cameron

"They'll get a job, obviously. They're only out of work because we give them benefits."

Incredible how thousands upon thousands of public sector workers have decided they'd rather be on benefits since the tories got in. I guess benefits must be too high if they're so attractive to all these formerly dedicated public servants. We should make them all go back to their old jobs I reckon.

The only thing I don't understand is how even as benefits are being drastically cut the number of people lured into unemployment by their saccharine siren call continues to rise :confused:
Incredible how thousands upon thousands of public sector workers have decided they'd rather be on benefits since the tories got in. I guess benefits must be too high if they're so attractive to all these formerly dedicated public servants. We should make them all go back to their old jobs I reckon.

The only thing I don't understand is how even as benefits are being drastically cut the number of people lured into unemployment by their saccharine siren call continues to rise :confused:

ah well, the people who have been made recently redundant will get back into work fairly quickly I'm sure, they just need help for little bit of time and that's fair and right. I'm talking about the people who have barely worked at all and those who would lose money going into work. you know, the undeserving and deserving unemployed rather than people who are just in between jobs. The undeserving lot well now clearly we need to stop paying them just to sit around, they'll get a job soon enough, once the hunger kicks in. The deserving lot are just badly served by a system that was great when it was designed nearly 70 years ago, but isn't fit for purpose anymore. What we need to do is to go back further in time to the victorian era which was so great and get rid of benefits entirely. Then people could realise their full potential and not get held back, dragged down by the welfare state. Charity will plug the gaps, oh yes.

etc. etc. bunch of cunts.
I was reading about the Introduction of the Universal Benefit scheme where claimants will be paid monthly instead of the current fortnightly system. The last time I regularly signed-on I was alway broke a couple of days before my giro was due, I dread to think what kind of prelonged destitution a monthly payment scheme will cause. :(
I was reading about the Introduction of the Universal Benefit scheme where claimants will be paid monthly instead of the current fortnightly system. The last time I regularly signed-on I was alway broke a couple of days before my giro was due, I dread to think what kind of prelonged destitution a monthly payment scheme will cause. :(

I didn't know it was gonna be monthly. That's proper shit.

It's not a question of managing your money properly, because the fact is you can't help but finish up broke a couple of days before the giro gets in because they just don't give you enough money to live on. Now instead of two or three days once a fortnight people are gonna end up without a single brass penny for maybe one whole week in four.
I didn't know it was gonna be monthly. That's proper shit.

It's not a question of managing your money properly, because the fact is you can't help but finish up broke a couple of days before the giro gets in because they just don't give you enough money to live on. Now instead of two or three days once a fortnight people are gonna end up without a single brass penny for maybe one whole week in four.

Just choose to spend nothing for 2 or 3 days a fortnight and all will be well.
I was reading about the Introduction of the Universal Benefit scheme where claimants will be paid monthly instead of the current fortnightly system. The last time I regularly signed-on I was alway broke a couple of days before my giro was due, I dread to think what kind of prelonged destitution a monthly payment scheme will cause. :(
I'm not over phased about the monthly thing altho I'd prefer weekly I also know that for a lot of people on a salary they get paid monthly also.
It's the "real time" income reporting and how that's going to work for s/e worrying about making a mistake and being fined for honest mistakes and the fact I can't conceive their "system" can cope with it.
What it basically is for self employed people is a tax return every fucking month. That'll go down well won't it?
Why is Cameron planning on a visit to a Food Bank?

Presumably he'll gather the cameras and then berate the foolish volunteers for wasting time and resources on such un-necessary support?
I didn't know it was gonna be monthly. That's proper shit.

It's not a question of managing your money properly, because the fact is you can't help but finish up broke a couple of days before the giro gets in because they just don't give you enough money to live on. Now instead of two or three days once a fortnight people are gonna end up without a single brass penny for maybe one whole week in four.

Yep, and the first payment is going to put lots of people into debt because they've got to bridge 2 weeks without money afaik. There's a special hardship fund being setup for this I think but it'll not have enough money.
Then you've got particular issues around some people with learning difficulties, mental health problems and addiction about not knowing that payments are moving to monthly, and not understanding or caring that they've got too much money in their bank and caning it in two weeks expecting the next payment.
And anyone who has a sudden big bill, it's a month to the next payment not two weeks. More issues.

It's not going to be pleasant :(
When I was on t'dole I'd always spend my last pound or two on something frivolous, because it was less stressful having nothing at all than trying to work out what to do with that last pound.
I just get emotional flatline when I hear about the latest wheeze from these scum - I'm all out of hate...
Why is Cameron planning on a visit to a Food Bank?

Presumably he'll gather the cameras and then berate the foolish volunteers for wasting time and resources on such un-necessary support?
Was only t'other week he was banging on about how great they were and how it was the "big society" in action and now they're not necessary. He's all over the place.
I was reading about the Introduction of the Universal Benefit scheme where claimants will be paid monthly instead of the current fortnightly system. The last time I regularly signed-on I was alway broke a couple of days before my giro was due, I dread to think what kind of prelonged destitution a monthly payment scheme will cause. :(

It's not even just that. Having experience of just how easily Housing Benefit or Tax Credits can suddenly decide to suspend your payment because, well, pretty much because they feel like it (when I got made redundant they suspended my Housing Benefit, which I was already getting, for a few weeks while they processed the fact that I'd told them I'd lost my job :facepalm: ) Universal Credit scares the bejesus out of me. The way it is now, because I get HB once a month, Child Benefit once a month at a different time, Tax Credits once a week and Income Support fortnightly, if one of the buggers makes a cockup and leaves my claim sitting in an in-tray for a couple of weeks, I know I'll have some other income source coming shortly and might be able to stretch things to bridge the gap. Under UC that won't be an option. I can see people being regularly late with their rent, getting into overdrafts, getting evicted. It's nothing to do with not being able to budget. It's to do with not having the safety net of a few grands' savings to cover your rent in an emergency.
I'm not over phased about the monthly thing altho I'd prefer weekly I also know that for a lot of people on a salary they get paid monthly also.
It's the "real time" income reporting and how that's going to work for s/e worrying about making a mistake and being fined for honest mistakes and the fact I can't conceive their "system" can cope with it.
What it basically is for self employed people is a tax return every fucking month. That'll go down well won't it?

Yeah, I don't have a clue how it's going to deal with people in my situation with vastly fluctuating income patterns, originally it was going to be weekly which was insane, I'm pleased it's moved to monthly but you are right, basically a tax return every month - hopefully we'll be able to take those and just copy everything over for the annual tax returns but I doubt it.

Anyway, my work is such that some months I'm really busy, others totally dead - even in good times I'd have very little work in January (was always the month for maintaining equipment, doing tax returns and such). OVer the year it averages out so I get some tax credits but month to month it's all over the place. Some months I'll earn enough to not get any benefits, others I'll have no work at all but will I get the amount someone who was unemployed will get? I have no idea.. and of course I'll be put into the whole workfare/sanction system, but then a couple of months after that I'll earn well and not get anything so am I out of the workfare/sanction system then? I've no idea at all.
I'm going to struggle anyway and at that point I might forget about even trying to keep being self employed and just move to being unemployed, which right now would cost the state more money and see me having a lower income, lose-lose. One of the biggest reasons I haven't is because I can avoid the job centre bullshit and the money I earn in good months plus tax credits sees me through the bad months, which tax credits alone wouldn't.

Still have my fingers crossed that the IT will fail.
Yep....but I vacilate between that state and piano-wire mania.:mad:

Yeah, then the feeling of helplessness kicks back in. I wish someone would just put a bullet in the lot of them.

Though preferably in a few days so I don't get the bizzies at my door.
The Toxics seem to be doing all they can to provoke a violent backlash. That said, people will probably just sit around and talk about it and maybe crack a few jokes. As for action...
It's Weds my bank account is empty until next Monday,fortunately I can borrow a bit for food but I'm only too aware many people will be in this situation and will just have to lump it for the next four days.Cunts.
I help out (via my work) with a food bank. Seeing people turn up who have not eaten for days, who have had to walk for miles to reach the distribution point, then walk miles home carrying heavy cans etc made me want to cry.
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