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Food Banks not necessary says Cameron


In bed for Britain
as Bees said its not really surprising hearing this vitriol from Cameron anymore.

The bloke really needs shooting ( and im one of the biggest pacifists youl meet ! )
God damn. I saw this on twitter and though it was that tory councillor stockbroker popping up again, didn't realise this was downing street saying this, are they mad? They know and planned this exactly, the Tressel Trust is full on tory and all part of the plan, who needs benefits when there are food banks to ensure people don't starve. Find it slightly odd they are coming out with this which seems contrary to the plan but I guess that they are still chipping away at the idea that we should have social security / that capitalism requires it if we are to even try to ensure everyone has a decent basic standard of living, and defending themselves against the 1% rise and cuts to disability benefits, council tax benefit, housing benefit etc etc etc.
Downing Street has risked causing widespread offence by claiming there should be no need for food banks because benefit payments are high enough to pay for such essentials.

Benefit levels are more than adequate... lol. These cunts have never had a missing giro and spent over an hour on a premium rate phoneline trying to sort it out.

You're not left with much if you spend half of it on keeping your house warm, although obviously, you're expected to wear 10 layers rather than have the luxury of switching on your heating
Downing Street has risked causing widespread offence by claiming there should be no need for food banks because benefit payments are high enough to pay for such essentials.

Benefit levels are more than adequate... lol. These cunts have never had a missing giro and spent over an hour on a premium rate phoneline trying to sort it out.

How in the sweet suffering fuck would he know anything about living in poverty?
People will believe it, too. They'll remember the headlines about scroungers on £20k per year and forget that the vast majority of that goes to the landlord, with £71pw left for absolutely everything else. At this time of year half that can go on gas and electric alone.
People will believe it, too. They'll remember the headlines about scroungers on £20k per year and forget that the vast majority of that goes to the landlord, with £71pw left for absolutely everything else. At this time of year half that can go on gas and electric alone.

You wouldn't need to spend it on gas and electric if you weren't inside. You should be outside 16 hours a day traipsing the streets and looking for work. That'll warm you up
This is all part of a plan for the food banks to impose further checks and restrictions on who can and who can't qualify.
Downing Street has risked causing widespread offence by claiming there should be no need for food banks because benefit payments are high enough to pay for such essentials.

Benefit levels are more than adequate... lol. These cunts have never had a missing giro and spent over an hour on a premium rate phoneline trying to sort it out.

What the fuck would he know, the ruling-class scumsucker?
Of course, if you don't already have enough clothing, the cost of buying extra layers will put you as much out-of-pocket as keeping the heating on.

That's what second-hand shops are for. You don't think us hardworking taxpayers expect you to wear new clothes do you?! :eek::rolleyes::(
Another over fed tory slime in hunger denial.
I know asking him to think is a bit much but what about when someone's been sanctioned for up to three years, how is benefits enough for them to eat then? What about the growing numbers of people in work using food banks?
People will believe it, too. They'll remember the headlines about scroungers on £20k per year and forget that the vast majority of that goes to the landlord, with £71pw left for absolutely everything else.
^ I have tried explaining this point to fuckwits til I'm blue in the face. They don't WANT to know the truth. It's like they use the 'scrounger' tag as a sort of talisman to ward off their own potential redundancy/poverty
^ I have tried explaining this point to fuckwits til I'm blue in the face. They don't WANT to know the truth. It's like they use the 'scrounger' tag as a sort of talisman to ward off their own potential redundancy/poverty

Of course they do.
As long as nothing goes wrong your benefits turn up on time you or the kids dont need shoes or clothes etc etc you can survivie just but anything goes wrong and your stuffed.

Cameron and pals have been staunch advocates of using benefit sanctions, ie stopping someone's income completely, as a form of punishment. I've yet to hear any of them come out with an explanation of how those sanctioned in this manner are expected to feed their kids, avoid getting evicted from their homes etc.
if £71/week is enough for food, bills, clothes and now council tax top ups etc, why the fuck do mps get £400 per month for their food allowance? :mad:

Because they make the rules and they can pay themselves whatever the fuck they like?

Where's that thread about the MP complaining about how hard it is to get by on his 65 grand plus expenses and saying they should be paid more?
Cameron and pals have been staunch advocates of using benefit sanctions, ie stopping someone's income completely, as a form of punishment. I've yet to hear any of them come out with an explanation of how those sanctioned in this manner are expected to feed their kids, avoid getting evicted from their homes etc.

"They'll get a job, obviously. They're only out of work because we give them benefits."
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