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Fishing season 2020

Taking grand-daughter to fish for bream (in the Yare).
Good luck. Lots of anglers diss them but I like fishing for them. The local canal has a really good stock and if you get a shoal feeding can get quite a few. I find fishing for the roach to start is a good way, regular feeding with maggot or corn, plus ground bait, bream can take a while to turn up but once they do they tend to stay around.

Take some pics if you can
It's our nearest river, Mumbles274 - fast flowing and the bream are often a decent size and actually edible (if a bit bony). Mostly, eastern europeans fish the Yare...and they eat everything they catch. My boys caught roach as kids (also in the Cam)
It's our nearest river, Mumbles274 - fast flowing and the bream are often a decent size and actually edible (if a bit bony). Mostly, eastern europeans fish the Yare...and they eat everything they catch. My boys caught roach as kids (also in the Cam)
The fishable rivers are few and far between where I am, and a fair old travel to get to so don't have any real experience beyond a bit of piking. It's an aim one day to actually spend some proper time River fishing to learn the skills involved
The fishable rivers are few and far between where I am, and a fair old travel to get to so don't have any real experience beyond a bit of piking. It's an aim one day to actually spend some proper time River fishing to learn the skills involved

You can't beat river fishing. Be it ledgering in a weir for barbel, trotting with a centrepin for chub, or spinning for pike.
Taking grand-daughter to fish for bream (in the Yare). Never done anything much other than a spot of ledgering (tench) and a bit of mackerel off a boat. Used to catch pike in the Cam and often Zander out on the fen. Might get her doing a bit of spinning with her dad - always fun for kids. While most of the anglers I know are content to simply be out on the river, I am rather more keen to catch summat I can actually eat.
Did you go? How did you get on?
You can't beat river fishing. Be it ledgering in a weir for barbel, trotting with a centrepin for chub, or spinning for pike.
River fishing is something you can spend a lifetime studying. All rivers and conditions make a days fishing more enjoyable. I sometimes fish commercial ponds (goldfish bowls) just to try new tackle and there seems to be one in every village. But I have passion for rivers.
River fishing is something you can spend a lifetime studying. All rivers and conditions make a days fishing more enjoyable. I sometimes fish commercial ponds (goldfish bowls) just to try new tackle and there seems to be one in every village. But I have passion for rivers.

Yeah, it's the real deal. For me, it's rivers or big natural lakes/loughs (I fish in Ireland a lot). I don't see the point of small, artificially stocked commercial fisheries - like shooting ducks in a barrel.
Yeah, it's the real deal. For me, it's rivers or big natural lakes/loughs (I fish in Ireland a lot). I don't see the point of small, artificially stocked commercial fisheries - like shooting ducks in a barrel.
I kinda get what you are saying but worry that it may be a kind of angling snobbery. Lots of people fish for lots of different reasons, I know I'm not into all of them but always try not to be stuck to one type. Having watched match anglers on YouTube catch over 150lb of fish in 5 hours I am sure I couldn't do that, and probably wouldnt interest me to learn . I also wouldn't be into spodding 10kilo of bait out and sitting behind the rods until a monster fish turns up. I often fish my centre pin in the margins for that direct connection to a carp or tench and I know that wouldn't appeal to everyone. With regard to commercials full of fish, some people don't want to pay for a ticket or bait and go home without catching, they want a comfortable swim to set up in and all sorts of other things. I understand that totally.

Also. It might seem like shooting ducks (shouldn't it be fish?) in a barrel, but how many could you shoot before the rest flew off? :D
I kinda get what you are saying but worry that it may be a kind of angling snobbery. Lots of people fish for lots of different reasons, I know I'm not into all of them but always try not to be stuck to one type. Having watched match anglers on YouTube catch over 150lb of fish in 5 hours I am sure I couldn't do that, and probably wouldnt interest me to learn . I also wouldn't be into spodding 10kilo of bait out and sitting behind the rods until a monster fish turns up. I often fish my centre pin in the margins for that direct connection to a carp or tench and I know that wouldn't appeal to everyone. With regard to commercials full of fish, some people don't want to pay for a ticket or bait and go home without catching, they want a comfortable swim to set up in and all sorts of other things. I understand that totally.

Also. It might seem like shooting ducks (shouldn't it be fish?) in a barrel, but how many could you shoot before the rest flew off? :D

I get that some people want a guaranteed net-full with minimal effort (and, in many case, little skill), but, if I'm honest - and, yes, it probably is snobbery to some extent - I don't think that's 'proper' fishing. But, each to their own; good luck to anyone who enjoys that - it's just not for me.
I get that some people want a guaranteed net-full with minimal effort (and, in many case, little skill), but, if I'm honest - and, yes, it probably is snobbery to some extent - I don't think that's 'proper' fishing. But, each to their own; good luck to anyone who enjoys that - it's just not for me.
Yeah, I think there is skill though, sure anyone can turn up and catch, but to fish accurately, use the right methods and rigs, feed effectively and catch fish after fish is no mean feat. Its not for me either, but I do think its proper fishing. Using a net, or illegal line fishing is not proper, not buying a license or ticket for the water is not proper fishing and I think that deserves more attention than the modern style of commercial lakes. I always wanted to fish in Ireland when I was a kid, I think John Wilson was to blame for that :D
Yeah, I think there is skill though, sure anyone can turn up and catch, but to fish accurately, use the right methods and rigs, feed effectively and catch fish after fish is no mean feat. Its not for me either, but I do think its proper fishing. Using a net, or illegal line fishing is not proper, not buying a license or ticket for the water is not proper fishing and I think that deserves more attention than the modern style of commercial lakes. I always wanted to fish in Ireland when I was a kid, I think John Wilson was to blame for that :D

If you want to fish Ireland, do it! I go after work on a Tuesday, travelling on the overnight ferry from Holyhead to Dublin; I'm fishing by mid morning on Wed, then have Thursday to Saturday. Back on the early afternoon ferry on Sunday, to be home before bedtime. Ferry is cheap, as is a decent B&B. And great craic in the pubs in the evenings. And water everywhere!
The club I am a member of has a lake that has some good carp as well as catfish in it, so yesterday when the rain had eased to mere drizzle I headed off to do a night there. I had done a morning session on Friday and blanked but had heard it fishes better at night. On arrival I had a chat with a guy that was just leaving. He said he had blanked, and had done the previous 5 times he had fished it, as well as saying no one was catching. Still, I had a drive round the lake stopping at all the empty swims, spotted a carp close in at one swim so headed back to the cat, grabbed a single rod and net/sling etc and went back. It had gone, fished the spot for a short while but decided to continue looking for a swim for the night. Didn't see any other fish showing so chose a swim and set up a couple of rods. It was wet and grey but I was keeping largely dry under my brolly.

Then the thought that I could be sat here in the rain with nothing to show for it, when the other club lake is 20 mins drive away. So I packed up and headed there.

I was going to be lazy and fish one of the first swims you come to as I had everything but the kitchen sink, but a quick walk round to the far bank revealed a jacuzzi. Got the fishing stuff, leaving bivvy and bedchair, and went and got some rods out expecting instant action. Which didn't come so set up camp for the night.

The first fish came just after midnight, followed by a couple more into early morning. When the sun came up the heat was on! The lake seemed to go quiet and I saw some fish cruising on the top so started trickling in the Chum biscuits. They weren't really feeding but every now and then would take a bait so thought I might be able to mug one. Tried a fake dog biscuit, then cut it down, then tried a bit of foam. Had a few failed takes and plenty of mouthing of the controller float but the fact they weren't really feeding was the problem.

I kept one rod on the bottom tight in the corner margins, where I had had the carp from and at some point lost one that got me into a snag. Rig all retrieved so all good.

I spent a bit of time fishing with centrepin and Avon rod to see if I could get any nice silver action of a bonus tench or carp with no joy until I switched to a worm and fake maggot to hold it on. No prizes for guessing what tool that.

I'd decided to pack off about 2, but just before noticed some nice carp were cruising again, and at times were confidently taking a dog biscuit as they did... I'd kept trickling them in all day. So thought there is no hard chucking the Rod out for one last try. 2 nice fish went up for the same bait and my final fish was on in classic floater fishing fashion. A good fight saw me land my biggest ever carp off the top and a great end to the session.

TL/DR... I Caught some fish 😂

Oh yeah, I also had new rods and reels so was nice to get them some action. BTW didn't take a pic of the bream or really small common as self takes are a pain!

8lb11 common





Worm eating perch



Yesterday's fishing was a long tough day lure fishing in the sun from 5.30 in the morning. Went to 3 different stretches of the canal, kept mobile and walked miles! I tried to keep to just a few lures depending on depth, weed etc. Had nothing to show for it until started to head back to the car after about 6 hours at it! Then decided to "oh just fish one more spot". Thought I'd snagged on some weed, couple of seconds later a pike kites off on the end of my line. Was so tired and surprised I don't think I'd really set the hooks and it came off. Probably about 5lb. Had cast into some shade from a tree.. So that was me with a second wind, fished every shady spot I could find and eventually saved a blank. Only a baby but being new to lure fishing I certainly learned a lot from the day and hopefully next time can get something a bit bigger. Will prob go later in the day or on a day it's not so hot. I knew the conditions weren't the best but I thought all I've got to do is get a lure in front of a fish and I stand a chance.

I’m contemplating borrowing a dog, stuffing the rods and surf boards in the van and driving the southwest coast path route and having a fish and surf every day....

probably Padstow-Plymouth
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