Me and Mr Thora are very equal in terms of housework and childcare, but I have always done all "clothes management" for the children. Not laundry so much as buying clothes, choosing what they will wear, checking it fits, getting rid of stuff with holes in.
I think he just genuinely has no interest in whether they are wearing clothes that are too big/small (so long as they vaguely fit), has the odd hole or stain or whether they look "nice".
I really do care, so I do it all.
Of course the difference is, if he drops our child off to nursery with unbrushed hair, wearing their younger sibling's t-shirt with toothpaste down it, and clashing patterns - the staff will just chuckle "tough morning dad? Bless him, he tried! Mum having a lie-in?". No one would think it was cute if I did it
I know it's true because I instinctively have the same "give dad a break, at least he tried!" feelings whereas I would judge the mum who hasn't dressed her child well much more harshly. Even though on an intellectual level I hate the double standard. There's no reason at all why men can't take a little bit of care over their children's clothes/appearance and they should be judged for not being bothered.