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favourite guitar solos

Thing is, as illustrated by quite a bit of Jimi Hendrix and to pick an example we've just been talking about, early Jimmy Page session stuff, solos (in the Freebird/Stairway to Heaven sense) aren't nearly as spine-tingling as a guitar break of just a few bars that really works in the context of the song.
Bernie Gunther said:
Thing is, as illustrated by most Jimi Hendrix and early Jimmy Page, solos (in the Freebird/Stairway to Heaven sense) aren't nearly as spine-tingling as a guitar break of just a few bars that really works in the context of the song.

Definitely agree with that - too much twiddly stuff can just seem like a big long wank - I especially have Hendrix in mind when thinking of t his!! :D

Oh, Bohemian Rhapsody has a bloody good un, too. :cool:
han said:
Definitely agree with that - too much twiddly stuff can just seem like a big long wank - I especially have Hendrix in mind when thinking of t his!! :D

Oh, Bohemian Rhapsody has a bloody good un, too. :cool:
If you take almost all the classic studio Hendrix stuff though (as opposed to the innumerable posthumous out-takes records), he's usually just playing songs with occasional pyrotechnics in the breaks.

The twiddly stuff only goes on and on forever when he's onstage and off his face (which I admit was regrettably often)
Oh yeah, OK. I just thought of a guitar solo I really do like, although or perhaps because it's only a few bars long. It's this one right at the end of ' from 'Here Come the Warm Jets' (please excuse the pointless video but it's the only full version I could find online)
Bernie Gunther said:
Oh yeah, OK. I just thought of a guitar solo I really do like, although or perhaps because it's only a few bars long. It's this one right at the end of ' from 'Here Come the Warm Jets' (please excuse the pointless video but it's the only full version I could find online)

Hmmm... this has reminded me of Robert Fripp's guitar solo on John Cale's Gun. It's completely deranged, and made all the more intense by Eno doing whatever-the-fuck-it-was that he did on the mixing desk.

Kaka Tim said:
Nooooooooooooo !!!!!!!
yeah, well, cliche I know, old hat I guess, but I only heard it for the first time when it came on in a bookshop not long ago, and instead of browsing for books I just went up to the nearest speaker - and it's not often a tune does that to me these days. So, :p

Addy said:
I know i'm a prat, but I really do like the intro to G&R Sweet Child o Mine :oops:

No your not a prat - its a very fine guitar riff (not a solo though).

shit band otherewise though.

And what is it with fucking freebird? - shit song, made even shiter by a boring, boring, shitty way way overlong piece of shit, shit blues guitar solo. In fact, that guitar solo is one of the main reasons punk had to happen.

Speaking of blues - George Thoroughgood and the Destroyers, that is some mean guitar playing - dirty as fuck.
killer b said:
it was the last eight times this thread came up... :D

oh well....there may have been lots of great solos since the last thread....although perhaps not...apparently there have been very few since the 70s...this thread may now end. :D
Kaka Tim said:
And what is it with fucking freebird? - shit song, made even shiter by a boring, boring, shitty way way overlong piece of shit, shit blues guitar solo. In fact, that guitar solo is one of the main reasons punk had to happen.

Oh do stop being so grumpy :D
Freebird is a crime against humanity. You should know that, Freebird lovers. And you should also know that I know who you are.
How can there be any argument here? I mean 'freebird' is the ultimate challenge on :p
No comebacks??? :mad:

I'm going to defend 'freebird' against all-comers. So come on, you freebird-deriding pussies :p :D
danny la rouge said:
Freebird is a crime against humanity. You should know that, Freebird lovers. And you should also know that I know who you are.

Nooooooooooooooooo :(
Mwah, wheres the metal "represent" on this boards? :shocked:

Why is there no mention of the solo from the trooper here? Or from crazy train? Try being in a band playing either of those two; its just amazing how well every part fits in so well together... amazing rush :)

And if your into that kind of thing (of which i am) cemetary gates by pantera? you just can't go wrong! dueling guitar/vocalness! fooking ace :cool:

(i do realise that no-one on this board seems capable of enjoying musical technical ability in any sense :) )
Kaka Tim said:
In fact, that guitar solo is one of the main reasons punk had to happen.

yeah, but Punk was a bit rubbish though from a musical point of view :p
Almost nothing of any lasting value came out of it.
danny la rouge said:
Freebird is a crime against humanity. You should know that, Freebird lovers. And you should also know that I know who you are.
sure, it's a crime against humanity... it's utter overblown pomp is part of what makes it the second greatest guitar solo of all time.

i saw a live version of it on telly once, where they had 8 guitarists on stage, all trying to outdo each other... truly an amazing sight. :cool:
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