Really? I know lots of women who are neither.Well you are either a feminist or a mysoginist
Really? I know lots of women who are neither.Well you are either a feminist or a mysoginist
Phototropic said:I know I am probably sounding overly simplistic, but surely you either want equality or you don't
HarrisonSlade said:What the hell is wrong with giving both parents custody, and allowing the kid to sleep eat and do his or her homework where or when he or she pleases, just as long as it is with either parent? Both parents had the kid, surely it is both their responsibilities to look after it; and it's not the kids fault that mummy and daddy have broken up, so why should junior be punished by being told by the parent that some tosser in a white wig has given carte blanche over?
Why not just completely get rid of custody laws and let the kid be brought up by who he or she wishes, more than likely both? or is it more important to keep up this cruel game of political egos that seriously damage children?
That is completely unfair and totally contrary to everything I have said. I find what has happened to you horrific, and find offence that you would say that I condone anything that occured.LilMissHissyFit said:Nothing so long as neither parent acts in a way which is going to fuck up their childs head even more.
Not all parents sadly can act in that way and put their kids interests first, it seems those who have to use the courts to try and make sure their kids interests do come first get tarred with the same brush by you, were all evil were all ego maniacs then we just cant win can we?
I went to court to stop my kids being told that their father was going to come round and stab me in the middle of the night ( amongst other things after assaulting me on handovers) hardly seems fair or productive to allow him to carry on doing that to them? Trying to run we over in the car? that ok by you? having his family meet me and set his sister onto me the second I stepped out of the car to collect the children after an overnight visit ( a visit Id offered him repeatedly and arranged to suit him and his demands)
All this while I had to ask over and over for him to take an interest in his children rather than me, god forbid he should have all three art the same time, they were just too demanding, he couldnt possibly have managed so he didnt want the responsibility did he? That my fault too I suppose becuase Im a woman????
I'll argue to the end of time that I did put my kids first and I have it down in black and white about that point and its exactly how I was judged by the court welfare officer and that was what was in the report.
Orang Utan said:Do you think dressing up as super heroes and behaving like overgrown schoolboys is going to endear you to the public and make the the courts see you as responsible fathers?
HarrisonSlade said:That is completely unfair and totally contrary to everything I have said. I find what has happened to you horrific, and find offence that you would say that I condone anything that occured.
I will point this out and then continue without replying to your personal experience. I have never condemned Mothers or Fathers from putting court injunctions on criminally dangerous ex spouses. This, I believe, goes without saying. I have in fact said that it is not the right of any parent to control their childrens life, but it is their responsibility to look after them. The choice is with the child whether they want to stay at one house or t'other.
With respect to the amount of horror in your life and I am truly sorry that you went through what you did, I do have to say that I take offence at you bringing me into the picture, by insinuating that I would believe that any of it would be your fault because of your gender. It is gender politics, of which I am trying to side track this whole issue against. I completely condemn an action group called fathers4justice, believing that they are, themselves, drawn up in the very same battle of egos.
bfg said:.
Also be aware that wanting to be a father, and being denied that for often very petty reasons, inspires very powerful human emotions. Some of the members involved with this group have been in this position for many years, and in a lot of cases being denied the chance to see your kids is similar to being bereaved. It doesn't take long for a parent to become desperate. Some of the people taking part in the actions discussed are very desperate men who, due to reluctance of anyone (apart from family solicitors more than willing to make a fortune out of their misery) to take any interest in them,?
I've breached court orders, LHMF. The courts don't always (often) get it right. It sounds as if you've had a pretty lousy time and are very angry. I wouldn't try to belittle that. But I feel you're trying to belittle the anguish and pain felt by fathers and by the children who feel deserted. The present court system is (notwithstanding some very unpleasant evidence to the contrary) biased in favour of mothers. I was accused of all kinds of shit, none of which was true, which was initially believed by the courts. I accept that sometimes children are used by fathers to get at their exes. But to think that doesn't also apply to mothers is plain blinkered.LilMissHissyFit said:The one in the article was breaching a court order
Bang out of order personal abuse.TopCat said:Ignore the witterings of that dysfunctional idot Fat Hamster.
editor said:Bang out of order personal abuse.
(Editor's hand hovers over yellow card pocket)
fat hamster said:- but it hardly constitutes personal abuse.
Orang Utan said:Do you think dressing up as super heroes and behaving like overgrown schoolboys is going to endear you to the public and make the the courts see you as responsible fathers?
Well, that is absolutely not what I said. I don't believe that to be the case, and I've never said it.Mrs Magpie said:I agree, your initial posts came over as 'all men are callow shiftless bastards' and 'all women are shining paragons'........
Orang Utan said:Do you think dressing up as super heroes and behaving like overgrown schoolboys is going to endear you to the public and make the the courts see you as responsible fathers?
I advocate abolition of a law of which one parent is allowed to dictate terms to their child. Though I do believe that policing of injunctions ought to be a lot more efficient.LilMissHissyFit said:Interesting you say that but in your post you accused people of being in a battle of egos and you also advocated the abolition of the laws which now protect my children from any further abuse of their parents power.Its the very custody laws and court process that you condemned which protected my children, Injunctions failed them, the family courts failed them until he tried to kill me
THATS why I asked you the questions and argued my point. You generalised far too much, something many people in this thread seem to be doing. Simply trying to show that the law does have its uses, that whats at stake is far more than a battle of Egos. Believe me if it was as simple as a battle of Egos once youve been through the court system a few times and been knocked back or not got a satisfactory result on behalf of your children if you are a genuine parent who believes there are issues concerning your children you are ready to throw in the towel completely.
It's the extension of that product of her experience to this pidgenholing of all men that people find so offensive.sparkling said:if FH's experiences both personal and second hand are that fathers are a waste of space then thats her experience and her point of view.
white rabbit said:It's the extension of that product of her experience to this pidgenholing of all men that people find so offensive.
I'm not surprised it's provoked the hostility it has, tbh.
Really? That line of argument justifies rascism if people acknowledge that they're rascist and I don't find 'rascist and proud' any more palatable than anyother form of rascism.In a way its okay to be prejudice so long as you acknowledge it to be so.