The party's over.
For the bulk of the Noughties, British guitar music thrived in an atmosphere of optimism and fiscal support, with major label cash raining down from the Heavens.
Then, just like that, it all stopped. Of course, some people were never invited to the party. Peckham's Fat White Family didn't receive an invite, and no doubt thought the affair too tawdry, pathetic and obvious to spend much time worrying over.
Cut off from the mainstream, Fat White Family grew intense, angry, sick and imaginative. New single 'Heaven On Earth' is groaning psych-punk, all tattered and frayed at the edges, sounding like a unkempt, untamed, unrelenting beast.
Set to be released on November 18th, the track comes equipped with a stunning new video. Dark and deeply twisted, the visuals for 'Heaven On Earth' are part animated, with drawings handled by infamous Stateside comic artist Mike Diana.
Lauded by his supporters, Mike Diana grappled with the law as his incendiary work saw him become the first comic artist to be successfully prosecuted for obscenity in the United States.