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Fascist Action Planned for Dover, Kent (5th of September)

justice for junky failure hooligan bunny crehan flag and same old nobs.
Apparently he’d been swearing in the faces of the old bill all morning on his megaphone - was only a matter of time before they’d had enough & slammed his pin head into the ground with a public disorder breach.
That's exactly what happened. I watched it live.
Not sure if this is paid-for advertorial or a news report in the Graun

That article makes it sound like the fashies achieved something 😐

I honestly thought it would have turned out with the little bloke and a couple of his mates wondering around shouting with nobody bothering to take notice.
Piss poor turnout for the far right (never 400 by any account ) who were effectively policed . No doubt they’ll be back but the promise of thousands never materialised and they are left to moan about uneven policing compared to BLM. Hard to see unless who on the far right can draw in the numbers tbh at the moment . Also happy to see that ex vets exposed the Nottingham based Cumberbatch fella as gilding their lily on his military record . Be interesting see to see what they turn up on the mini action man who mouthed off a load of racist abuse at Police officers and got lifted .
Also happy to see that ex vets exposed the Nottingham based Cumberbatch fella as gilding their lily on his military record . Be interesting see to see what they turn up on the mini action man who mouthed off a load of racist abuse at Police officers and got lifted .

Being ex-forces myself it’s little wins like that, that please me greatly. SAS beret ffs lol And as far as the ‘little twat’ goes, he probably didn’t get any closer to the Royal Artillery cap badge than the recruiting office due to having flat feet! Wankers.
Being ex-forces myself it’s little wins like that, that please me greatly. SAS beret ffs lol And as far as the ‘little twat’ goes, he probably didn’t get any closer to the Royal Artillery cap badge than the recruiting office due to having flat feet! Wankers.
I'm sure he came by it honestly, buying it from eBay or similar
I'm sure he came by it honestly, buying it from eBay or similar

Like that other twat from a few weeks ago with an Army Air Corp beret & Royal Artillery belt :D

I’m tempted to get a few ‘fake squaddie’ stickers printed up, & go round asking these fantasists their army numbers. No number recited, fake sticker on the face it is then.

e2a: For those who haven’t been in the forces, you never forget your number. It’s a memory tattoo.
someone pointed out that these phonies always pretend they're paras or SaS, never the military music regiment or office supplies. the local fish guy on the market pretends he is ex-SaS with the older folks but it's obviously a joke cos he's just a likely lad & lacks rigour.
. Also happy to see that ex vets exposed the Nottingham based Cumberbatch fella as gilding their lily on his military record . Be interesting see to see what they turn up on the mini action man who mouthed off a load of racist abuse at Police officers and got lifted .

Got a link to this? Fancy a chuckle
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