Shades of Thin Blue Lineism with the Punisher-esque SVUK logo, and slightly awkward 2083-ish crusader imagery too
e.g.No idea what you’re on about tbh
Nigel Marcham is now out of prison. He is exaggerating how he was arrested, claiming he was 'kicked in the kidneys' and punched. He is banned from Dover for a while but looks like he intends for his far-right followers to return to Dover at some point. Apparently he's heading for Hastings next in few days.
A bit like my mum's co-op number thene2a: For those who haven’t been in the forces, you never forget your number. It’s a memory tattoo.
Always front line when it was divvy timeA bit like my mum's co-op number then
Nonce face off
. A lot around can run for years know 2 ended up working for pmcs in Iraq. One was thrown out when his previous career turned out to be fiction. Other was running stores and dealing with clients he looked the part and could tell great stories so got to live his dream. No one trusted him to do anything dangerous.fecking hell - just took a look - how do they pull it off in the Internet world ?
2439 It is so ubiquitous in the army that Mrs Sas still remembers it.Like that other twat from a few weeks ago with an Army Air Corp beret & Royal Artillery belt
I’m tempted to get a few ‘fake squaddie’ stickers printed up, & go round asking these fantasists their army numbers. No number recited, fake sticker on the face it is then.
e2a: For those who haven’t been in the forces, you never forget your number. It’s a memory tattoo.