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Falklands 40 years on ..

Don't know enough about current Arg domestic politics to grip why now, but this may throw a spoke in a little thing that could have big ripples.

Argentina is looking to buy some fighters, because it's current lot are all on bricks. There are two potential suppliers: the US with some second hand F-16's (with a UK nod to the US DoD), or JF-17's from China. Buying from China will put them even more in Chinese orbit, there's also talk of a Chinese 'facility' at a dockyard in Patagonia, and Chi 'investment' in infrastructure.

This makes it more difficult for UK to say yes to US - or for the US to say yes to Arg - and more likely they'll go for the Chinese. The Chinese of course have a vested interest in tying up UK mil assets in the South Atlantic, rather than having them in the South China Sea.
Vivan Las Malvinas! Viva la Unión Europea!

I've just reheated my tea by holiding it next to my PC screen showing the Daily Mail article on this :D

:D Should get some juices flowing. Totally political from the EU point of view and will probably only lead to the UKG telling Argentina to go fuck themselves again, but fun to keep it in the news.
The EU have changed their minds and are now using The Falklands/Malvinas, after a "regrettable choice of words". :D

In a statement following the row, the EU foreign policy service clarified the bloc's position, telling several newspapers: "The EU member states have not changed their views and positions concerning the Falklands/Islas Malvinas.

"The EU is not in a situation to express any position on the Falklands/Islas Malvinas, as there is not any council discussion on this matter."
Well nothing's happened.

The EU are not referring to The Falklands as the Malvinas. They've "clarified" (changed?) their position in the last couple of hours.

See the link I posted above.
Well nothing's happened.

The EU are not referring to The Falklands as the Malvinas. They've "clarified" (changed?) their position in the last couple of hours.

See the link I posted above.

Yeah I got all that. I was just making the point that stuff like this probably wouldn't have even needed amending if the EU still had the UK within it looking after its interests.
Yeah I got all that. I was just making the point that stuff like this probably wouldn't have even needed amending if the EU still had the UK within it looking after its interests.

Meh. It was the usual meaningless load of old bollocks raised by Argentinas/Celac, about Falklands sovereignty, which the EU kicked into the long grass, but some minion used the wrong words and is probably getting told-off as we speak. The EU couldn't give a fuck about The Falklands, and would far prefer Argentina just to go away.
Meh. It was the usual meaningless load of old bollocks raised by Argentinas/Celac, about Falklands sovereignty, which the EU kicked into the long grass, but some minion used the wrong words and is probably getting told-off as we speak. The EU couldn't give a fuck about The Falklands, and would far prefer Argentina just to go away.

That’s the point, the EU doesn’t care, the U.K. got played and Sunak threw his toys out. And then it all had to be backpeddled. A needless waste of time for all sides except Argentina who take all the troll points.
That’s the point, the EU doesn’t care, the U.K. got played and Sunak threw his toys out. And then it all had to be backpeddled. A needless waste of time for all sides except Argentina who take all the troll points.

You're viewing this from a very strange perspective. The UK hasn't been played at all. This was a fuck-up by the EU which they've now back-tracked on. Argentina take no troll points whatsoever because the EU have had to reiterate their position which is not what the Argentinians want it to be. At best, if Britain was still an EU member they might have been able to clip the original statement but it's hardly one in the eye for Brexit.
If there wasn't oil in the area no one would give a shit.

The amount of oil extraction taking place is low but that's mainly because investors are shit scared of putting money into a political hot potato.
If there wasn't oil in the area no one would give a shit.

The amount of oil extraction taking place is low but that's mainly because investors are shit scared of putting money into a political hot potato.

Thick as mince.

It's been an issue since the 18th century, which somewhat predates the discovery of oil.
You're viewing this from a very strange perspective. The UK hasn't been played at all. This was a fuck-up by the EU which they've now back-tracked on. Argentina take no troll points whatsoever because the EU have had to reiterate their position which is not what the Argentinians want it to be. At best, if Britain was still an EU member they might have been able to clip the original statement but it's hardly one in the eye for Brexit.
Not for Brexit, but certainly for the usual suspects in the U.K. right wing media and Tory politicians, who once again have taken the bait and exposed themselves though their apoplectic reaction as the raving lunatic gammons yelling at clouds that they are.
Not for Brexit, but certainly for the usual suspects in the U.K. right wing media and Tory politicians, who once again have taken the bait and exposed themselves though their apoplectic reaction as the raving lunatic gammons yelling at clouds that they are.

More nuanced than that - much more.

Yes, foaming loons honk off. It's what they do - mainly while taking a 30 second break from honking that having an account with Courts is a human right.

However, much less puce tinted people take the view that sloppy language creates grey areas, it creates misunderstandings, it allows wishful thinking, it encourages people to think things - usually things they really want to think - and possibly do things that they think they've got a green light for.
Not for Brexit, but certainly for the usual suspects in the U.K. right wing media and Tory politicians, who once again have taken the bait and exposed themselves though their apoplectic reaction as the raving lunatic gammons yelling at clouds that they are.

Well again, that's quite a partisan position to take.

The UK claim to sovereignty over The Falklands is not a particularly right wing or Tory view. Sure, they're the dicks who would get more immediately exercised than most if the EU as a bloc suddenly officially decided to call the islands Las Malvinas, but so would many others. It would be an enormous shift in their previously stated policy, and the European Union would have to vote on that as policy as a whole, not just one prat gobbing-off out of turn.

Argentina, understandably, seized on the mistake, trying to make political capital out of it, but they (along with the unnamed "EU source" who wanked-on about the UK not having a say in things because of Brexit) are the ones who have ended up with egg on their faces when the correction was made, the EU announced that their official position was the same as before, and subsequently referred to The Falklands/Las Malvinas.

If this hadn't been straightened out as quickly as it has been, most right-minded people would have joined the gammons in calling the EU, cunts.

Fortunately we didn't need to! ;)
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I remember I was working on a building site in London at the time. Mainly Irish. A great bunch.

Not great supporters of British armed forces or Thatcher. They called Falkland the Malvinas. Remember one who told me that he went to his local supermarket and make sure his tinned Corn Beef was Argentinian. Coming from a country that had to fight to get its freedom from the British Imperialism they had a different perspective from the flag waving that went on during the Falklands war. As far as they were concerned the Falklands was one of those place the Brits occupied.
Catholics do love a bit of fascism
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