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Eye Witness Testimony: North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition

Loki said:
Waddayou know, another anonymous bullshit 9/11 conspiracy website. Give us a break and come back when you've got credible sources.

What the fuck are you doing interjecting you twat - the quote was from Christian Science Monitor link again, in case you missed it. And before you suggest that that respected newspaper is some fundamentalist mag, let me inform you that it won the Pulitzer prize seven times.


At least fridgemagnet had the decency to realise he was out of order, unlike you twerps (I'm including you bob).
And there's nothing 'anonymous' about 911forthetruth.com - it's the site of lawyer Phil Berg, another chap whose hand I am honoured to have shaken, and who is acting for Rodriguez in his lawsuit against Bush :rolleyes:
Loki said:
That's really not characteristic of you DrJazzz.
Yes, indeed, you should consider what an utter twat you are being to get such a response from me.
OK I will accept the Christian Science Monitor is a good source, not quite CNN or the BBC though.

BUT - all they're saying is Rodriguez thinks that things happened "behind locked doors". Without any evidence.
Strange that the janitor failed to notice the massive truckloads of explosives being shipped in beforehand or failed to observe the teams of explosive experts roaming the place, isn't it?

Actually, that reminds me of this article I read in the 70s - that the Guy Falks thing was actually a set-up - there never was a gunpowder plot - it was a propaganda ploy. One of the bits of evidence being that there was no record of loads of barrels of gunpowder either being smuggled in or taken out of the houses of parliament. It was a hell of a lot of gunpowder and there was no evidence of it ever having existed. Apparently.

Mind you, the houses's of parliament didn't actually blow up - but that's another story.
The point was not whether mainstream media insists 9-11 was all a conspiracy.

The point was whether you guys would be so appallingly small-minded as to dismiss and jeer the words of a real hero.

I say once again:

Shame on this forum

DrJazzz said:
The point was not whether mainstream media insists 9-11 was all a conspiracy.

The point was whether you guys would be so appallingly small-minded as to dismiss and jeer the words of a real hero.

I say once again:

Shame on this forum


Mate, nobody is suggesting Rodriguez isn't a hero (he is in my eyes), but still it doesn't mean that because he believes such and such happened and decisions were taken "behind locked doors" that they actually happened.
FridgeMagnet said:
You know, if I were a neo-con looking to create a bulletproof yet guaranteed alibi for imperialist warfare, I'd systematically abuse Middle Eastern countries, publicly support corrupt and oppressive regimes and carefully pay little attention to how much hatred was being generated, ruin diplomatic and intelligence links, claim all the while that anyone expressing an opposition to the US was an irrational fanatic and build up a myth in my home country that this was the case via relentless cross-party propaganda - so that when the inevitable terrorist attack *did* occur I could use it as an opportunity to do whatever I wanted without fear of contradiction from a historically and politically aware populace.

I wouldn't fuck about with a bomb in a van. Would it have made any difference if the WTC had just sort of half fallen (and had to be demolished anyway) vs if it completely fell?

Oh no, don't get me wrong, I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. They may be true, they may not be. This present administration is so devious and anti-democratic that if I were told they had organised the attacks, I would close my eyes, think of Rumsfeld, and say, "Well that makes sense." It was just so well timed.

What makes the conspiracies impossible is not the way the buildings fell or the biographies of the terrorists, but the supposed conspirators. Those clowns, 4 years after the fact, would have to have managed to keep such a conspiracy quiet. I would assume that takes some chutzpah. So, I close my eyes and think of Donald Rumsfeld and say "that makes no sense whatsoever."

What I was taking issue with was the assertion that a bomb big enough to make a loud bang could not be driven (without attracting attention) into the car park (beneath the buildings) and detonated.
DrJazzz said:
It was an extraordinary testimony - he even held up the master key to the WTC complex - one of five, and the only one in use that day. Being a civilian, he was ordered to leave many times, but refused. He undoubtedly saved many lives that day, and is held as the last man to get out of the towers alive.
Did you ask him how he failed to notice the tons and tons of explosives being brought into a building he was supposed to be looking after?
editor said:
Does he mention that the building was blown up by explosives in that article YES/NO?
He didn't write that article. The point of that article was to confirm his heroic status.

You can find what he has to say on www.911forthetruth.com

And had you turned up to the meeting to hear him speak, you would have heard this hero explain how easy it would be to gain access as a maintenance worker, and how many offices were unoccupied, indeed an entire floor was unoccupied.

You would have heard this hero say how he has gone from being feted by the mainstream media, to being ignored by it - since he started becoming awkward to the official line.

You would have heard how this hero had become homeless for a while, and live in his car - thanks to his refusal to shut up.

You would have heard how this hero, when he testified before the sham of the 9-11 commission, it was behind closed doors so the public wouldn't hear it and his testimony could be ignored.

While the mainstream media and US Government now simply ignore this hero, it seems the 'alternative' media jeer and ridicule him, with comments of 'bin', 'tinfoil', 'chemtrails' and unbelievably... 'Hong Kong Phooey'. :rolleyes:

I say once again

Shame on this forum
DrJazzz said:
heroic status...hero....this hero....this hero....this hero...this hero.
Wow! You're truly in awe!

So was he the only "hero" of that day?

If not, how come you're not fawning all over the equally heroic exploits of many, many others?

Or is your near-religious devotion to his heroism a reflection of the fact that he's the only person you can dredge up out of the thousands of brave people that actually agrees with your barking theories?
Where did I say he was the only one?

Show me a hero, and I will most certainly listen to his words. That's why when William Rodriguez came to our doorstep, I went and listened. While others jeered.

However, I think you'll be very hard pressed to find someone equally as heroic as William.

And I might add with this 'religious devotion' stuff, :rolleyes: you are being an arsehole, rather. But you are right - I am in awe of William's actions on that day. I am also in awe that he was prepared to throw away his adulation to endure the ridicule of the many small-minded people around.
DrJazzz said:
Where did I say he was the only one?

Show me a hero, and I will most certainly listen to his words. That's why when William Rodriguez came to our doorstep, I went and listened. While others jeered.

So what about all those many, many other "heroes" who don't think that the WTC was hit by pretend planes and invisible explosives?

Why aren't you singing their praises?

How come their versions of events doesn't match Rodriguez's?

Are they all lying? Are they in the employ of the CIA?

He was just one employee out of thousands, so how come no one else has come forward to support his story?

Why is that, do you think?
DrJazzz said:
And I might add with this 'religious devotion' stuff, :rolleyes: you are being an arsehole, rather.
Calling someone a "hero" or "heroic" six times in a single post is more than a tad over the top and borders on the kind of fawning behaviour exhibited by religious fanatics, IMO.
DrJazzz said:
However, I think you'll be very hard pressed to find someone equally as heroic as William.
And there you go again.


But feel free to explain why the testimony of a "hero" somehow overrides the testimony of thousands of ordinary folks.

Why is that, exactly?
You haven't read the links. There were many eyewitness accounts that support Rodriguez' story. I haven't heard any that oppose it, let alone from heroes.

I now say,

Shame on you editor
DrJazzz said:
You haven't read the links. There were many eyewitness accounts that support Rodriguez' story. I haven't heard any that oppose it, let alone from heroes.
So exactly which credible eyewitness accounts claim that the towers were exploded from within?

I don't give a fuck if they come from "heroes" or not, by the way.
editor said:
I don't give a fuck if they come from "heroes" or not, by the way.

I know, because you can be such a twat. You will listen to ones that do not trouble the official story and ignore the others.
DrJazzz said:
I know, because you can be such a twat. You will listen to ones that do not trouble the official story and ignore the others.
You've got that the wrong way around.

And a little less of the mouthy personal abuse would be nice too.

Care to answer my questions now, please?
That's rich considering what I have been taking from you on a regular basis. I trust I won't be hearing the words tinfoil hat/nutjob/conspiraloon or similar from your mouth? And I trust you'll get pk to shut the fuck up next time he posts his oh-so-predictable abuse in my direction?

CBS reporter

Teresa Veliz - Survivor
"The flashlight led us into Borders bookstore, up an escalator, and out to Church Street. The explosions were going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons. I was afraid to go down Church Street towards Broadway, but I had to do it. I ended up on Vesey Street. There was another explosion. And another. I didn't know which way to run."

Louie Cacchioli - Firefighter
"We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building. I had just asked another firefighter to stay with me, which was a good thing because we were trapped inside the elevator and he had the tools to get out."

...those are of course in addition to Felipe David who not only heard the explosion but has the scars to prove it, and the 14 other people who were with Rodriguez in the office at the time... of course you didn't even read the title post of the thread :rolleyes:

DrJazzz said:
...those are of course in addition to Felipe David who not only heard the explosion but has the scars to prove it, and the 14 other people who were with Rodriguez in the office at the time... of course you didn't even read the title post of the thread :rolleyes:


we want more! we want more!
DrJazzz said:
At least fridgemagnet had the decency to realise he was out of order, unlike you twerps (I'm including you bob).

Well when you come here with a seriously crap source with no explanation of why exactly the US gov chose the worst method to blow the building up then i'll give you the benifit of the doubt.

I don't give a shit if he saved ten people, one person or a stuffed teddy, as written that article is vauge and unconvincing to say the least, see my earlier points.
DrJazzz said:
Louie Cacchioli - Firefighter
"We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building. I had just asked another firefighter to stay with me, which was a good thing because we were trapped inside the elevator and he had the tools to get out."

Yes please because this is laughable, piss weak stuff.

Have you ever seen a house on fire, DrJ? You'll hear explosions going off all over the place as a wide variety of inflammable goods and gases explode. Big ones too, sometimes. Considering the size of the WTC - one of the world's largest buildings, stuffed full of utilities and equipment - I'm not at all surprised that there would be load explosions going off. In fact, I'd be astonished if the thing burnt in silence.

But more importantly, how come no one else - out of all the thousands of firefighters, police, eyewitnesses, reporters etc on the scene are of the opinion that the WTC was brought down by a series of bombs?

Were they all wearing ear mufflers?

And why the fuck would 'they' use such a random, feeble selection of bombs in the first place in addition to two fucking huge great aircraft smashing into the building?

And who put them there? And how come no one noticed all the explosives being carted in and the explosives experts installing them? Why didn't they all go off at once? Why does the footage show the tower collapsing from the top?

I could go on but it's all a but pointless really. You' choose to ignore the tens of thousands of eye witness reports - and the words of the fucking architect who built the thing - because you're so ridiculously obsessed with conspiracies that you're unable to see straight any more.

You're a nice bloke in real life but you're a laughing stock here when it comes to your conspiraloon theories.

I do hope you're going to apologise for that personal abuse last night by the way.
Yea - I don't go with the bomb/explosives theory either.

I mean presuming that the reason for any supposed conspiracy was to create PNAC's now famous "Pearl-Harbour like, catalyzing event"... the planes would've been enough on their own.
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