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extraordinary claim of arrest of Barbara Olson


the truth don't care
9-11 crash victim Barbara Olson arrested in Europe

by Tom Flocco

Germany--September 22, 2005--TomFlocco.com--French and American intelligence agents have arrested Barbara Olson, the wife of a former Bush administration official, a few days ago on the Polish-German border, according to agents close to and with knowledge of the incident.

The alleged 9.11 Pentagon crash victim was found to be in possession of millions in fake InterBank Italian lira currency, according to the agents.

Olson was also reportedly in possession of a fraudulent Vatican passport and was held on charges of counterfeiting.


if this is true... :eek:
I can't see anybody providing any other evidence for it - there are lots of mentions about but they all refer to Flocco's (unsourced) article.
Consiparaloon Website said:
Due to the ongoing sensitive nature of the arrest, investigation and questioning, one source who declined to be named for this story, told TomFlocco.com that Olson's call to her husband was a fraud and that another projectile impacted the Pentagon other than Olson's plane.


What was it then...? Remote control giant hedgehogs...?


Credible evidence??


You never fucking learn do you Jazzzzzzz.....
Breraking news on the Tom Flocco site....

New York City --October 6, 2005 --TomFlocco.com -- Earlier this evening intelligence members of the American-French Alliance stopped an attempt by Israeli Mossad operatives to blow up the New York City subway, according to national security and U.S. intelligence expert Thomas Heneghan.

The federal whistleblower said four Israelis were killed in the altercation and five more were captured just minutes after virtually all U.S. cable news channels, network TV outlets and New York Mayor Richard Bloomberg were reporting their own version of the incident, saying that New York City was "facing a significant, specific threat" in the city's subway.

Heneghan said CNN had this information but host Anderson Cooper did not report the real story to the American people. READ MORE http://www.tomflocco.com/fs/CiaFrenchIntell.htm
Simple question: who the flying fuck is Tom Flocco and why should anyone pay the slightest attention to anything he shunts on his source-free shitty site?
Jazzz said:

if this is true... :eek:
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

How many times have you been warned about posting up your stupid, research-untroubled conspiraloonery bollocks?

The current internet appearance of the story claiming Barbara 'Olsen' has been arrested in Europe is devoid of substance. There is not one micron of proof. The story is simply not journalism at this point in time.

Extraordinary claims DEMAND extraordinary proof. There is nothing in the 'Olsen' story to substantiate it.

First, her last name is or was misspelled 'Olsen'. It is 'Olson' and may by now be corrected.

Even more lamentable is the claim she was arrested at the 'Polish-Austrian' border.

Unfortunately, these two countries do not share a common border...as a quick look at any map of Europe will show.
Still, now we know that this Tom Flocco cunt has as much credibility as a journalist as your old pal Joe Fruit'n'Nut Loonspuds'R'us Vialls (RIP. Fuckwit)
butchersapron said:
Why "Unfortunately"? What's going on here?
"Unfortunately" for the pig-shit ignorant conspiraloon author, that's who.

I didn't think it would be possible to find a 'journalist' as clueless as jazzz's old mucker, Joe Vialls, but it seems Flocco's ready to step straight into his loonspud shoes.

I think we can can safely ignore any further utterances from the clown - after all, when Rense.com is ridiculing your conspiraloonery, you know you've got a real joker!
butchersapron said:
"Unfortunately, these two countries do not share a common border" - they used to. Why "Unfortunately"? What's going on here?
Ah, that explains it - she's actually come from the past. Which would explain why she also has lira.
Am I right in thinking that Jazzzz believes that Barabara Olson - having been killed in the 9/11 attacks - was actually walking around Europe carrying a defunct currency?

Oh lookee here!!

Tom Flocco Now Thoroughly Discredited

September 23, 2005

With many thanks to the reader who pointed out the following discrepancies which more or less confirm Tom Flocco's status as a prime disinformation agent.

We've had our suspicions for some time but the following proves them quite conclusively.

First off, Poland and Austria do not share a common border, yours truly should have picked that up immediately but geography was never a strong point at school.

Likewise the Italian lyra is no longer tenable currency, it ceased to be legal tender on February 28, 2002. Which makes claims about fake lyra currency all the more improbable along with everything else claimed by the recent guest on Jeff Rense's internet radio show.

Moreover, a reader has just informed us that location of events reported on Flocco's website has now changed.
From being the Austrian Polish border, as originally reported, it's now moved to the Polish German border, which actually exists.

Seems like Flocco got wind of his mistake and is now trying to recover his tattered credibility.

Any comments to make Jazzzz???

butchersapron said:
"Unfortunately, these two countries do not share a common border" - they used to.

When was that, then?

Even in the time of Prussia, surely Silesia always lay between the Habsburg Empire and the pre-devided Kingdom of Poland?
pk said:
Am I right in thinking that Jazzzz believes that Barabara Olson - having been killed in the 9/11 attacks - was actually walking around Europe carrying a defunct currency?

Oh lookee here!!

Any comments to make Jazzzz???

I am and was well aware that this could be disinformation. But it was such a wild story I thought I'd post it. :p
Jazzz said:
I am and was well aware that this could be disinformation.
Sure you were. Looks to me like you could barely hide your excitement.

But please don't start any more totally unresearched, ridiculous threads repeating the utterances of some conspiraloon clown spouting total barking nonsense - I've got site's reputation to think about!

Maybe you should think of your own reputation too before rushing to post up your next installment from the Fruit'n'Nut farm?

And for someone who claims to be seeking to uncover 'the truth', you sure seem hopeless at undertaking even the most basic of simple research into stories, you know.
editor said:
Sure you were. Looks to me like you could barely hide your excitement.
Oh come on. The thread title says 'extraordinary claim' which meant I was just passing on this claim. You know me, if I think something's true I'll come out and say so.

Note the word 'if' in the sentence 'if this is true...' and the incredulous smiley, from which one may deduce that I must also have been considering the possibility that it was not true.

It was just such a wild one that I thought I'd post it as soon as I got it. Also Tom Flocco is a site endorsed by Ellen Mariani (one of the 9-11 widows, suing Bush) so it's interesting even as a piece of disinformation.
Jazzz said:
Note the word 'if' in the sentence 'if this is true...' and the incredulous smiley, from which one may deduce that I must also have been considering the possibility that it was not true.
You may as well 'passed on' the mad bumblings of a crazed drunk in the street, but these boards aren't here for that and sure wouldn't be much fun to read if everyone followed your example.
Jazzz said:
Also Tom Flocco is a site endorsed by Ellen Mariani (one of the 9-11 widows, suing Bush) so it's interesting even as a piece of disinformation.
Do you think that Flocco has even the slightest shred of credibility as a journalist, then?

What's his qualifications? Why should anyone care what he thinks?
Or have you found yourself a new replacement for Joe "what's evidence?" Vialls?
Jazzz said:
But it was such a wild story I thought I'd post it. :p

there are plenty of wild stories out there, should they all be posted? surely if they're that wild, a bit of source checking might not come amiss?
guinnessdrinker said:
there are plenty of wild stories out there, should they all be posted? surely if they're that wild, a bit of source checking might not come amiss?

Your tag line talks about gardening the mind, yet you object to jazzz doing that...
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