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Essential Trump/Alt-Right Ridicule Thread

Depends on the circumstances. For example, it would be odd to give a state funeral for a man executed on federal charges of high treason (whatever the US equivalent is) for his part leading the failed bloody coup of 2025 after the 'contested' election results.
There won’t be much left to bury after Musk’s spacecraft he was a guest on (along with Musk, Thiel, Farage and Tate) burned out and crashed into Tufton Street while they were having a function for political editors of Britain’s right-wing media.
Last night I found myself wondering what kind of funeral Trump will get. Will he get the full State Funeral normally accorded to ex-Presidents or will he be buried at the first hole in Bedminster?

Trump's parents, older brother, and some other relatives are buried in a cemetery in Queens where nosy reporters get chased away, I think he'll probably end up in a gold-plated coffin there unless he's got plans to be entombed in a Great Pyramid of Mar-a-Lago or something

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I quite like that apart from the Trump crap.
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I don't think many urbans will have played Disco Elysium which is a shame cos it's amazing and very urban coded. Do drugs, discuss communism and fight over it.
It’s all bloody words though and no action. I gave up before I even got out of the room. I remember these sort of games when I was a kid in the 80s and they were shit then. Games have got so much better since, yet some seem to perversely enjoy these weird retro text games

sorry, you may know this already, but "you can't say merry christmas anymore" was for a long time a waul of the rightwing culture warriors. as christians, they're being oppressed becuase "you" "have to" say "happy holidays" becuase thet's "woke" or "liberal" or "inclusive". it is weird that he's bringing that back up (it had subsided).
sorry, you may know this already, but "you can't say merry christmas anymore" was for a long time a waul of the rightwing culture warriors. as christians, they're being oppressed becuase "you" "have to" say "happy holidays" becuase thet's "woke" or "liberal" or "inclusive". it is weird that he's bringing that back up (it had subsided).

a side-track, but i'm fairly sure that 'happy holidays' (which to me, is an americanism that has to some extent drifted to england) has been around long before 'woke' or 'political correctness' and only relatively recently have the culture warriors taken against it.

is that anything like right?

and was it ever intended as an 'inclusive' alternative to something christmas related? (maybe to include hanukkah?) or does it encompass everything from thanksgiving to new year and all points between?
a side-track, but i'm fairly sure that 'happy holidays' (which to me, is an americanism that has to some extent drifted to england) has been around long before 'woke' or 'political correctness' and only relatively recently have the culture warriors taken against it.

is that anything like right?

and was it ever intended as an 'inclusive' alternative to something christmas related? (maybe to include hanukkah?) or does it encompass everything from thanksgiving to new year and all points between?
hbomberguy did a vid on this a while back.

a side-track, but i'm fairly sure that 'happy holidays' (which to me, is an americanism that has to some extent drifted to england) has been around long before 'woke' or 'political correctness' and only relatively recently have the culture warriors taken against it.

is that anything like right?

yes i think it is right. i can't say i was paying attention at the time, but i think that's right. as usual the rightwingers have gone and found something to feel oppressed about ("marxists in our universities", "critical race theory in our primary schools").

and was it ever intended as an 'inclusive' alternative to something christmas related? (maybe to include hanukkah?) or does it encompass everything from thanksgiving to new year and all points between?

don't know its origin, but it's a reference to december, cold-weather events, hannukah and christmas. not thanksgiving, which is religious but not sectarian so much.
a side-track, but i'm fairly sure that 'happy holidays' (which to me, is an americanism that has to some extent drifted to england) has been around long before 'woke' or 'political correctness' and only relatively recently have the culture warriors taken against it.

is that anything like right?

and was it ever intended as an 'inclusive' alternative to something christmas related? (maybe to include hanukkah?) or does it encompass everything from thanksgiving to new year and all points between?
Bing Crosby sung this Irving Berlin song written in 1941. It's nothing new.


I know it really exists, but I cannot believe it’s not done as a piss take. It’s just so unutterably awful.

Or maybe they’re appealing to the people who wear diapers and “I’m voting for the felon” T.shirts or ear bandages in support of Trump (which is, I’m told, a way to take back the insult, reclaim the pwn).
“Happy” Holiday was a doctor who supplied opiates in the town of Tombstone, Arizona, in the 19th century. His nickname evolved into a form of greeting used by users of illicit opiates and other drugs in the Bowery area of New York City. The Beat Poets of the 1950s began to popularise the term in their work, covertly encouraged by members of the Communist Party of the USA. Communists active in the civil rights movement took the expression to the South on the Freedom Rides. It was taken up by the New Left, the Hippies, the Yippies, and the Maoist movement. “Happy Holiday” is a profoundly atheistic form of greeting that undermines the message of Christmas, and opens up the young to degenerate Marxist influences such as tight trousers, French automobiles, and Monty Python.
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