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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Doesn't look like they are exactly out on public roads? It seems it's going around a campus site, and has a driver who can take control at any point.
It will run from Trumpington Park and Ride to the Station via the Campus, parts of it will be on the public roads but on a dedicated buslane. This is a trial with 6 robot buses alongside regular ones, no-one is pretending it's yet a production service.
But robot driven vehicles are going to start appearing more and more over the next few years. Buses are an obvious first starting point, I would imagine garbage trucks might be the next step.
What no-one knows is the timescale for the technology to become fully usable on public roads. Years or decades?

The danger is getting into "just around the corner" thinking, which becomes an excuse not to invest in proper public transport infrastructure using existing technology in the meantime. I notice it now comes up in all discussions about public transport, particularly when talking about rural scenarios. Rural public transport is difficult, and it could certainly be revolutionised by autonomous vehicles, but this can only be a solution once the technology actually is ready. It's very tempting to think they will appear soon, so we can just make do with eg. inadequate bus services in the meantime. But it might be 20 years until we actually manage to have autonomous vehicles running on rural public roads. Or longer. Who knows.
This is a couple of kids fucking about on bicycles.

How do you know what it is if the video is mysteriously cut-off?

I find it hard to believe the car driver would do that for no reason whatsoever, at the very least because it risks damage to their vehicle. Something happened beforehand to make them angry and/or fearful, and it's obviously something that the video uploader doesn't want us to see.
How do you know what it is if the video is mysteriously cut-off?

I find it hard to believe the car driver would do that for no reason whatsoever, at the very least because it risks damage to their vehicle. Something happened beforehand to make them angry and/or fearful, and it's obviously something that the video uploader doesn't want us to see.

Having once had a black cab drive into me on a bicycle for faffing about a bit too much at the lights I'm not sure I agree. He was probably being annoying. Might even have bounced off his car. Doesn't justify what he did and is nothing like the case of the driver attacked by a motorcycle gang that you've linked to.
This was the Instagram user's previous post:

I've seen videos of cyclists in groups in London going through traffic doing stunts like this, anyone who gets in their way gets an earful and a dose of vandalism.
This was the Instagram user's previous post:

I've seen videos of cyclists in groups in London going through traffic doing stunts like this, anyone who gets in their way gets an earful and a dose of vandalism.

Yes. Wheelies and a bit of vandalism. We know. Don't think anyone else here will claim that justifies a physical attack. Well, not until later when they've had a drink anyway.
Yes. Wheelies and a bit of vandalism. We know. Don't think anyone else here will claim that justifies a physical attack. Well, not until later when they've had a drink anyway.

I didn't say it justified anything - I just said I'd like to see the footage preceding the incident before making a judgement.
Apparently this is what he said "Other riders were pissing [the driver] off and I clicked his mirror and fell off so he ran me over [because] he was angry at the time."

If you spend your days cycling round in a gang taunting drivers this sort of thing happens. It's a bit like going around town on Friday night calling random blokes bald-headed cunts - ok, no one should assault you for name-calling but don't act surprised when your head hits the pavement.
Apparently this is what he said "Other riders were pissing [the driver] off and I clicked his mirror and fell off so he ran me over [because] he was angry at the time."

If you spend your days cycling round in a gang taunting drivers this sort of thing happens. It's a bit like going around town on Friday night calling random blokes bald-headed cunts - ok, no one should assault you for name-calling but don't act surprised when your head hits the pavement.

A receding hairline can indicate an excess of testosterone. Which basically explains your whole post.
Apparently this is what he said "Other riders were pissing [the driver] off and I clicked his mirror and fell off so he ran me over [because] he was angry at the time."

If you spend your days cycling round in a gang taunting drivers this sort of thing happens. It's a bit like going around town on Friday night calling random blokes bald-headed cunts - ok, no one should assault you for name-calling but don't act surprised when your head hits the pavement.
yes but you're forgetting that cars are shit and drivers are pricks.
A receding hairline can indicate an excess of testosterone. Which basically explains your whole post.
That's a misconception - a receding hairline is caused by an excessive sensitivity of the hair follicles to a testosterone metabolite, and in no way indicates an excess of testosterone. So if you thought that analogy explained the post, think again.
That's a misconception - a receding hairline is caused by an excessive sensitivity of the hair follicles to a testosterone metabolite, and in no way indicates an excess of testosterone. So if you thought that analogy explained the post, think again.
Both high and low levels of testosterone can result in hair loss. My post remains substantially correct.
Apparently this is what he said "Other riders were pissing [the driver] off and I clicked his mirror and fell off so he ran me over [because] he was angry at the time."

If you spend your days cycling round in a gang taunting drivers this sort of thing happens. It's a bit like going around town on Friday night calling random blokes bald-headed cunts - ok, no one should assault you for name-calling but don't act surprised when your head hits the pavement.
“She was wearing a short skirt”

Fuck off.
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