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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I think it's the only way forward. Seeing as we have already established speed bumps are badly designed and cause all cars smaller than a Chelsea tractor to slow down to a crawl for each one and accelerate again, creating extra pollution and noise, I think the smallest sensible size for cities nowadays for both safety and public health reasons is a Range Rover-type vehicle. No need to slow down for bumps + extra protection from idiots :cool:

It's basic common sense. This may as well be a good point for a passing mod to lock the thread now.
Here we can see how long the approaching car is visible for - and this is without turning the head to look out of the right window.
IMO there's enough space to stop in time (~6m needed to stop, at 20mph)
Stopping distance at 20 mph is not 6m, it's thinking 6m+ braking distance 6m = 12m.

Stopping distance at 20 mph is not 6m, it's thinking 6m+ braking distance 6m = 12m.

If the human head were immovable and the human field of view were as narrow as a dashcam's FoV, I agree another 6m noticing/thinking time would be needed from the point in the screenshot. I want to factor in the time between the camera picking up the vehicle approaching at speed from the right, and when the driver could/should have first seen it, IMO before that.
If the human head were immovable and the human field of view were as narrow as a dashcam's FoV, I agree another 6m noticing/thinking time would be needed from the point in the screenshot. I want to factor in the time between the camera picking up the vehicle approaching at speed from the right, and when the driver could/should have first seen it, IMO before that.
As I mentioned this is complicated because the A-pillar of the car obscures visibility at a certain angle. As nerdy as I am, I can't be bothered to figure out how much it likely applies here.

There's also sound to be reckoned with.
We can't hear it but the shouty woman was listening to Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name. It was an accident waiting to happen. One driver full of rage and the other one off his tits on James Blunt.
Choose your music wisely, or turn it off. Personally, I never have the radio turned on unless I'm on the motorway. Its too much of a distraction.
Here teuchter , something that will warm your heart... No need to thank me :thumbs:


Last year Lambeth Council hired Pedal Me to deliver 10,000 care packages. Someone submitted a FOI request querying the contract. It turns out that Pedal Me were cheaper and faster than companies which use vans. Ten vans would have been needed for the contract. About 5,000kg of CO2 were saved, or about 100 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.
Imagine trying to find fault with bikes delivering food packages.

Poor obedience with regards to Park bylaws was also a cited issue: ‘Sports cyclists were gauged as reaching up to 34mph on several occasions.’ Richmond Park has a speed limit for bicycles of 20mph, and cyclists have historically been fined for being recorded over this limit.

One thing is certain: now that so many local authorities have decided that the maximum safe speed in urban areas is 20 mph, that speed limit should start to apply to cyclists as well in all such areas, not just those governed by local by-laws like Richmond Park.

One thing is certain: now that so many local authorities have decided that the maximum safe speed in urban areas is 20 mph, that speed limit should start to apply to cyclists as well in all such areas, not just those governed by local by-laws like Richmond Park.
God this thread has just turned into an endless parade of fucking knob ends hasn't it. I'm going to go key some fucking cars to get over it. Might take a couple of potatoes and stick them in exhaust pipes.
Good to see Windsor and Maidenhead taking the cycling menace seriously and banning them from High Streets.

The £100 fine is far too low though.

Cllr John Baldwin (Lib Dem) added he was concerned about the ‘choking points’ in Maidenhead as some parts of King Street would require cyclists to mount and dismount again.

He said: “I’m just concerned we’re going to have a bunch of guys standing at that choke point and handing out tickets like they’re going out of fashion."
Imagine that, having to obey the rules! Poor cyclists!
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