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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Now that is something I support. When I did endurance racing on motorbikes it struck me that nobody should be allowed to go round and round in circles at full throttle. A tank of petrol lasted an hour, a set of tyres for three hours. The pit crew spent the weekend ingesting nasty chemicals. The teams and spectators and officials drove huge distances, because the tracks were supposed to be spread over the whole of GB to be fair to everyone. It's mad.

I'd also ban press launches for cars. Lots of the journalists and bloggers and youtubers and other hangers on are getting three or four return flights every week so they can drive around in circles in order to increase the demand for more cars.

I'd also ban purposeless journeys. Some youngsters do lots of driving just to cruise or show off. Foot to the floor for no reason, except showing off. Loud exhausts which aren't road legal, just to show off. Other people are trying to cut emissions, while these cunts pay hundreds of pounds to get their vehicle to break all the legal emissions limits, and then drive around in circles, because it's fun.
The amount of skill involved is debatable. If they were any good at it they wouldn't crash so often.

It is very physical though, for reasons I have met a lot of racing drivers, skinny midgets with the thickest necks you have ever seen. Shoemaker was the first to not smoke and drink but gym it up, he won hands down, ever since they have all been top athletes.
It is very physical though, for reasons I have met a lot of racing drivers, skinny midgets with the thickest necks you have ever seen. Shoemaker was the first to not smoke and drink but gym it up, he won hands down, ever since they have all been top athletes.
I thought he won by being a thug and a cheat? Didn't he once deliberately ram another driver in a race?
It is very physical though, for reasons I have met a lot of racing drivers, skinny midgets with the thickest necks you have ever seen. Shoemaker was the first to not smoke and drink but gym it up, he won hands down, ever since they have all been top athletes.
And now look at him
This 1959 short film is a gem.

Such breezy optimism about speeding up the motor car's transit of London. People from Essex would actually drive to Wales and the west country via Oxford Street.
Hot off the press: Cars and trains found to not be the same things. Standby for further updates.

Frustration at infrastructure being designed so as to undermine the case for it is the same regardless of what it's for:

"I read on the consultation paperwork that they've said due to the engineering design, a 50mph speed limit was more suitable. It makes me wonder why they built a road that's only suitable for 50mph in this day and age."

It's like a cycle lane that's 90cm wide or something.
Frustration at infrastructure being designed so as to undermine the case for it is the same regardless of what it's for:

"I read on the consultation paperwork that they've said due to the engineering design, a 50mph speed limit was more suitable. It makes me wonder why they built a road that's only suitable for 50mph in this day and age."

It's like a cycle lane that's 90cm wide or something.
Or maybe 50mph is plenty.
Having driven on the M4 a couple of times this year, I have to say I love the average speed check 50mph bits where they're doing the Smart Motorway work. No wankers treating the road like a slalom, less tailgating, less stress.
Having driven on the M4 a couple of times this year, I have to say I love the average speed check 50mph bits where they're doing the Smart Motorway work. No wankers treating the road like a slalom, less tailgating, less stress.
But people have paid all that money for cars capable of double the national limit and it’s their right to use it!

It isn't particularly hurtful to be constantly accused of being a child by a middle aged weirdo who gets most of his amusement from joking about drunk driving and paedophilia, thinks driving a motorbike at horrendously dangerous speeds is funny and seems to derive much of his identity as an adult from the fact that he drives a car, something that a good three quarters of people do anyway.

And penny farthings are cool though far too dangerous to race.
It isn't particularly hurtful to be constantly accused of being a child by a middle aged weirdo who gets most of his amusement from joking about drunk driving and paedophilia, thinks driving a motorbike at horrendously dangerous speeds is funny and seems to derive much of his identity as an adult from the fact that he drives a car, something that a good three quarters of people do anyway.

And penny farthings are cool though far too dangerous to race.
I rarely drive a car, they're far too slow, but I do enjoy winding up you and teuchter about them.
Free The Tour De France One!
Apparently she's already escaped, but the cycle world is still seething and baying for blood.
I watched the video. The woman was stood at the side of the road, facing the wrong way and didn't move. The cyclist had loads of time to react but assumed the pedestrian could see out the back of her head and she'd move out of his way because he's important. The cyclist made no attempt whatsoever to avoid her. He deliberately ran into her, and because the other riders don't understand braking distances or how to safely ride in a group, lots of them ran into each other.
The poor woman should sue the organisers and the cyclist who tried to kill her.
If only the race organisers had realised that racing in such close proximity, with no barriers between the riders and the public, could be dangerous, but these multi-toy pile-ups seem to happen quite often and they still haven't learned. It's almost as if they want to see crashes.
Maybe they should seek a bit of advice from those who know how to organise a proper racing event.
‘Ordinary’ killers risk being criminalised if anti-killing laws are introduced.

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(from here Government urged to create post-Covid 'golden age' of cycling)
It’s very simple. If you can make a car travel at 30mph you can, by definition, make it travel at 20. If you choose not to do this when told to do so, you deserve points on your license and a fine. If this “inconveniences” you or any subsequent ban causes “hardship”, tough shit. It was down to a choice you made, deal with it.
It’s very simple. If you can make a car travel at 30mph you can, by definition, make it travel at 20. If you choose not to do this when told to do so, you deserve points on your license and a fine. If this “inconveniences” you or any subsequent ban causes “hardship”, tough shit. It was down to a choice you made, deal with it.
And on a practical note I think he's wrong - it would be easier for drivers to stick to a 20mph limit if it is the consistent limit i.e. on all residential roads.
And on a practical note I think he's wrong - it would be easier for drivers to stick to a 20mph limit if it is the consistent limit i.e. on all residential roads.
He's wrong about a lot more than that. The 'Alliance of British Drivers' are a bunch of climate change denying nutters who want the abolition of all speed limits on motorways. The kind of people the papers phone when they want some motorist 'fury'. Fuck 'em.
I see that poor woman who was almost killed by a bike gang in France has been arrested for "involuntarily causing injury and putting the lives of others at risk." :facepalm: Apparently, the cowardly bikers are also going to sue her for holding a cardboard sign telling her grandparents that she loves them.
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