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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

It was a girl holding a flimsy cardboard sign. I find it hard to believe how a professional cyclist could be floored by a bit of cardboard, he’s the one who should be sued/banned/hang up his lycra.
Have to say, I was on the pedestrian’s side in the pedestrian vs peloton crash on the Tour De France. It would not have happened if the cyclists had kept a safe distance from one another
This isn't the first time Peloton has run over an innocent pedestrian. It's probably something to do with drugs. But it was a small sacrifice.
Have to say, I was on the pedestrian’s side in the pedestrian vs peloton crash on the Tour De France. It would not have happened if the cyclists had kept a safe distance from one another
Lots of cyclists being brought down :confused:
You will be buying a 4x4 next.
At least they don't die in the same numbers that spectators do at Motorsport events.

Correct, but for the hard of thinking, these signs kinda give you a clue... just in case you didn't already realise that a ton of metal moving at 100mph could fuck you up.
Correct, but for the hard of thinking, these signs kinda give you a clue... just in case you didn't already realise that a ton of metal moving at 100mph could fuck you up.
They didn't have those up at that rally in Scotland where three people got killed (which is why the organisers were sued) and I bet they didn't have them in Lemans in 55.
If you need a sign to tell you that you shouldn't stand on the outside of a slippery bend when people are chucking cars at you as fast as they can, then probably watching toddlers on trikes cycle on pavements is too much for you and you should stay in bed.
If you need a sign to tell you that you shouldn't stand on the outside of a slippery bend when people are chucking cars at you as fast as they can, then probably watching toddlers on trikes cycle on pavements is too much for you and you should stay in bed.
Well the enquiry into the deaths of three spectators at a rally car 'race' in Scotland in 2014 didn't agree with you and 'concluded there was a "weak, ambiguous and inadequate" system for checking the warnings to people of unsafe vantage points '

While at Le Mans in 55 a bonnet flew off one of the cars and flew through the crowd decapitating people. 83 people in total died, most of them not in the front row. Should they have expected that before they went?
They didn't have those up at that rally in Scotland where three people got killed (which is why the organisers were sued) and I bet they didn't have them in Lemans in 55.
Which only goes to prove how fucking stupid some people are and how fucked up the world is.
It wasn't too long ago that the owners manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.
So when unlit cyclists get killed, we should really be asking - "where were the warning signs telling them not to cycle along there in the dark"?
Which only goes to prove how fucking stupid some people are and how fucked up the world is.
It wasn't too long ago that the owners manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.
It may just be that the kind of people that think watching someone driving somehow counts as a sport are dimmer than average. To my mind it seems only right to take the low intelligence of motorsport spectators into account when planning an event.
So when unlit cyclists get killed, we should really be asking - "where were the warning signs telling them not to cycle along there in the dark"?

I don't get what you're trying to say. The vast majority of cyclists on the road at night have lights and not having lights would constitute contributory negligence in any accident that resulted. What's your point?
I don't get your point. The vast majority of cyclists on the road at night have lights and not having lights would constitute contributory negligence in any accident that resulted. What's your point?

The whole "we need more signs to tell people not to do obviously dangerous things" thing isn't always the answer.
It may just be that the kind of people that think watching someone driving somehow counts as a sport are dimmer than average. To my mind it seems only right to take the low intelligence of motorsport spectators into account when planning an event.
I guess watching a load of overgrown children on bicycles is the mark of a genius? Like a 4 month old baby watching hamsters on a wheel.
The whole "we need more signs to tell people not to do obviously dangerous things" thing isn't always the answer.
Some people are so fucking stupid you have to tell them not to put their hands into a rotating saw blade, and if you don't tell them and they chop their hands off, the law sides with the thick fuck.
I guess watching a load of overgrown children on bicycles is the mark of a genius? Like a 4 month old baby watching hamsters on a wheel.
I very rarely watch sports other than a few snatches of the Olympics myself but I can understand why people enjoy watching physical challenge and competition. Enjoying watching metal boxes go round and round In circles strikes me as particularly dull though. Worse than watching golf or darts even.
I very rarely watch sports other than a few snatches of the Olympics myself but I can understand why people enjoy watching physical challenge and competition. Enjoying watching metal boxes go round and round In circles strikes me as particularly dull though. Worse than watching golf or darts even.
You can understand why people enjoy watching overgrown children show how strong their legs are? I prefer to watch sports with a little more skill involved
I agree. Ban motorsports instead.
Now that is something I support. When I did endurance racing on motorbikes it struck me that nobody should be allowed to go round and round in circles at full throttle. A tank of petrol lasted an hour, a set of tyres for three hours. The pit crew spent the weekend ingesting nasty chemicals. The teams and spectators and officials drove huge distances, because the tracks were supposed to be spread over the whole of GB to be fair to everyone. It's mad.

I'd also ban press launches for cars. Lots of the journalists and bloggers and youtubers and other hangers on are getting three or four return flights every week so they can drive around in circles in order to increase the demand for more cars.

I'd also ban purposeless journeys. Some youngsters do lots of driving just to cruise or show off. Foot to the floor for no reason, except showing off. Loud exhausts which aren't road legal, just to show off. Other people are trying to cut emissions, while these cunts pay hundreds of pounds to get their vehicle to break all the legal emissions limits, and then drive around in circles, because it's fun.
You can understand why people enjoy watching overgrown children show how strong their legs are? I prefer to watch sports with a little more skill involved
The amount of skill involved is debatable. If they were any good at it they wouldn't crash so often.
This is the worst thread on Urban by far and all you lot on both sides are cunts.

It is a Teuchter thread, so what do you expect?

Where is the miserable tosser anyway? Last seen in a car in the highlands. Not been posting cos denied bail I imagine.
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