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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Funny how many experts on Andorran traffic laws we have on these boards. I'm pretty sure that professional training camps in the Pyrenees will have suitable insurance for a start.
Probably a driver pulling out without looking, on the way to the shop twenty metres from their house to buy a can of coke.
He wasn't racing and you can't speed on a bicycle, next :thumbs:

I was making a general point. You can of course you can speed where "speed" means traveling at a speed which is too fast for the conditions such that you're much more likely to have an accident, and which in the UK might garner you a charge of riding furiously.

He was training for a race by traveling at "a fairly high speed at the start of a descent" so I wouldn't be surprised if he rounded a bend too quickly to be able to stop in the distance he could see to be clear, and that the driver pulling out had zero chance of reacting in time.
I was making a general point. You can of course you can speed where "speed" means traveling at a speed which is too fast for the conditions such that you're much more likely to have an accident, and which in the UK might garner you a charge of riding furiously.

He was training for a race by traveling at "a fairly high speed at the start of a descent" so I wouldn't be surprised if he rounded a bend too quickly to be able to stop in the distance he could see to be clear, and that the driver pulling out had zero chance of reacting in time.
Well I wouldn't be surprised if he was mown down by a lazy twat who was texting and driving while on his way to MacDonalds.

Either way cycling is big business in the Pyrenees, especially Andorra that relies on the Tour and the Vuelta for tourism and is a base for a lot of professional cyclists. It seems unlikely that he was doing anything illegal.
Well I wouldn't be surprised if he was mown down by a lazy twat who was texting and driving while on his way to MacDonalds.

Either way cycling is big business in the Pyrenees, especially Andorra that relies on the Tour and the Vuelta for tourism and is a base for a lot of professional cyclists. It seems unlikely that he was doing anything illegal.

I didn't suggest he was.

It does however seem obvious he was doing something risky, and got into a situation that someone cycling at a reasonable speed to the village shop to buy some furniture might not have found themselves.
I didn't suggest he was.

It does however seem obvious he was doing something risky, and got into a situation that someone cycling at a reasonable speed to the village shop to buy some furniture might not have found themselves
I agree. It is inherently risky allowing amateur car drivers onto roads where professional cyclists train to do their job. The solution seems obvious to me. Get rid of the cars.
I was making a general point. You can of course you can speed where "speed" means traveling at a speed which is too fast for the conditions such that you're much more likely to have an accident, and which in the UK might garner you a charge of riding furiously.

He was training for a race by traveling at "a fairly high speed at the start of a descent" so I wouldn't be surprised if he rounded a bend too quickly to be able to stop in the distance he could see to be clear, and that the driver pulling out had zero chance of reacting in time.
The driver pulled out on him. It is their fault.
Speeding and ran into the side of a car.
He was hit by the car. And he may have been 'speeding' as in going fast but he wasbn't breaking the speed limit unless you know something that isn't in any of the published articles. And if you want the relevant laws they're in Catalan so have fun with that.

Here's a story that not only illustrates just how fucking nasty some car drivers are but how the constant drip drip of anti-cyclist 'banter' encourages violence:

I agree. It is inherently risky allowing amateur car drivers onto roads where professional cyclists train to do their job. The solution seems obvious to me. Get rid of the cars.

This wasn’t a dedicated cycling day when the roads are closed to cars, and I doubt you’ll get many residents of the area onboard with a permanent closure of the roads to cars, especially if it’s for people from out of the area to bomb about like lunatics.
He was hit by the car. And he may have been 'speeding' as in going fast but he wasbn't breaking the speed limit unless you know something that isn't in any of the published articles. And if you want the relevant laws they're in Catalan so have fun with that.

Here's a story that not only illustrates just how fucking nasty some car drivers are but how the constant drip drip of anti-cyclist 'banter' encourages violence:

If you pull out into the path of an oncoming vehicle it’s your fault. Do we really need to argue this?

We don’t know they pulled out into the path of the cyclist, it could have been a downhill road crossing a more major road and the cyclist should have given way. It could have been a been a bend that the cyclist came around so fast that there wouldn’t have been time for an attentive driver to see them in time. There are lots of things we don’t know.

We do know that the cyclist was on a public road travelling fast downhill training for a race.
Here's a story that not only illustrates just how fucking nasty some car drivers are but how the constant drip drip of anti-cyclist 'banter' encourages violence:

Most people who've done a bit of cycling will have had something like this happen to them, even if they've never actually been hit. And/or they've watched it happen to someone close to them. No airbag between you and the driver who decides to pass you 10cm away at 60mph to teach you a lesson for being on the public road.

That's why, when I first saw the video of that cyclist nearly being run over by the road rage driver, I had a physical reaction to it and I doubt I was the only one reading this thread who could say that.

Just have to develop a thick skin in order to deal with those who want to make it a banter-suitable subject, and pity them for their ignorance. They've probably never deliberately tried to intimidate a cyclist but they've also probably never actually known what it feels like to literally have your life intentionally threatened by another vehicle.
There are scores of articles detailing motorists assaults on cyclists online. And anyone whose cycled in the UK will tell you how hateful and inconsiderate a large proportion of car drivers can be. Meanwhile anti-cyclist banter is a thing (your posts are evidence enough of that) and encourages othering and violence against cyclists. What part of my post is nonsense?

You never even managed to get one photo of a cyclist without lights at night on a London road by the way. After promising me three. I reckon that proves you haven't even seen one in the last eight months.
Meanwhile anti-cyclist banter is a thing (your posts are evidence enough of that) and encourages othering and violence against cyclists.
What encourages othering and violence against cyclists is the fact that the vast majority of them (in London at least) ride like twats. Even pedestrians hate them. Have you not noticed that cyclists aren't despised in Holland? It's because they don't ride like bellends there.
Just have to develop a thick skin in order to deal with those who want to make it a banter-suitable subject, and pity them for their ignorance. They've probably never deliberately tried to intimidate a cyclist but they've also probably never actually known what it feels like to literally have your life intentionally threatened by another vehicle.

I spent many years cycling on country roads etc before I could drive, and then many years both driving and cycling. I’ve encountered idiots, angry people and scary situations on both forms of transport.

However I seem to be able to cycle and drive without getting enraged or advocating for cars to abolished.
What encourages othering and violence against cyclists is the fact that the vast majority of them (in London at least) ride like twats. Even pedestrians hate them. Have you not noticed that cyclists aren't despised in Holland? It's because they don't ride like bellends there.
OK, so let’s have all our cities made to be like Dutch ones :)
What encourages othering and violence against cyclists is the fact that the vast majority of them (in Londen at least) ride like twats. Even pedestrians hate them. Have you not noticed that cyclists aren't despised in Holland? It's because they don't ride like bellends there.
Given you can't even spell it I'm not ready to take you as an authority on London cycling. You know fuck all except what you've read on here and seen on YouTube.
Given you can't even spell it I'm not ready to take you as an authority on London cycling. You know fuck all except what you've read on here and seen on YouTube.
Can't spell what?
Are you saying that all of those YouTube videos, where 90+% of cyclists are riding like bellends, are fake?
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