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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

It‘s a perfect analogy because there are always sanctimonious other people who assume you have alternatives yet know nothing about you. Jumping on a bike or asking a pharmacist isnt going to work for most people, and telling them to live next to a bus stop or stop being obese doesn’t help either.
Which is why the NHS has people like doctors' receptionists and GPs themselves to supervise the allocation of resources. Whereas you're arguing for a complete free-for-all in private transport.
It‘s a perfect analogy because there are always sanctimonious other people who assume you have alternatives yet know nothing about you. Jumping on a bike or asking a pharmacist isnt going to work for most people, and telling them to live next to a bus stop or stop being obese doesn’t help either.
If we're on about things that don't help we can add your posts to the list
It‘s a perfect analogy because there are always sanctimonious other people who assume you have alternatives yet know nothing about you. Jumping on a bike or asking a pharmacist isnt going to work for most people, and telling them to live next to a bus stop or stop being obese doesn’t help either.
Also, as an obese person (BMI currently 31) I take offence at your suggestion that this somehow restricts my ability to get about without a car.
So, some cyclists actually appreciate that the vast majority of them are dangerous and rubbish, like the ones posting on this thread.

However, these two are actually trying to do something about it.

How not to be a dick on a bike ...

The main takeaway of course, is the recognition of the fact, by cyclists, that most cyclists are dicks!
Maybe one day you'll need an ambulance and it'll turn up only you'll croak not getting in no death machine. They'll shrug and go on to save someone else's life instead
Or maybe the ambulance will save three times as many lives on the private car free roads that this thread is about.
Or maybe the ambulance will save three times as many lives on the private car free roads that this thread is about.
How many lives do you think have been saved by private car drivers taking people to hospital? Conversely, how many lives do you think have been saved by cyclists carrying people to hospital?
It's also a fact that if you arrive at hospital by ambulance, you're far more likely to die than if you arrive by private car. Make of that what you will.
How many lives do you think have been saved by private car drivers taking people to hospital? Conversely, how many lives do you think have been saved by cyclists carrying people to hospital?

You know that's not gonna work as the obvious follow up question is. How many lives have been taken by car accidents, vs push bikes.

Anyway, I was just passing, this thread's a bit... Rubbish.
Maybe one day you'll need an ambulance and it'll turn up only you'll croak not getting in no death machine. They'll shrug and go on to save someone else's life instead
Ambulances are usually fairly clearly marked out and I reckon I'll not confuse one with one of the death machines whose drivers you want to make excuses for.

Let's remember that every car driver is a driver who, instead of driving an ambulance to save someone's life, is driving to a drive-thru McDonalds because they couldn't think of anything else to fill their time with.
Ambulances are usually fairly clearly marked out and I reckon I'll not confuse one with one of the death machines whose drivers you want to make excuses for.

Let's remember that every car driver is a driver who, instead of driving an ambulance to save someone's life, is driving to a drive-thru McDonalds because they couldn't think of anything else to fill their time with.
I don't know how you think medical supplies arrive at hospitals but I can guarantee each delivery arrives accompanied by a driver. As I said above the NHS will grind to a halt without drivers
How many lives do you think have been saved by private car drivers taking people to hospital?
That's the most laughable reason for private car ownership I've ever heard.

What percentage of the life saving trips to hospital were necessary because of private car accidents?

How many people didn't make it to hospital in time because their ambulance was held up by private traffic?

How many lives have been saved by diet and exercise regimes involving cycling?

How many lives have been ruined or ended early because of private car enabled sedentary lifestyles?
It's also a fact that if you arrive at hospital by ambulance, you're far more likely to die than if you arrive by private car. Make of that what you will.
Seeing as there are about 10-20,000 hit & run incidents per year in the UK, we can probably quite confidently say that the number of people taken to hospital by a car driver after being injured is a negative one.
I don't know how you think medical supplies arrive at hospitals but I can guarantee each delivery arrives accompanied by a driver. As I said above the NHS will grind to a halt without drivers
It seems that the hot weather is making your brain function particularly poorly this afernoon.
I don't know how you think medical supplies arrive at hospitals but I can guarantee each delivery arrives accompanied by a driver. As I said above the NHS will grind to a halt without drivers
You might want to revisit the OP. I'm pretty sure a negligible amount of medical supplies arrive in private cars.

Anyway, once we've got rid of all the private cars we can get back to work on the canal network for routine deliveries.
You might want to revisit the OP. I'm pretty sure a negligible amount of medical supplies arrive in private cars.

Anyway, once we've got rid of all the private cars we can get back to work on the canal network for routine deliveries.
Once you've gone 25 pages let alone 76 appeals to be guided by the op smack of desperation
I don't know how you think medical supplies arrive at hospitals but I can guarantee each delivery arrives accompanied by a driver. As I said above the NHS will grind to a halt without drivers
Private motorcyclists play a huge role in medical deliveries in Ireland. 'Blood Bikes' offer their services for free.

I'm not sure if there's an equivalent cyclist group.
Not as desperate as building obvious strawmen.
I'm not building a strawman at all. I just pointed out to teuchter (post 2250) that w/out drivers the NHS wouldn't function. And it wouldn't. I'm not claiming he's arguing anything he isn't, I'm not claiming you're arguing anything you're not.
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