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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I think your unwillingness to even lightly criticise the behaviour any cyclists shown on various videos doing various actions that are undisputably wrong is telling enough and clear for all to see.

What's the holdup? I say I would if you will. Can't say fairer than that.
I'm watching Mulan 2 with my daughter. Chatting shit on my phone is one thing; I'm not going to start critiquing traffic videos.

You've already seen those videos. You already have an opinion. I think your unwillingness to share it says everything
My recent suggestion that in 20 mph zones it would be perfectly reasonable to demand such speed limit is imposed on cyclists as well as greeted with a resounding "FUCK OFF!". What reason could anyone possibly have for opposing the idea of a speed limit on cyclists in some circumstances and areas if not utter selfishness?

Was it?

If anyone would actually enforce a 20mph limit properly anywhere, that would be grand. Put speed cameras everywhere. If it catches a miniscule number of cyclists along with the thousands of motorists it would ensnare then no problem.

If you want to go out with a speed camera and only point it at cyclists - the ones that aren't getting mown down by 50mph cars or Saul Goodman at the 200mph you refuse to condemn him for - it's a less interesting proposition.
So you aren't denying that you have broken the speed limit on a public road, which is what you asked me whether I had proof of.
I'm not confirming or denying anything. That's not how it works. I can't accuse you of being a paedophile and expect you to prove that you're not. That would be impossible.
Where's this evidence to back up your allegation?
I'm not confirming or denying anything. That's not how it works. I can't accuse you of being a paedophile and expect you to prove that you're not. That would be impossible.
Where's this evidence to back up your allegation?
My allegation is that you posted up a video of someone on a motorcycle speeding on rural roads, I noted that this and two similar videos were posted on your own youtube account, and at this point you removed them as if you had something to hide. The evidence for my allegation is contained in this thread and all readers can come to their own conclusions.

Please can you confirm whether or not I have succeeded in winding you up or irritating you in this regard.
My allegation is that you posted up a video of someone on a motorcycle speeding on rural roads, I noted that this and two similar videos were posted on your own youtube account, and at this point you removed them as if you had something to hide. The evidence for my allegation is contained in this thread and all readers can come to their own conclusions.

Please can you confirm whether or not I have succeeded in winding you up or irritating you in this regard.
You certainly didn't see two similar videos on my YouTube channel, that's a lie, but it's what I've come to expect from you, as you do appear to be a complete stranger to the truth.
You certainly didn't see two similar videos on my YouTube channel, that's a lie, but it's what I've come to expect from you, as you do appear to be a complete stranger to the truth.
One similar video, and another that also involved motorbikes but not with obvious speeding. Some might conclude it also contained something incriminating or you wouldn't have removed it. But supposedly you only removed them to wind me up so I'm not sure why you're now getting bothered about it.
One similar video, and another that also involved motorbikes but not with obvious speeding. Some might conclude it also contained something incriminating or you wouldn't have removed it. But supposedly you only removed them to wind me up so I'm not sure why you're now getting bothered about it.
I'm not getting bothered about anything. I'm merely asking you to back up your assertion with evidence, which you're unable to do, because there is none, which makes you a liar, that's all.
Agreed. I don't know why we're labouring this point. It's dull. Shall I confess to naughty speeds on my Hayabusa so that someone can call me a cunt?
Like the disgraceful moral vacuum displayed by those who froth at the mouth at the very suggestion that cyclists or pedestrians should also be subject to legislation to ensure their safety and that of others around them?

My recent suggestion that in 20 mph zones it would be perfectly reasonable to demand such speed limit is imposed on cyclists as well as greeted with a resounding "FUCK OFF!". What reason could anyone possibly have for opposing the idea of a speed limit on cyclists in some circumstances and areas if not utter selfishness?

It's very brave of you to stand up to all the nobody who is suggesting that cyclists should ignore 20mph speed limits.
It's very brave of you to stand up to all the nobody who is suggesting that cyclists should ignore 20mph speed limits.
It wouldn't work on a practical level because you'd need all bikes to have speedometers on them (and potentially registrations as well) to be able to prosecute it fairly. And there's already legislation to prosecute cyclists for cycling recklessly so it's entirely unnecessary.

So I'd object to it on the basis that it would put more obstacles in the way of people cycling and that it's not needed.
It wouldn't work on a practical level because you'd need all bikes to have speedometers on them (and potentially registrations as well) to be able to prosecute it fairly. And there's already legislation to prosecute cyclists for cycling recklessly so it's entirely unnecessary.

So I'd object to it on the basis that it would put more obstacles in the way of people cycling and that it's not needed.
We could also explain the physics of a bicycle at 20mph vs a car doing the same speed...
We could also explain the physics of a bicycle at 20mph vs a car doing the same speed

No amount of physics or basic sense can defeat this mindless hatred of cyclists.

Remember we're dealing with people who sit in their cars whinging about a traffic jam they themselves have helped to create. One step up from pissing yourself and then blaming someone else for the fact you're sat in a puddle of piss.
No amount of physics or basic sense can defeat this mindless hatred of cyclists.

Remember we're dealing with people who sit in their cars whinging about a traffic jam they themselves have helped to create. One step up from pissing yourself and then blaming someone else for the fact you're sat in a puddle of piss.

I hope you never complain about not being able to get a GP appointment or see an NHS dentist, it’s just like pissing yourself.
No amount of physics or basic sense can defeat this mindless hatred of cyclists.

No. The only thing that will do that is for cyclists to stop being such massive, all-round, arse wipes. Even that will take a while given how ingrained the hatred has become. I saw one go through a red on the A5 yesterday and get quite ferociously horned by a car going through the other way. A woman ped in front of us at the lights said, to no one in particular, "should have fucking hit him". It's coming to something when completely random people who have no idea who you are, actually wish misfortune on you.
I hope you never complain about not being able to get a GP appointment or see an NHS dentist, it’s just like pissing yourself.
That's not a useful or coherent analogy because those things don't have reasonable alternatives available. It's not like you could have jumped on a bus or a bike instead of going to a dentist. Though most people would feel guilty about wasting NHS time whereas motorists seem to feel no guilt at all about turning our urban centres into anti-human obstacle courses to serve their laziness and entitlement.
That's not a useful or coherent analogy because those things don't have reasonable alternatives available. It's not like you could have jumped on a bus or a bike instead of going to a dentist. Though most people would feel guilty about wasting NHS time whereas motorists seem to feel no guilt at all about turning our urban centres into anti-human obstacle courses to serve their laziness and entitlement.

It‘s a perfect analogy because there are always sanctimonious other people who assume you have alternatives yet know nothing about you. Jumping on a bike or asking a pharmacist isnt going to work for most people, and telling them to live next to a bus stop or stop being obese doesn’t help either.
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