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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

A couple of days ago it was all about cyclists intimidating drivers. There was even some (not racist at all, honest guv) mention of mugging. Now it's all faux horror at some kids having a laugh and a driver let off from a serious attempted assault. :rolleyes:

30 kids having a laugh, hanging off moving cars, all very innocent fun, if your missus and kids were in a car and subjected to it I am sure you would see the funny side. Here is the driver’s pov of exactly that...

30 kids having a laugh, hanging off moving cars, all very innocent fun, if your missus and kids were in a car and subjected to it I am sure you would see the funny side. Here is the driver’s pov of exactly that...

Hijinx. We'd hardly be likely to chase them down and try and start a fight because one of them waved his foot at us. Also we'd hardly be likely to all be on motorcycles.
30 kids having a laugh, hanging off moving cars, all very innocent fun, if your missus and kids were in a car and subjected to it I am sure you would see the funny side. Here is the driver’s pov of exactly that...

Motorcyclist provoking things by doing an overtaking move into oncoming traffic when there wasn't space. Lucky he didn't knock any of the cyclists over. Good on the 15 year old lad for not letting him get away with it.
Hijinx. We'd hardly be likely to chase them down and try and start a fight because one of them waved his foot at us. Also we'd hardly be likely to all be on motorcycles.

It’s the same attitude of the kids that would boot and sent a motor, you used to control motors that cost a fair whack where the drivers would be expected to not show up with dented doors. How would your previous punters have reacted if they had to be shunted around in a dented heap if you kindly mentioned it was hi jinx? And the lovely chap in the video offering to stab the motorcyclist, #jinx
Motorbike riders are the most vulnerable (ligitimate) road users, yet even motorcyclists hate cyclists, despite the fact that they should be closer to cyclists than they are to car drivers, but I guess cyclists are to motorcyclists as soap box cart riders are to grown-up drivers.
Motorcyclist provoking things by doing an overtaking move into oncoming traffic when there wasn't space. Lucky he didn't knock any of the cyclists over. Good on the 15 year old lad for not letting him get away with it.

And you, now you are such a zealot that threats to knock people out are acceptable. Good on him. Not covering your cause in glory defending these wankers.
And you, now you are such a zealot that threats to knock people out are acceptable. Good on him. Not covering your cause in glory defending these wankers.
We'll note that a cyclist threatening to knock someone out (don't think he did, but anyway) is unacceptable whereas a car driver actually attempting to murder someone is completely fine and in fact just a bit of a laugh. It's when these attitudes are brought out in the open that I know this thread is working excellently.
Motorcyclist provoking things by doing an overtaking move into oncoming traffic when there wasn't space. Lucky he didn't knock any of the cyclists over. Good on the 15 year old lad for not letting him get away with it.
He made room for his overtake by forcing the scrotes to get over, which was the right thing to do. They should have been thrown in the river.
And you, now you are such a zealot that threats to knock people out are acceptable. Good on him. Not covering your cause in glory defending these wankers.

The irony of course, is that those kids will think that people like teuchter and the other cycle wallies on this thread are the biggest bellends on the planet, and as soon as they're able will be swapping their bikes for stuff like this

We'll note that a cyclist threatening to knock someone out (don't think he did, but anyway) is unacceptable whereas a car driver actually attempting to murder someone is completely fine and in fact just a bit of a laugh. It's when these attitudes are brought out in the open that I know this thread is working excellently.

You are defending people who tried to rob £1000’s of pounds with the threat of violence to back up you anti-car agenda. Step away and have a fucking word with yourself, this is unacceptable behaviour.
Motorbike riders are the most vulnerable (ligitimate) road users, yet even motorcyclists hate cyclists, despite the fact that they should be closer to cyclists than they are to car drivers, but I guess cyclists are to motorcyclists as soap box cart riders are to grown-up drivers.
I reckon motorcyclists are all as bad as that cunt whose private videos you had on your YouTube channel. The one that could have easily killed someone. Obviously not as bad as a kid who waved a foot at someone though.
The wealth flaunting, classist, aggressive, highway code disregarding motorcyclist can defend himself I think, but it doesn't surprise me that many here want to take his side.
The wealth flaunting, classist, aggressive, highway code disregarding motorcyclist can defend himself I think, but it doesn't surprise me that many here want to take his side.

You are seriously in favour of a gang of violent robbers if via some twisted logic you can make an anti-car argument.
That really is quite special.
30 kids having a laugh, hanging off moving cars, all very innocent fun, if your missus and kids were in a car and subjected to it I am sure you would see the funny side. Here is the driver’s pov of exactly that...

What's more dangerous, riding your bike straight at a group of oncoming cyclists or having a little lash out with your foot at the cunt who did it? Tricky one.
You are defending people who tried to rob £1000’s of pounds with the threat of violence to back up you anti-car agenda. Step away and have a fucking word with yourself, this is unacceptable behaviour.
The motorcyclist is a twat. He turned around and followed the brats because he was determined to escalate a trivial matter so he would have something to generate views on youtube. When the scrote made a grab for his keys he thought he'd hit gold. There are lots of bikers like that - sad bores trying to go viral. "Here I am, about to overtake the Prius.." Such excitement. The new Barry Sheene.
How would your previous punters have reacted if they had to be shunted around in a dented heap if you kindly mentioned it was hi jinx?
Do you know there are people in this world who really will phone the car company to complain about external damage or dirt on the car they are travelling inside of? Generally the same kind of people who will complain about the driver not wearing a tie, or get their PA to phone up and ask for an 'English' driver. These people ought to be shot.

I'm also not sure what damage you're referring to in the first place. None of the cars involved were damaged that I can see. Except possibly the one that was deliberately driven into a bicycle. :facepalm:
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