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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

This driver happened to be riding a bike when he thoughtfully stopped for an ambulance. Just a shame there was an impatient cyclist in the car behind 😡!!

Do find it odd how I’d have to recertify every couple of years to maintain an IT qualification but if I passed my driving test I can carry on until I fall over or hit a parade of nuns whichever comes first
A good sign of effective propaganda is when people want to try and move it out of sight to other locations. Keep posting, everyone.
On the contrary. I am trying to do your cause a favour by attempting to keep the thread free of irrelevant clutter, so anyone tempted to read it can easily find material that can be considered anti car propaganda, and be persuaded to quit driving.

As it is, all they are going to be able to see is individual reports of misbehaviour, which are as much anti car propaganda as individual reports of alcohol-fuelled crime are an argument for banning the sale of alcohol in the UK. Indeed, any observer would be tempted to conclude there is no anti car propaganda at all to be seen here, and its proponents are having to resort to filling the thread with inconsequential garbage out of desperation, as they have nothing relevant to show to support their arguments.
Here’s 22 individuals. These are just the c***s that got filmed & prosecuted.

I see your 22 individual cases of bad drivers, seemly sufficient to justify your support for a ban on private cars/ drivers, and raise you to 561,000 separate alcohol-related crimes in England and Wales in the 2018/19 period.

Surely, undoubtedly and unquestionably you will now support a full and permanent ban on the sale of all alcohol in the UK, right? Because if 22 examples of bad drivers among a pool of tens of millions constitutes damning enough evidence for you, half a million cases of problematic drinkers seems a pretty compelling argument to me, by your narrative at least.

I see your 22 individual cases of bad drivers, seemly sufficient to justify your support for a ban on private cars/ drivers, and raise you to 561,000 separate alcohol-related crimes in England and Wales in the 2018/19 period.

Surely, undoubtedly and unquestionably you will now support a full and permanent ban on the sale of all alcohol in the UK, right? Because if 22 examples of bad drivers among a pool of tens of millions constitutes damning enough evidence for you, half a million cases of problematic drinkers seems a pretty compelling argument to me, by your narrative at least.

You're comparing case studies with national level statistics. In 2017 1.38 million people were prosecuted for driving offenses at magistrates courts in the UK.

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