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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

You're comparing case studies with national level statistics. In 2017 1.38 million people were prosecuted for driving offenses at magistrates courts in the UK.

Nevertheless, it is absolutely undeniable that alcohol-related crimes are in the hundreds of thousands every year, and who anyone that seriously maintains the bad actions of a minority of drivers justify demanding a ban on private cars, must also agree with a ban on the sale on alcohol in this country based on the equally reprehensible actions of a minority of drinkers.
Nevertheless, it is absolutely undeniable that alcohol-related crimes are in the hundreds of thousands every year, and who anyone that seriously maintains the bad actions of a minority of drivers justify demanding a ban on private cars, must also agree with a ban on the sale on alcohol in this country based on the equally reprehensible actions of a minority of drinkers.
You could cut nearly 100,000 off the alcohol related crimes figure by banning driving.
You could cut nearly 100,000 off the alcohol related crimes figure by banning driving.
Indeed you could. It would still leave several hundred thousand more booze-fuelled crimes left.

The bottom line is, and it is always going to be, that seeking to ban an activity undertaken by large amounts of people because of the behaviour of a minority is a dodgy-as-fuck premise, in my book at least. But more importantly, if we're going to take that route we can't pick and choose which activities to ban and which to happily continue enjoying. Anyone who demands driving should be banned based on the behaviour of a minority whilst enjoying a refreshing pint, or simply opposing a ban on alcohol in this country would be the mother of all hypocrites.
Shall we do the alcohol analogy? Ok, let's.

Alcohol causes lots of harm. So, in fact we already restrict its use in lots of ways, and we let people drive at a younger age than we let them drink.

Like driving, drinking has become deeply embedded in society.

In both cases, it's very difficult to enact policy that reduces harm, mainly because a reactionary, blinkered and conservative portion of the populace is very resistant to it.

If we want to try and do stuff to encourage people towards less harmful alternatives to driving, those people go all red in the face and lose the plot as seen on this thread.

If we want to change drug policy, to make it easy and safe for people to access much less harmful alternatives to alcohol, much the same people go red in the face and lose the plot.

I retain some faith that younger generations will be more enlightened on both counts. Perhaps in the future we will manage to reduce harm from means of transport and also alcohol and recreational drug taking in general.

The dinosaurs will go extinct eventually.
Indeed you could. It would still leave several hundred thousand more booze-fuelled crimes left.

The bottom line is, and it is always going to be, that seeking to ban an activity undertaken by large amounts of people because of the behaviour of a minority is a dodgy-as-fuck premise, in my book at least. But more importantly, if we're going to take that route we can't pick and choose which activities to ban and which to happily continue enjoying. Anyone who demands driving should be banned based on the behaviour of a minority whilst enjoying a refreshing pint, or simply opposing a ban on alcohol in this country would be the mother of all hypocrites.
A minority 😂
Anyone who demands driving should be banned based on the behaviour of a minority whilst enjoying a refreshing pint, or simply opposing a ban on alcohol in this country would be the mother of all hypocrites.
I'm not sure that a simple count of offenses commited constitutes a proper cost benefit analysis tbh despite it confirming my suspicion that driving is a much bigger problem than drinking (order of magnitude larger). And I don't drink and would support more controls on alcohol use.
And that’s just people getting caught!
And how many people who commit alcohol-fuelled offences and crimes do not get caught or even reported? Because I'm willing to bet far, far, far fucking more crimes and offences are commited every day of the week by pissheads than by drivers.
Nevertheless, it is absolutely undeniable that alcohol-related crimes are in the hundreds of thousands every year, and who anyone that seriously maintains the bad actions of a minority of drivers justify demanding a ban on private cars, must also agree with a ban on the sale on alcohol in this country based on the equally reprehensible actions of a minority of drinkers.
I don't think anyone has argued for a complete ban on cars, more that the harm/issues caused from them is looked at and acknowledged, their use a lot more restricted as a result, and meaningful alternatives offered. So, in that regard, yes, let's do exactly the same with alcohol where it's causing problems/deaths.
And how many people who commit alcohol-fuelled offences and crimes do not get caught or even reported? Because I'm willing to bet far, far, far fucking more crimes and offences are commited every day of the week by pissheads than by drivers.

Tbf there's substantial overlap.
I don't think anyone has argued for a complete ban on cars, more that the harm/issues caused from them is looked at and acknowledged, their use a lot more restricted as a result, and meaningful alternatives offered. So, in that regard, yes, let's do exactly the same with alcohol where it's causing problems/deaths.
Well, there have certainly been plenty of calls in this thread for a complete ban on private car ownership… Indeed, that is the very aim of this thread, as confirmed in the OP. So I thought I’d be nice and help keep the thread on topic and flag posts that don’t qualify as anti car propaganda- thus actually helping the aims of this thread even though I disagree with the views of the OP. That’s how nice a fellow I am.
A minority? The worst thing about this isn’t even paying zero attention whilst in charge of a fucking stupidly large vehicle. It’s using a stupidly large vehicle to transport one person. Absolute twat and we’re giving him a tax cut!

Well, there have certainly been plenty of calls in this thread for a complete ban on private car ownership… Indeed, that is the very aim of this thread, as confirmed in the OP. So I thought I’d be nice and help keep the thread on topic and flag posts that don’t qualify as anti car propaganda- thus actually helping the aims of this thread even though I disagree with the views of the OP. That’s how nice a fellow I am.
You're certainly helping the aims of the thread. Carry on :thumbs:
A minority? The worst thing about this isn’t even paying zero attention whilst in charge of a fucking stupidly large vehicle. It’s using a stupidly large vehicle to transport one person. Absolute twat and we’re giving him a tax cut!

You do realise how your post contradicts itself after its very first sentence, right?
I'm convinced, everyone's driving license should be regularly reviewed by the council and should only allow people to drive at specified times.
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