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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

What’s the joke there?
It's not a joke, but a statement of fact. The car owners filling up their murder machines with increasingly expensive petrol are the losers, not bus passengers. The drivers always have been losers of course but now they are also losers financially, thanks to fuel prices thanks to Putin and I bet he's a car owner too.
It's not a joke, but a statement of fact. The car owners filling up their murder machines with increasingly expensive petrol are the losers, not bus passengers. The drivers always have been losers of course but now they are also losers financially, thanks to fuel prices thanks to Putin and I bet he's a car owner too.
Funny how they are murder machines (upgrade from ‘death machines’ duly noted) only when you’re not riding one of them for your convenience…

Funny how they are murder machines (upgrade from ‘death machines’ duly noted) only when you’re not riding one of them for your convenience…

Successfully baited yet again!
Clearly a BMX cyclist on his first day after obtaining a motorcycle licence. Also interested to see anti car folks post videos of collisions in here whereby the car involved is not at fault. Amusing video but perhaps not the greatest piece of anti car propaganda this thread has seen.
It demonstrates that licences for motor vehicles are given away much too freely to people who have little more than bmx experience. It should be much harder to get a driving license. What's disgusting in that video, is that even though licenses are being given away much too freely, the car driver is just sitting there doing nothing about it.
It demonstrates that licences for motor vehicles are given away much too freely to people who have little more than bmx experience. It should be much harder to get a driving license. What's disgusting in that video, is that even though licenses are being given away much too freely, the car driver is just sitting there doing nothing about it.
In a similar vein, here’s another shocking video, this time suggesting drinking in the UK should severely restricted if not banned altogether. Apart from the many culprits, other ‘revellers’ passive attitude clearly shows people shouldn’t be allowed to drink outside their homes.

We’ve designed large parts of our society around everyone needing to operate incredibly dangerous machinery to get anywhere and loads of people see no issue with that just cos they want their large house and suburban lifestyle.
Ridiculous argument. Just enforce the bans properly and have serious (custodial) consequences for breaking them.

It’s not a ridiculous arguement - it’s exactly what happens - the solution is what you propose. This guy should be banged up for life.
This guy should be banged up for life.
For manslaughter? Not sure I agree with that, however reckless it was it was an accident not deliberate infanticide. It's letting the fucker anywhere near a steering wheel again that's unconscionable.
For manslaughter? Not sure I agree with that, however reckless it was it was an accident not deliberate infanticide. It's letting the fucker anywhere near a steering wheel again that's unconscionable.

And at the point they get in the car anyway ?
Only drivers have suspension on bikes.

What an utterly bizarre statement. As someone who has never owned a car or had a full driving licence, but who has had a bike for getting around, I much prefer having adjustable suspension than not. In fact I will vouch that mountain bikes in general are far superior to shitty overpriced road bikes, which ride uncomfortably and have those stupid narrow wheels that transfer the force of every pothole and raised manhole cover while getting stuck in tram tracks (and of course, they are the favoured transportation of knobheads in Lycra who think they're in the Tour De France). The best ones in my experience are the ones with a hinged frame and a spring that can be adjusted by hand. A short stop and a few twists, and your bike can adapt its ride handling for smooth roads or rougher stretches.

Suspension on bikes is a great idea. Anyone who disagrees must have never had to deal with poorly-maintained roads and/or rougher unpaved paths as a cyclist. Or is a masochist who likes having their goolies pummelled while riding.
A short travel front fork to soak up the worst of our road bumps isn't too bad*, but rear suspension on anything other than a rocky dirt track is horrible, you can feel all your energy from each pedal stroke vanishing as the bike squishes around underneath you :D

*I still wouldn't personally have one, too used to the feel of a road bike now
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