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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Also, we shouldn't try to stop people bludgeoning kittens to death in London, because it'll just encourage them to go and bludgeon kittens to death outside the M25 instead.

You could achieve an end to the bludgeoning of cats by banning ownership of them with immediate effect and confiscating them all to be euthanised. Although I doubt you’d manage it in a pet-loving democracy such as the UK.
You could achieve an end to the bludgeoning of cats by banning ownership of them with immediate effect and confiscating them all to be euthanised. Although I doubt you’d manage it in a pet-loving democracy such as the UK.
It's interesting that in your version of the analogy it's the poor, fluffy, motor cars that are getting bludgeoned to death, rather than the public good, the environment, equality of access and social cohesion.
It's interesting that in your version of the analogy it's the poor, fluffy, motor cars that are getting bludgeoned to death, rather than the public good, the environment, equality of access and social cohesion.

This is the sort of view espoused by selfish cat-haters who moan about other people’s cats shitting in their garden. Cats provide a great benefit to many people despite their negative externalities.

If you don't feel you'll ever be able to live in a society containing cats you could always move to North Korea, where Kim Jong-un last year ordered all cats to be eliminated.
This is the sort of view espoused by selfish cat-haters who moan about other people’s cats shitting in their garden. Cats provide a great benefit to many people despite their negative externalities.

If you don't feel you'll ever be able to live in a society containing cats you could always move to North Korea, where Kim Jong-un last year ordered all cats to be eliminated.
Congrats 🥳 platinumsage !!!! Great reference to North Korea!!!!

Seeing as the perpetrators of this particular act are quoting in their stickers CO2 emissions as the reason for targeting ‘SUVs’, I hope they had the foresight to target only those vehicles that do genuinely produce high emission figures- rather than picking up any car they deem as an SUV based on size, without having any knowledge of how polluting or otherwise they might be.

Imagine how much of a cunt they would make themselves look if they sabotaged a highly efficient hybrid SUV that actually emits far lower amounts of CO2 than dozens of older small hatchback models parked in the vicinity.
Who'd have thought urban75 would be full of apologists lining up to defend SUV owners in the poshest part of south london?

Me of course. It's exactly what i predicted.
Seeing as the perpetrators of this particular act are quoting in their stickers CO2 emissions as the reason for targeting ‘SUVs’, I hope they had the foresight to target only those vehicles that do genuinely produce high emission figures- rather than picking up any car they deem as an SUV based on size, without having any knowledge of how polluting or otherwise they might be.

Imagine how much of a cunt they would make themselves look if they sabotaged a highly efficient hybrid SUV that actually emits far lower amounts of CO2 than dozens of older small hatchback models parked in the vicinity.
The overuse of the term "whataboutery" is something I'm starting to find a little tedious. But congratulations on typing out these two overly wordy and entertainingly indignant paragraphs as an absolute textbook example of it.
The overuse of the term "whataboutery" is something I'm starting to find a little tedious. But congratulations on typing out these two overly wordy and entertainingly indignant paragraphs as an absolute textbook example of it.
There’s absolutely no whataboutery whatsoever in this. The very people who committed this action, which you saw fit to report in this thread, are openly admitting they’re targeting ’SUVs’ because of their assumed unacceptably high CO2 emissions.

As demonstrated in numerous threads or posts in here as well as the politics forums (and indeed the manufacturers’ own classifications), the term SUV has come to encompass a markedly wide range of vehicles. A Toyota Yaris Cross is not only massively more efficient, smaller, and less polluting than a Range Rover, it is also significantly less polluting than millions of older Fiestas, Polos, Micras, and similar small cars still roaming the streets without as much as a second look from those prepared to deflate car tyres of vehicles they believe to be intolerably inefficient based solely on their classification.

Of course, it is possible those who carried out this act had the presence of mind to recognise this. Perhaps we need a new car classification in this country, so there’s no doubt about which vehicles are the proper oversize SUV type most people object to, and those which are simply slightly larger compact designs that have been become to be known SUVs but are nothing of the kind.
Who'd have thought urban75 would be full of apologists lining up to defend SUV owners in the poshest part of south london?

Me of course. It's exactly what i predicted.
It’s weird - how did these suburbanite Tories even find urban75 let alone stick around?
It’s weird - how did these suburbanite Tories even find urban75 let alone stick around?

It‘s funny when LibDems are so far removed from ordinary working people that they think anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their sandal-fascism must be a Tory.
I saw one this morning too - on a disabled neighbour's Toyota hybrid :facepalm:

"You will have no difficulty getting around without your gas guzzler, with walking, cycling or public transport"

Selfish cretins, I'd love to do a climate audit of their own pathetic middle-class lives. I bet they don't even have 270mm of loft insulation.

Article here explaining it if anyone actually cares otherwise “bUt WhAt AbOuT cHiNa!!!11!!!”

ps. were absolutely fucked - hopefully Farage’s referendum will sort it out though!
Article here explaining it if anyone actually cares otherwise “bUt WhAt AbOuT cHiNa!!!11!!!”

ps. were absolutely fucked - hopefully Farage’s referendum will sort it out though!

There was a whole thread about SUVs vs vehicles that are actually "bad for the climate". Maybe go check it out, it was only around 50 pages.
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