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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I liked this rant in the comments posted at 4am:

by Northernpower
This isn’t the only nightmare for drivers in Manchester. The city has, over 15+ years, slowly been destroyed by the lunatics, who are planning the layouts and directions with an anti-car bias, bordering on hatred.. they’ve done the exact opposite of what they should have done. People work long and hard to afford a car, which gives them security, convenience and flexibility. Imagine using public transport yesterday to visit Manchester.. walk to bus/tram stop, with kids, all cold and wet… wait for transport, colder and wetter.. get on with the great unwashed and unmasked, cold and wet… eventually get to Manchester, walk from stop to first destination.. howling winds, rain, very cold and very wet… after a couple hours shopping, wait with multiple bags in the torrential rain and 25mph winds at the stop for bus/tram.. and reverse the inward journey.. an absolute living nightmare.. resolve it by…. make all main arterial routes three lanes each way fir at least the last two miles i to the city if not five miles.. remove mad one way systems in centre and replan with a commercially minded planner in place… stop all buses from entering the centre, getting them to stop at strategic points around the ring road..Max 5 minute walk to absolute centre of town.. stop all on street parking except for disabled, stop all deliveries between 0800 and 1800, funnel traffic into the many cars parks… and you’ll get … roads free flowing, delays and increased pollution gone, families safe, warm, dry and happy.. retailers increased trade, better job security and cleaner air..

No doubt people will claim this person is silly, and that their proposed measures will lead to more congestion. But those people will be unable to explain how Manchester's suppsodely pro-bus transport policy has been a success.

He forgot to mention that all their paper shopping bags would get wet and soppy and disintegrate allowing all their Christmas shopping to fall onto the cold and wet ground.

Great idea. Would need modifying for cyclists though, perhaps with some spikes, although there'd be so many of them failing to give way at the zebra crossing that the underground storage would soon become clogged.
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Not wishing to click a Daily Mirror link, I searched on Google for a more palatable alternative...


:( :mad: :facepalm:
It's good to see yet more confirmation that mainstream journalists are reading, being inspired by, and being educated by this thread.

Howls of below-the-line outrage in traditionally motor-friendly media confirm that views on road use can still, given the number of cycling and walking motorists, be startlingly tribal. To make vulnerable road users safer, as the government intends with revised hierarchy at junctions, appears for the extreme motorised group to be a more grievous insult to their status, if possible, than the sight of a straggly planter where there was formerly a Land Rover’s right to roam.

What, after all, is the point of a massive city-based 4x4 if it must now give way, as in the revised regulations, to a cyclist enjoying the right to ride safely in the middle of the road, or to go first at a junction? The rage is near palpable. “Goes against the natural order of things,” offers one Telegraph reader. “Cyclists and pedestrians will die clinging on to their rights, while ordinary citizen motorists will rot in gaol at the taxpayer’s expense.”
I am validated by your interest.
Also, that was a statement, not a question. Please edit the punctuation accordingly.
My apologies for the use of such informal syntax. On this thread I do tend to get in the habit of attempting to communicate at the average "car person" level.
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