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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I’m not sure you’ve understood the proposal.
I know what the aims of the proposal are; I was just speculating on the reaction of drivers to it, seeing as you had wondered how anyone might oppose it.

I’m not sure such measures becoming reality would result in any meaningful increase in walking journeys though. It’d be great for increased pedestrian safety, but I very much doubt there are many people outside the very old who don’t currently choose to walk for a given journey, but suddenly would if these low cost zebra painting marks appeared. It’s not as if actual zebra crossings and traffic light pedestrians crossings are uncommon.

The more I think about it, the more I struggle to think how this would swerve people to walk if they don’t do so now. It certainly wouldn’t make any difference to any able bodied people who for whatever reason choose not to walk for their given journey.
I know what the aims of the proposal are; I was just speculating on the reaction of drivers to it, seeing as you had wondered how anyone might oppose it.

I’m not sure such measures becoming reality would result in any meaningful increase in walking journeys though. It’d be great for increased pedestrian safety, but I very much doubt there are many people outside the very old who don’t currently choose to walk for a given journey, but suddenly would if these low cost zebra painting marks appeared. It’s not as if actual zebra crossings and traffic light pedestrians crossings are uncommon.

The more I think about it, the more I struggle to think how this would swerve people to walk if they don’t do so now. It certainly wouldn’t make any difference to any able bodied people who for whatever reason choose not to walk for their given journey.

I don’t know if they would increase numbers of people walking but would obv make people feel safer. So many drivers ignore the Highway Code around this and don’t stop for people already crossing.

You seemed to think this would mean pedestrians could only cross at designated crossings which would be ridiculous.
It demonstrates how driverless technology is still a long way off. Was talked about loads a while back but gone quiet recently. This is obv never going to happen and sounds more like the death throws of a dying industry.

Also - dogs, cats, foxes - are they going to wear them too ?
Scenes from the weekend.

These people are parking to go on a nice riverside walk, which starts from just behind the last van. There's a car park about 5 minutes walk from here, but apparently it's too much trouble to leave their oversized death machines in there, and much more convenient to park them right here and force pedestrians onto the roadway right by a corner.

Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 08.42.28.jpg

And just down the road -

Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 08.46.56.jpgScreenshot 2021-11-08 at 08.47.03.jpg
If only we could encourage everyone to cross at safer, designated highlighted points, rather then treating the entire length of every street as a free for all crossing point
Worth noting that whilst jaywalking laws are fucking stupid, nothing in that article makes them inherently racist. They’re just being applied by racist scum police officers in those examples. On that basis, every law could be racist.
I guess there's nothing inherently racist about sus laws and stop and search either, now you mention it.
Well they wouldn't be if they were applied uniformly, would they?

If disproportionately more Chinese people got done for speeding than English people, would speeding law be racist?
Scenes from the weekend.

These people are parking to go on a nice riverside walk, which starts from just behind the last van. There's a car park about 5 minutes walk from here, but apparently it's too much trouble to leave their oversized death machines in there, and much more convenient to park them right here and force pedestrians onto the roadway right by a corner.

View attachment 295923

Of course they are parked on the pavement, it's double yellows on the road, so parking there is not allowed.
Of course they are parked on the pavement, it's double yellows on the road, so parking there is not allowed.

Waiting restrictions indicated by yellow lines apply to the road, pavements and verges. Therefore, it is still against the law to park on the pavement/verge by the side of yellow lines.

We've had shop owners around here, that have crossed yellow lines & the pavement, to park on a piece of land they own outside the front of the shops, only to get parking tickets, the yellow lines still apply despite it being private land, because they are not designated parking spaces.
Quiet a nasty streak from the pro car types this morning. Down playing racist stop and search policies and defending pavement parking pushing pedestrians into the road.
Lol! Nobody is ever going to suggest that you’re the sharpest knife in the draw, Ed, but this is gold! :D
You can picture him sat there with a smug grin on his face when he posted it, thinking his gotcha was a work of genius. But the reality is that he's so thick he doesn't realise that even those on his 'team' are cringing at his stupidity.
You dumb fuck, spy wasn't defending racist policing, and having been on the receiving end of racism, he wouldn't. :D
Yet edcraw has not claimed that anyone was defending racist policing. Nor has anyone said that jaywalking laws in the US are "inherently" racist.

Instead, anyone with an interest in considering the points made in the article posted would have read the article and understood the way in which it discussed the context in which the laws were originally introduced and the way they are currently policed. Others can treat it as a joke and post GIFs and so on and be judged accordingly. Either way, the aims of the thread are satisfied.
Quiet a nasty streak from the pro car types this morning. Down playing racist stop and search policies and defending pavement parking pushing pedestrians into the road.

Definitely stand by this comment - the response certainly backs it up.
Good on brooklyn_darren.

The other day I hit a pavement-parked car with an umbrella but the owner wasn't there so it was only for my own amusement.
If you don't at least leave a note, the owner might not immediately notice the damage, or otherwise not realise it was an act of revenge for their bad parking. You should always leave a note.
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