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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Really good demonstration guys on why we can’t tackle to climate crisis through individuals actions and it can only be done through regulations & government action!
Really good demonstration guys on why we can’t tackle to climate crisis through individuals actions and it can only be done through regulations & government action!

You're learning Teddy boy. I knew we'd get through sooner or later.
Really good demonstration guys on why we can’t tackle to climate crisis through individuals actions and it can only be done through regulations & government action!
Indeed. And I look forward to those regulations, but in the meantime, thanks for sharing your carbon quota. :thumbs:
The best thing about these carbon sharing schemes is that neither your belief nor approval is required :D
He's getting like Bono. Telling everyone how great he is for doing something that lots of people do without the need for recognition or a congratulatory circle jerk. Most generous benefactors are a little more humble.
I always found it amusing how out of the main German premium brands, Mercedes is almost nonexistent in the ‘wanker driver’ stakes, compared to Audi and BMW drivers at least.

Perhaps there’s something after all about the average road behaviour of drivers of certain brands. I certainly struggle to recall many incidents of Mercedes drivers cutting me off and generally behaving like entitled cunts. But perhaps it’s just down to confirmation bias.
I always found it amusing how out of the main German premium brands, Mercedes is almost nonexistent in the ‘wanker driver’ stakes, compared to Audi and BMW drivers at least.

Perhaps there’s something after all about the average road behaviour of drivers of certain brands. I certainly struggle to recall many incidents of Mercedes drivers cutting me off and generally behaving like entitled cunts. But perhaps it’s just down to confirmation bias.

Mercedes have never really knocked-out mass-market hooligan cars. BMW and Audi have always punted coupe versions of their family cars with big engines via the M and S series. Mercedes performance have stuck to the AMG gig which are seriously expensive. They've put big engines into small cars but never really sexed them up to appeal enough to scumbags like us at the right price.

Whilst Merc have produced some of the finest cars on the planet, BMW and Audi have always offered more bang for your buck.

Having said that, this will be my next car:

Mercedes have never really knocked-out mass-market hooligan cars. BMW and Audi have always punted coupe versions of their family cars with big engines via the M and S series. Mercedes performance have stuck to the AMG gig which are seriously expensive. They've put big engines into small cars but never really sexed them up to appeal enough to scumbags like us at the right price.

Whilst Merc have produced some of the finest cars on the planet, BMW and Audi have always offered more bang for your buck.

Having said that, this will be my next car:

Pretty much agree, though I also think there might also be a higher degree of Mercedes cars’ owners being the type who ride in the back seat, rather than driving them. I’m not counting A Class and the likes, but somehow it feels like if you have 50k-70 odd to spend on a premium saloon as a passenger, Merc is the go-to brand- not that there’s much wrong with an A8 I’m sure.

Merc still does some very fast and sexy driver-oriented smaller cars of course, but even their most powerful and expensive ones still seem on the whole to be involved in far fewer aggressive wanker driving incidents in my experience than say an M series Beemer or an RS Audi. Why, often it actually seems as if the more expensive the Merc, the more its driver enjoys a slow, courteous cruising drive, in built-up areas at least. A bit like old money vs new money.
Merc still does some very fast and sexy driver-oriented smaller cars of course, but even their most powerful and expensive ones still seem on the whole to be involved in far fewer aggressive wanker driving incidents in my experience ...

I'm gonna work on that.
Merc still does some very fast and sexy driver-oriented smaller cars of course, but even their most powerful and expensive ones still seem on the whole to be involved in far fewer aggressive wanker driving incidents in my experience than say an M series Beemer or an RS Audi. Why, often it actually seems as if the more expensive the Merc, the more its driver enjoys a slow, courteous cruising drive, in built-up areas at least. A bit like old money vs new money.

I love this! As if you’re not spending most of your time stuck in traffic on some suburban bypass 🤪
God modern cars really are boring aren’t they! That could be a Ford.
Fair enough if you or anyone else dislikes cars on principle, but cars in the present time are arguably the single most varied type of product in existence.

Really not saying this as a ‘mine’s cooler than yours’, but there are far, far more types, subtypes, shapes, designs and styles of cars than any form of transport. You do not need to like them all. But car design is in fact far more varied and daring than ever before. I like civil aviation and the engine and avionics advancements over the decades have been impressive, but excluding the defunct Concorde, almost every plane developed in the last have a century has basically been a tube with wings stuck on. Most non-high speed trains have looked much the same, or bicycles, or buses, or ships.

Cars are also incredibly innovative and technology-evolving compared with most other forms of transportation. And many of those advances get transferred to plenty of industries of course. The riding smoothness, available tech, safety features and available tech on even entry level popular brands today compared with even just a couple of decades ago is astonishing, frankly.
I love this! As if you’re not spending most of your time stuck in traffic on some suburban bypass 🤪
Not me, I ride a bike. But of course, there are millions of drivers out there who spend very little of their overall time in such conditions. Not every car owner actually lives in major cities.
Fair enough if you or anyone else dislikes cars on principle, but cars in the present time are arguably the single most varied type of product in existence.

Really not saying this as a ‘mine’s cooler than yours’, but there are far, far more types, subtypes, shapes, designs and styles of cars than any form of transport. You do not need to like them all. But car design is in fact far more varied and daring than ever before. I like civil aviation and the engine and avionics advancements over the decades have been impressive, but excluding the defunct Concorde, almost every plane developed in the last have a century has basically been a tube with wings stuck on. Most non-high speed trains have looked much the same, or bicycles, or buses, or ships.

Cars are also incredibly innovative and technology-evolving compared with most other forms of transportation. And many of those advances get transferred to plenty of industries of course. The riding smoothness, available tech, safety features and available tech on even entry level popular brands today compared with even just a couple of decades ago is astonishing, frankly.

No - when a Lamborghini looks pretty much like a KIA they’re boring.


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edcraw Two out of at least hundreds of distinctive models. Regardless of whether you like cars or not, surely you don’t judge hundreds of distinct offerings on a handful of examples? At any rate, there’s undoubtedly far more design variety today than in the past, even within the same manufacturer.

In any case, funny you chose Lamborghini, which also happens to offer as futuristic and unconventional cars as they come. Regardless of whether you think this is a wanker show-off design, how Is this boring?


Not sure you can have it both ways here.
I had an incredible blast on the A1 between Berwick and Edinburgh a couple of months ago. I was in the Porsche, moseying along without a care, and saw another car popping others in the mirror. This went on for a while until he was behind me. He was obviously up for it and the road was splitting into dual carriageway about a mile ahead. There was a trundler in front of me so I just moved right-sideways so racer-boy couldn't see past to overtake before the DC. As soon as the road split, trundler stayed left and I floored it. Full down, expecting this bloke to vanish backwards, but he stayed glued to me like I was towing him. Right on my bumper. I could see that it was a BMW from the lights and grille but no idea what the motor was and this bloke obviously knew the road better than I did (or had misplaced faith in me!)

We were using both lanes through several curves and on one straight he tried to pass but didn't have enough before a right bend and had to tuck in behind me. Then there was this biiiiiiiig fucking left and I couldn't see the other end of it so I backed off. We were doing about 130 into it and there was a straight with another right ahead but I'd backed-off too much into the left, was out of gear, and didn't want to drop it on the flaps and cart-wheel off into the heather. He completely did me, and came past at around 30mph so was likely doing 150-160 (this was when I saw it was a 20 plate M3).

He was a very experienced driver, to be fair.
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