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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Loving the concern for pedestrians!

We're pretty much all pedestrians. As one the only time in my memory when I have been hit by a vehicle it wasn't a car. The only time I have only narrowly avoided being hit by a vehicle it wasn't a car. As a pedestrian I stick to the pavements and unless dead I only cross at crossings when the green man is showing, as such it would be incredibly rare to be hit by a car, not so a bicycle.
Interesting that edcraw doesn’t even attempt to deny the reckless and illegal behaviour around pedestrians carried out by the majority of cyclists.
Loving the concern for pedestrians!

If I take your infographic at face value, 1 out of every 100 pedestrians killed is killed by a cyclist. Given the relatively low number of miles covered by cyclists, and the relatively low speed and low weight of a bike, that figure seems massively disproportionately high.
If you factor in miles travelled and the ability of each vehicle to actually kill someone, the only thing that can possibly be concluded is that cyclists, relatively speaking, kill far more pedestrians than motorists do.
If I take your infographic at face value, 1 out of every 100 pedestrians killed is killed by a cyclist. Given the relatively low number of miles covered by cyclists, and the relatively low speed and low weight of a bike, that figure seems massively disproportionately high.
If you factor in miles travelled and the ability of each vehicle to actually kill someone, the only thing that can possibly be concluded is that cyclists, relatively speaking, kill far more pedestrians than motorists do.

Exactly, as I alluded to upthread, if cars were replaced by bikes and buses, pedestrian casualties would skyrocket.
It could also be added that Dutch (and most other European) cyclists are far more respectful, responsible, lawful and competent cyclists than their UK counterparts. Every time I go to one of the central European cities, the ratio of cyclists obeying red lights vs jumping them is easily 90/10. In the UK is pretty much the reverse.
This proves that UK drivers cause cyclists to be disrespectful and incompetent. So, ban all UK drivers, crush their cars and the problem is solved. The kind of policy that puts pedestrians first.
Obviosuly there are fewer pedestrian casualties in the Netherlands because there are fewer pedestrains, they're mostly on bikes instead. However I bet the rate of cyclist vs cyclist or cyclist vs object serious injury collisions is shocking.
Nope. Try again.
No, it's right.

Why There's No War Between Drivers and Cyclists in the Netherlands​

Dutch people aren't born knowing the rules of the road. They're taught from an early age.
Bicycling is such an integral part of life in the Netherlands, you might think that Dutch people are born knowing how to cycle.

They aren’t, of course. What’s kind of wonderful is the way that they learn.

It’s not just a matter of going to the park with a parent, getting a push, and falling down a bunch of times until you can pedal on your own. Dutch children are expected to learn and follow the rules of the road, because starting in secondary school – at age 12 – they are expected to be able to ride their bikes on their own to school, sometimes as far as nine or 10 miles.

Because this independent travel for children is valued in Dutch society, education about traffic safety is something that every Dutch child receives. There's even a bicycle road test that Dutch children are required to take at age 12 in order to prove that they are responsible cycling citizens.
Loving the concern for pedestrians!

That shows that cars kill roughly 65 times more pedestrians than bicycles. Given that cars travel roughly 45 times the number of miles, and given that many of those miles will involve two or more passengers, it does suggest that 'per mile travelled per person' bikes aren't as safe for pedestrians as cars. And that's become more so as cars are getting better and better at auto braking.
That shows that cars kill roughly 65 times more pedestrians than bicycles. Given that cars travel roughly 45 times the number of miles, and given that many of those miles will involve two or more passengers, it does suggest that 'per mile travelled per person' bikes aren't as safe for pedestrians as cars. And that's become more so as cars are getting better and better at auto braking.
You lot already tried this nonsense on the electric scooter thread. And I already explained why it's nonsense. Pay more attention.

Don't be fooled by the 'per km travelled' stuff above - that's relevant if you're looking at the danger to the occupants of the vehicle travelling, but less so if you are looking at the danger to pedestrians in a pedestrian environment.

The relevant numbers would be how many of each vehicle a pedestrian encounters per km that they walk. In some places where there's very little cycling, then sure most of the vehicles they encounter will be cars not cyclists. In other places it will be the other way around. Are pedestrian deaths and injuries higher in places where there is a high level of cycling? Don't think so.
You lot already tried this nonsense on the electric scooter thread. And I already explained why it's nonsense. Pay more attention.
That's a bonkers metric you've cherry-picked. The fact is that a certain number of people need to travel a certain number of miles; if they did that by bike rather than car then they'd probably kill more pedestrians.
That's a bonkers metric you've cherry-picked. The fact is that a certain number of people need to travel a certain number of miles; if they did that by bike rather than car then they'd probably kill more pedestrians.
If they didn't hold a driving license, they'd definitely kill more pedestrians.
That's a bonkers metric you've cherry-picked. The fact is that a certain number of people need to travel a certain number of miles; if they did that by bike rather than car then they'd probably kill more pedestrians.
Yeah, the motorways would be littered with dead pedestrians if we replaced all the cars with cyclists.
Posting about cyclists certainly seems to bring this thread back to life and give the Clarkson wannabes an opportunity to embarrass themselves!
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