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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Uninsured, speeding driver goes through red light and kills someone. 2 year driving ban.

There is a thread for that kind of thing; Driving Standards

Posting it up on a troll thread is not going to record this crap in any meaningful way and is disrespectful.
I've never heard of these guys before. In itself that's a bit weird because as they claim they represent the mass of road users in the UK.

Their website is a good read though. Going into bat for drink drivers is brave. I smell unhinged likely psychopath Brian Rose behind this.
Always presumed its an astroturf group funded by car interest groups to get stories in papers. It seems to work.
I've never heard of these guys before. In itself that's a bit weird because as they claim they represent the mass of road users in the UK.

Their website is a good read though. Going into bat for drink drivers is brave. I smell unhinged likely psychopath Brian Rose behind this.
And they are as representative of British drivers as the UK Taxpayers Alliance is representative of people who pay tax.
I've never heard of these guys before. In itself that's a bit weird because as they claim they represent the mass of road users in the UK.

Their website is a good read though. Going into bat for drink drivers is brave. I smell unhinged likely psychopath Brian Rose behind this.

They are linked in one way or another to


And they are as representative of British drivers as the UK Taxpayers Alliance is representative of people who pay tax.

Yeah, that was my first thought as well.

Always presumed its an astroturf group funded by car interest groups to get stories in papers. It seems to work.

Almost certainly. It would be interesting to know which companies are behind this though. The fuel companies mostly I would have thought but probably some car and car parts manufacturers as well.

This "not-for-profit" bollocks is a lovely phrase that provides an a perfectly opaque screen whilst sounding all charity-like.
Yeah, that was my first thought as well.

Almost certainly. It would be interesting to know which companies are behind this though. The fuel companies mostly I would have thought but probably some car and car parts manufacturers as well.

This "not-for-profit" bollocks is a lovely phrase that provides an a perfectly opaque screen whilst sounding all charity-like.

It probably costs f-all. Give a couple of guys a decentish salary and they'll pump stuff out so the media can 'two-sides' everything.

Good quote on their wikipedia page:

In 2004, the then chief constable of North Wales Police, Richard Brunstrom, described the Association of British Drivers as an "unduly influential … pressure group." He added, "They have less than 3,000 members, yet they are given enormous attention by the media. … It's ludicrous — this is a bunch of crackpots being given prime airtime. It's just because the media love a controversy."
What an efficient use of road space! 👏

Quite the opposite. You could easily close the cycle lane and replace it with e.g. trees or grass. There are hardly any cars so plenty of space for the cyclists to join them on the main part of the road.

There's a road near me where they've changed a carriageway, verges and wide pavement to a carriageway, bus lanes, and cycle lanes with a tiny narrow pavement. It's now a much wider road in total and a nightmare for pedestrians to cross, and hasn't improved safety or journey times for anyone.
Quite the opposite. You could easily close the cycle lane and replace it with e.g. trees or grass. There are hardly any cars so plenty of space for the cyclists to join them on the main part of the road.

There's a road near me where they've changed a carriageway, verges and wide pavement to a carriageway, bus lanes, and cycle lanes with a tiny narrow pavement. It's now a much wider road in total and a nightmare for pedestrians to cross, and hasn't improved safety or journey times for anyone.
Top trolling! You obv know the area well and saw the tons of cyclists using this route before the cycle lane.

You are correct that the road is v inefficient though but I think we do still need some space for vehicles.
Those poor pedestrians waiting to cross, probably still there now. And in just that tiny clip there's one illegal motor-vehicle bombing along in the lane, a vipers nest of criminality and anti-social behaviour.
Good point. We really need to have more crossings that are a default green man. Quite of lot of drivers seem to get really angry about them though.

Would be really fucking dangerous though, peds would be emboldened to cross without looking.
Would be really fucking dangerous though, peds would be emboldened to cross without looking.

Emboldened! They seem to work really well actually, you should go and have a look at one. They still have traffic lights and red/green man, just that they are on a green man and when a vehicle approaches and they change. It means that the traffic has to wait for the lights to change rather than pedestrians.

Sounded like you’d be in favour from your previous comment concerned about pedestrians having to wait. Or was that just when it was cyclists….
Good point. We really need to have more crossings that are a default green man. Quite of lot of drivers seem to get really angry about them though.

But to truly be effective and provide a safe space for peds to cross, those pedestrian crossings would have to be fitted with Squid Game-sytle motion detection giant dolls (from the appropriately-named Green Light Red Light game) complete with sentry guns, given that the overwhelming majority of cyclists in London couldn't give a flying fuck about the basic concept of stopping at a red lights if the junction ahead is not busy with traffic.


I actually think that'd be a great idea, and would gladly chip in to a crowfunder :)
Emboldened! They seem to work really well actually, you should go and have a look at one. They still have traffic lights and red/green man, just that they are on a green man and when a vehicle approaches and they change. It means that the traffic has to wait for the lights to change rather than pedestrians.

Sounded like you’d be in favour from your previous comment concerned about pedestrians having to wait. Or was that just when it was cyclists….

Sadly there is a subset of road users who feel that red traffic lights are optional which would make such a system dangerous.
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