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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I think you may have missed the bit where public roads with speed limits are closed and turned into racetracks.
I don’t think a) racing bikes/cars need limiters and b) on mad Sunday the speed limits still apply, it’s just that the road is one way so you can properly go for it.

But you’d know that, being a proper biker and all :hmm:
I don’t think a) racing bikes/cars need limiters and b) on mad Sunday the speed limits still apply, it’s just that the road is one way so you can properly go for it.

But you’d know that, being a proper biker and all :hmm:
Having ridden the course on many occasions, I think I have an idea how it works.
I'm glad you agree.

Once I work out what it is I’m sure I will.

At the moment I’ve got it as we shouldn’t have speed limiters in the UK so that people can race once a year on roads not in the UK that don’t have speed limits accept where they do and then they should be allowed to break the speed limit.
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Now we've agreed that GPS based speed limiters have obvious faults, let's point out another...
It's good to see the government are finally seeing sense and making moves to raise the speed limit to 80mph on motorways. Unfortunately, this is another inherent flaw with GPS based speed limiters. They need an onboard database, and whenever a speed limit changes, that database needs updating. Who's going to be responsible for the updates?
Then let's examine the whole "my <insert appropriate family member title> is having a heart attack at 3am, but I'm going to stick to 20mph on my way to the hospital because my GPS speed limiter and bees say I should"
Yep, would clear space on the roads to allow people with the wherewithal to own a car with proper bollocks to strut their stuff. I always knew we’d agree somewhere, and here we are.
I'm all for getting rid of half or more of the cars on the road, by making everybody sit an advanced driving test, and those who fail have their license revoked, forever. I reckon we could get rid of a good 80% that way, leaving the roads free for those of us who can drive.
Mandatory speed limiters, that you can choose not to use. 🤣

permanently disabling them will invalidate most peoples insurance, and

“the speed limiter will send haptic, audio and visual warnings until you start driving within the speed limits.”

makes the “I didn’t know I was speeding defence” a lot harder to get away with
permanently disabling them will invalidate most peoples insurance, and

“the speed limiter will send haptic, audio and visual warnings until you start driving within the speed limits.”

makes the “I didn’t know I was speeding defence” a lot harder to get away with
No it won't.

And no it won't. (once it's been disabled)

And "I didn't know I was speeding" was never a viable defence.
It's the usual 'everybody should live in a city, like wot I does' spiel. Its the usual 'I hate everything I don't do' spiel. It's pure selfishness, and typical of people with a bit of money who can afford to live in a city.

Yeah - everyone’s rich in that there London🙄
I'm all for getting rid of half or more of the cars on the road, by making everybody sit an advanced driving test, and those who fail have their license revoked, forever. I reckon we could get rid of a good 80% that way, leaving the roads free for those of us who can drive.
This is something we can agree on.

The best bit about this is that the 20% of surviving drivers would be really pleased with themselves for a short while and then find that the country's transport policies would rapidly change, once a car centric set-up became directly contrary to almost everyone's interests.

Would be pretty funny to see how angry the "advanced motorists" would get as all their privileges got removed and they were put in their proper place.

Obviously also pretty funny to see people like platinumsage and Spymaster fail the new tests. I would pass of course.
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