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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Some people don't seem to understand the difference between a good windup, and a windup that can be done by anyone who is simply willing to be offensive or insult people. The latter requires little talent.

One of the marks of the latter type is that it's quite labour intensive - just a load of posts prodding repeatedly at the people where results are likely. A kind of brute force attack. The skilled windup just requires a few words here and there, and then sitting back and letting chaos unfold. Urban75's had a few posters good at that kind of thing over the years. Sadly not many at the moment. They do tend to get banned eventually.
Ah, I see what you're asking now, but you're confused. I didn't say I'd won, I said teuchter realised he couldn't win. Vast difference. I'm not trying to win anything. I'm only here to make sure teuchter doesn't think he has
So you're stopping him from winning by responding abundantly to his threads. If that worked I would be today's winner.
I know, and you won the last one with flying colours :D
So while accusing other people of sock puppetry and 'tag-teaming', you two are actually conspiring together by PM to wind people up. It wasn't either of you that got the steam coming out of my ears today anyway.
Posting the video of drivers assaulting peaceful protestors got us about 250 posts in a day or two.

How about this? Now the police are asking people if they won't have some sympathy for drivers who get out of their vehicles to punch people.

No, they punched her after she shouted at them when they did a close pass on her, while she was cycling.

I look forward to some discussions about how it's just as bad to shout at someone after they nearly kill you, as it is to punch someone after they shout at you, and how she herself should be going on a driver awareness course, etc etc.
How about this? Now the police are asking people if they won't have some sympathy for drivers who get out of their vehicles to punch people.

I think you’ve gotten this wrong teuchter - ”left hook” here is some sort of cyclist slang for “the driver turned left while I was cycling up their near side”.

Seems appropriate given the circumstances for the complainant not to take it to court, which I note from their subsequent tweet is the course of action they decided upon.
Anyway, let's discuss the serious issue, which is whether or not the police should be coming back to victims and suggesting they drop charges against dangerous drivers. And what this tells about the state of car dependency we have reached in this country.
Anyway, let's discuss the serious issue, which is whether or not the police should be coming back to victims and suggesting they drop charges against dangerous drivers. And what this tells about the state of car dependency we have reached in this country.

Has she claimed the police suggested she drop the charge?
I was once persuaded to drop charges against a bunch of drunk students who had kicked the shit out of my bike which I had locked outside the tube station as they had promised to pay for new wheels. They refused when they saw the bill and the police told me I couldn't undrop the charges. I was leaving the country in two weeks and didn't have time to sort it out. So I won't be dropping charges against anyone ever again. Fuck 'em.
Anyway, let's discuss the serious issue, which is whether or not the police should be coming back to victims and suggesting they drop charges against dangerous drivers. And what this tells about the state of car dependency we have reached in this country.

I suspect there is more to this than we are aware of. The court would normally decide an appropriate sentence that took into account any circumstances of the defendant, such as ability to pay and caring responsibilities. Perhaps the police advised that there was a realistic possibility that the defendent would be granted an unconditional discharge or similar.
I was once persuaded to drop charges against a bunch of drunk students who had kicked the shit out of my bike which I had locked outside the tube station as they had promised to pay for new wheels. They refused when they saw the bill and the police told me I couldn't undrop the charges. I was leaving the country in two weeks and didn't have time to sort it out. So I won't be dropping charges against anyone ever again. Fuck 'em.

You dropped the charges before getting your money? :facepalm:

Another Rodney.
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