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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

If people post with the sole intention of winding people up then sometimes they will lose their temper.

Yes, but post the way you do, you're going to attract responses. That's fine but you have to take the rough with the smooth. Either stop posting like that or stop whining like this.
Own your own anger issues; I wasn't posting to wind you up, just disagreeing with the nonsense you spout.
Nah, you said you were loving it. You're just a snidey little shitcunt who likes winding people up. I hope you get syphilis and your knob falls off
Yes, but post the way you do, you're going to attract responses. That's fine but you have to take the rough with the smooth. Either stop posting like that or stop whining like this.
Also bollocks. I had four of you having a go at the same time.
I do find your tantrums amusing, but that's not why I was posting.
You've always been a snide cunt and you're the main reason half the boards fucked off over the trans fights. None of it was necessary and you were clearly getting off on it.
Also bollocks. I had four of you having a go at the same time.

Well you brought Athos into the ruck all by yourself this morning at post #4251. Now you're whining because he's handed you your arse. This is a bollocks thread. You've positioned yourself in it in a certain way along with your buddies and others have opposed you. You're not very good at it and again you start whingeing.
Well you brought Athos into the ruck all by yourself this morning at post #4251. Now you're whining because he's handed you your arse. This is a bollocks thread. You've positioned yourself in it in a certain way along with your buddies and others have opposed you. You're not very good at it and again you start whingeing.
He hasn't handed me my arse at all. Most people on these boards think he's a cunt.
You're not that good at it if you're reduced to picking on someone who's clearly on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

If this is the case, stick this thread on ignore dude.

You can't start fights then cry foul when people respond because of that.
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You've always been a snide cunt and you're the main reason half the boards fucked off over the trans fights. None of it was necessary and you were clearly getting off on it.
I don't belive that even an imbecile like you thinks that's true. A pathetic attempt to distract from your own fragility.
I don't belive that even an imbecile like you thinks that's true. A pathetic attempt to distract from your own fragility.
You were in the top three posters on every one of those threads. You personally drove posters away from here.
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I'm not crying foul and I believe I indicated my willingness to settle the fucking matter.

By meeting for a fight!

Grow the fuck up :D

Listen; you've called people names, insulted them, misrepresented them .... all sorts! I backed off you yesterday because I thought you were getting a bit too much but then you kicked it off again by calling me a liar this morning so the gloves came off again. This stuff doesn't happen for no reason.
You were at it again on the last one that twat co-op started. You only stopped because half the boards told you to shut the fuck up. It's true I haven't taken a poll but I believe it to be true.
That you belive it to be true is not a proxy for truth, given your shaky grip on reality.
You're not that good at it if you're reduced to picking on someone who's clearly on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
If that's the case, why attach yourself to a thread that's clearly going to wind you up. The thread's sole purpose is to wind people u and you're well aware of this, so why not just ignore the thread?
And picking on you....? FFS
If that's the case, why attach yourself to a thread that's clearly going to wind you up. The thread's sole purpose is to wind people u and you're well aware of this, so why not just ignore the thread?
And picking on you....? FFS
Tbf you havent picked on me, I'm just saying that you haven't managed to wind many other people up.
I wind teuchter up all the time but he rarely bites, he just ignores me when he knows he can't win.
I find all the anti cycling, hahaha we've all got cars stuff offensive. It will always get a reaction because I wouldn't enjoy being here if endless shite like that went unchallenged.

And you haven't 'won' anything. You haven't changed anyone's mind, you've just been obnoxious and boring enough that they gave up. I'm particularly tenacious (or even tedious) and particularly triggered by this. I'm not going to be bullied out of saying what I think.
I designed it to make it seem to people like you (and people even more gullible, too) that it was about certain things, or even not about certain things. However, what matters is what it's actually about, and its wider societal impact. Having recently carried out an assessment, I'm pleased to say that it is functioning extremely well, just like propaganda should. It's not really in my nature to congratulate myself in this way but I'm afraid that in this case it simply can't be avoided.

There's a reason motoring lobbyists and monomaniacal idealogues like T & P want the thread shut down - they are rightly worried. Can't help notice that the climate denialists have started buzzing around too, today.
I find all the anti cycling, hahaha we've all got cars stuff offensive. It will always get a reaction because I wouldn't enjoy being here if endless shite like that went unchallenged.

And you haven't 'won' anything. You haven't changed anyone's mind, you've just been obnoxious and boring enough that they gave up. I'm particularly tenacious (or even tedious) and particularly triggered by this. I'm not going to be bullied out of saying what I think.
But I'm not trying to change anybody's mind or convince them of anything, I'm merely responding in kind to nonsense posts on a nonsense thread. I may not even believe some of the things I say but if it annoys teuchter it's worth wasting a bit of time on.
Ah, I see what you're asking now, but you're confused. I didn't say I'd won, I said teuchter realised he couldn't win. Vast difference. I'm not trying to win anything. I'm only here to make sure teuchter doesn't think he has
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