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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

You can't sense the privilege in assuming people can just choose their job? I worked for a supposedly environmentally friendly firm for years, I realised hybrids and EVs weren't all that but had rent to pay. Then I got made redundant while my wife was pregnant and I had to work for a horrible firm that nearly drove me mad to keep everyone clothed and fed. My wife got made redundant a couple of years after this and it wasn't until Covid made me redundant again that I had the financial leeway for a career change.

Can't believe I've just explained myself to some twat who won't even say what he does for a living.
Yeah, 'cos the ONLY job you could get involved actively contributing to environmental disaster. Reeks of exceptionalism and hypocrisy.
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I was a vegetarian anarchist when I worked at McDonalds.

Funny how it’s suggested that people can’t criticise Insulate Britain while actually caring about climate change, but on the other hand apparently people can actively work against the environment while pretending to care about it.
Funny how it’s suggested that people can’t criticise Insulate Britain while actually caring about climate change, but on the other hand apparently people can actively work against the environment while pretending to care about it.
Itd be funny if that had been suggested, yes.
Yeah, 'cos the ONLY job you could get involved actively contributing to environmental disaster.
Jesus fucking Christ. You've actually claimed to be a communist on these boards and here you are blaming a worker for the activities of their employer.

And yes, it was the only job that paid the mortgage, but I supposed I could have moved my family into a fucking bedsit.
Jesus fucking Christ. You've actually claimed to be a communist on these boards and here you are blaming a worker for the activities of their employer.

And yes, it was the only job that paid the mortgage, but I supposed I could have moved my family into a fucking bedsit.

Those who lose income as a result of the Insulate Britain blockades just have to take one for the greater good I suppose. :rolleyes:
Jesus fucking Christ. You've actually claimed to be a communist on these boards and here you are blaming a worker for the activities of their employer.

And yes, it was the only job that paid the mortgage, but I supposed I could have moved my family into a fucking bedsit.
It was rent a minute ago. At least keep the bullshit consistent.

As for the Nuremburg defence, that might go down a bit better if you weren't so quick to criticise others for what you perceive as their choices.

You're a typical preachy middle class hypocrite whose own inadequacies make him lash out at others (albeit impotently). Funny enough, exactly the sort that made up most of the teachers at my school.
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Just a silver spoon.
Had a horrible upbringing actually and would rather not discuss it. It's funny how you always claim to be a lefty (and not just a lefty, an actual literal communist!) but end up shoulder to shoulder with Urban's right wing in every single thread you post on. Maybe you should rethink the way you label yourself.
As for the Nuremburg defence, that might go down a bit better if you weren't so quick to criticise others for what you perceive as their choices.
The difference is - as I seeing it - is that maomao isn't defending whatever the shitty practices of his previous job and dismissing those criticising it as white middle-class yoga teachers (or whatever), whereas instead of ging something along the lines of "Yeah cars are pretty shitty things, I'm not defending them, I have to use them though, but good luck to the protesters" type spiel it's all Clarksophile 'bantz' and Daily Mail tropes being reeled out against XR and Insulate Britain.

So' i think your comparison is limited at best.
Had a horrible upbringing actually and would rather not discuss it. It's funny how you always claim to be a lefty (and not just a lefty, an actual literal communist!) but end up shoulder to shoulder with Urban's right wing in every single thread you post on. Maybe you should rethink the way you label yourself.
I'm sorry you had a horrible childhood.

I'm not shoulder-to-shoulder with anyone on this thread. I've not agreed with e.g. Spy or Saul, even though I can see they're just trying (successfully, it would seem) to wind you up.

The fact that you lump together anyone who disagrees with you, and, worse, that you label them all right wing, is illustrative of nothing more than the paucity and inflexibility of your thinking.
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The difference is - as I seeing it - is that maomao isn't defending whatever the shitty practices of his previous job and dismissing those criticising it as white middle-class yoga teachers (or whatever), whereas instead of ging something along the lines of "Yeah cars are pretty shitty things, I'm not defending them, I have to use them though, but good luck to the protesters" type spiel it's all Clarksophile 'bantz' and Daily Mail tropes being reeled out against XR and Insulate Britain.

So' i think your comparison is limited at best.
Not by me they're not. I've said on this thread that I'd like to see a reduction in the number of cars, and that I have sympathy for the protestors aims, albeit I think their tactics are self-defeating. It's just that Maomao lacks the wit to discern between my sensible points and others' wind-ups.
You can't sense the privilege in assuming people can just choose their job? I worked for a supposedly environmentally friendly firm for years, I realised hybrids and EVs weren't all that but had rent to pay. Then I got made redundant while my wife was pregnant and I had to work for a horrible firm that nearly drove me mad to keep everyone clothed and fed. My wife got made redundant a couple of years after this and it wasn't until Covid made me redundant again that I had the financial leeway for a career change.

Can't believe I've just explained myself to some twat who won't even say what he does for a living.
So at the first possible opportunity you opted to go from breaking the planet to breaking children's free will?
I can see why you get so confused on this thread.
Hard to when you appear to be standing shoulder to shoulder with them tbf.

...but noted, thanks.
I'm not giving 'likes' to their posts, or quoting them in agreement. They're endorsing mine, simply for the fact that they show Maomao up. Not because we think the same about cars or the climate (if they even do believe what they say, which I doubt).
Not by me they're not. I've said on this thread that I'd like to see a reduction in the number of cars, and that I have sympathy for the protestors aims, albeit I think their tactics are self-defeating.

Totally agree with that, and the longer this goes on, the more the general public are likely to take their own action, especially with their attitude, highlighted so well by this cunt.

The difference is - as I seeing it - is that maomao isn't defending whatever the shitty practices of his previous job and dismissing those criticising it as white middle-class yoga teachers (or whatever), whereas instead of ging something along the lines of "Yeah cars are pretty shitty things, I'm not defending them, I have to use them though, but good luck to the protesters" type spiel it's all Clarksophile 'bantz' and Daily Mail tropes being reeled out against XR and Insulate Britain.

So' i think your comparison is limited at best.

Why would anyone who cared about climate change wish good luck to the protestors? Their insulation demands are imbecilic and their protesting methods are ineffectual and damaging.
Totally agree with that, and the longer this goes on, the more the general public are likely to take their own action, especially with their attitude, highlighted so well by this cunt.

Who would have guessed...
Julian Roger Hallam is a Welsh environmental activist, a co-founder of Extinction Rebellion.
Education: King's College London
Privileged cunt doesn't care about others... Shocker!
:D climate fascists!

If that's what fascism looks like these days they really have to up their game. They'd certainly do a lot worse than the left, which is quite an achievement :thumbs:
I'm not a Halam fan but he's got a point about the Belgian Congo which had a bigger bodycount than the Holocaust but for some strange reason is rarely discussed. It's hardly Holocaust denial anyway.

He didn't really have a point, as you can't reasonably compare, based only on the number of dead, the planned extermination of a specific group of people with a 30-year series of events involving war, famine, epidemic disease and declining birth rates.

Let's hope he hasn't used similar abject powers of reasoning when concocting the demand to mandatorily insulate all homes for free by 2030.
Ahhh, a property owner too
In a couple of years time he'll be telling us how circumstances beyond his control forced him to become an involuntary landlord. It was never his intention but its OK because the single mother renting the downstairs part of his newly converted house(s) is only paying for the mortgage on that house, and half the mortgage on his new house, so he's not profiting from her in any way.
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