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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

They are disliked by most of the public for pretty much the same reasons that most of the public doesn't like the RMT when they do a tube strike.

You hear much the same in either case ... "I support their general aims but the way they are doing this is alienating ordinary people who just want to get to work / see granny in hospital / etc"

We all know that the urban75 posters loudly saying this stuff about these protesters think the same about tube strikes, but are too cowardly to say so, because they can't hide behind the "white middle class" stuff.

(I bet that on average, tube drivers earn a lot more than these protesters)

On urban75, objecting to people fighting on class issues remains (mostly) taboo, even on a "banter" basis. Race too, of course. But climate change stuff, not so, it seems. I wonder where we'll be in 10 years time.
I'm not sure this is true. Outside of the right wing press, my experience is that people are supportive of RMT action.
I'm not sure this is true. Outside of the right wing press, my experience is that people are supportive of RMT action.
Outside of Urban and political friends I've never heard anyone in London in favour of tube strikes at all. It pisses off a lot of working people who are still expected to go to work for the day. I support them fully but pretending that tube strikes are popular with normal Londoners is fucking ridiculous.
Outside of Urban and political friends I've never heard anyone in London in favour of tube strikes at all. It pissed off a lot of working people who are still expected to go to work for the day. I support them fully but pretending that tube strikes are popular with normal Londoners is fucking ridiculous.
I think we move in different circles.
Yeah, but Maomao is arriviste.
Au contraire, I was brought up by middle class communists and while most of my working life was in a very culturally working class environment I was management and in charge of telling people what to do.
Of course the Clarksophiles are happy to say they support rail strikes. They don't use public transport.
I'm happy to say I support them because I do support them. I realise that the middle-class on this thread don't support them but that comes as no surprise.
Au contraire, I was brought up by middle class communists and while most of my working life was in a very culturally working class environment I was management and in charge of telling people what to do.
What did you do, again? (Before turning your efforts towards indoctrination and breaking the will of the next generation of workers, on capital's behalf, I mean.)
What did you do, again? (Before turning your efforts towards indoctrination and breaking the will of the next generation of workers, on capital's behalf, I mean.)
I'm afraid I can't share that kind of personal info Secret fucking Squirrel.
Of course the Clarksophiles are happy to say they support rail strikes. They don't use public transport.
And they don't care about all the people who are dependant on public transport who miss hospital appointments and so on, when there's a strike.
maomao cracked the whip to serve wealthy clients with motorcar travel through central London, something that is apparently against all his principles.
What did you do, again? (Before turning your efforts towards indoctrination and breaking the will of the next generation of workers, on capital's behalf, I mean.)
He told you, he was in charge of telling people what to do. He told taxi drivers which house to go to.
Really? You can't see any issue with being so anti-car at the same time as making your living from cars?
You can't sense the privilege in assuming people can just choose their job? I worked for a supposedly environmentally friendly firm for years, I realised hybrids and EVs weren't all that but had rent to pay. Then I got made redundant while my wife was pregnant and I had to work for a horrible firm that nearly drove me mad to keep everyone clothed and fed. My wife got made redundant a couple of years after this and it wasn't until Covid made me redundant again that I had the financial leeway for a career change.

Can't believe I've just explained myself to some twat who won't even say what he does for a living.
There is a massive difference between the RMT and the Climate Fascists. Despite the rantings of the Daily Fail the RMT calls a strike within the boundaries of the system and thus are part of it, they are not acting in a revolutionary manner.
Whether anyone else supports them does not undermine the justification for their actions.
The Climate Fascists are acting outside the system and view themselves as revolutionaries though they are a fairly feeble bunch who whinge like hell when the system comes down hard on them and their fellow citizenry don't support or agree with them.
If you want be a revolutionary then you should accept that not all revolutions succeed or enjoy popular support and that getting your head bust open goes with the territory. Real revolutionaries are prepared to die for their cause, somehow I don't think this lot are. It is possible of course (but not I think likely) that 30 years from now Insulate Britain/Extinction Rebellion will be remembered as the beginning of a great social movement but my bet is that they will fade away in a few years and be forgotten.
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