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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I have neither denied being middle class nor used it as a criticism of protestors. You on the other hand have been squirming like a (middle class) worm on this one. Either say what you do for a living or accept that people will judge you in what they do know.
Oh, I completely accept that you will judge me without knowing all the facts, and couldn't care less. Us working class people are used to being looked down on by the middle class.
Athos denying his own privilege, so novel. Anyway, I’m no longer sat upon the morning throne and should do some work, always fun to pop in.
Wtf is wrong with you? He's told you that he won't say what he does for a living. That's quite reasonable. Many folk won't disclose personal information on here. And it's only you that's judging him. Bit of a broad definition of "people".
Because middle class pretend radicals who use 'middle class' as a criticism of protestors against the capitalist state are worth poking with sticks
Athos denying his own privilege, so novel. Anyway, I’m no longer sat upon the morning throne and should do some work, always fun to pop in.
I'm not denying any privilege. I'm sure I've benefited (and continue to do so) from being e.g. a straight, white male.

But I've never had any class privilege. My mother grew up in a council house, the daughter of an Irish imigrant. My father was the illegitimate son of a housekeeper. Both left school at 14 for unskilled/manual work. I was the first in my family to do A levels, and still the only one to go to university.

The closest I've come to being middle class is insofar as having the benefit of a university education - which I could only afford because I received a grant because mum and dad couldn't pay - enabled me to access well-paid jobs.

But, notwithstanding that I make a decent wage, I've always had to sell my labour power to live. I don't work in a role that administers the relationship between labour and capital. And I've never made money from property, investments, or employing others, and never inherited/been given money.
I'm middle class.
Now we're getting to the crux of the problem. Your hatred of the middle-class has resulted in an inevitable self-loathing, and you don't know whether to boast about your new class status or beat yourself with one of your discarded working-class shoes, so you're attempting to justify your new-found class status by pointing the finger at others who you perceive to be middle-class... Look over there!
Good to see how people’s fascist tendencies come out as soon as their right to drive everywhere is slightly impinged.
Now we're getting to the crux of the problem. Your hatred of the middle-class has resulted in an inevitable self-loathing, and you don't know whether to boast about your new class status or beat yourself with one of your discarded working-class shoes, so you're attempting to justify your new-found class status by pointing the finger at others who you perceive to be middle-class... Look over there!
I haven't criticised anyone for being middle class. :confused: Most posters here are middle class. I've criticised two ostensibly middle class posters for using it as a criticism of climate change protestors.

I can guarantee that not a single one of them is. They wouldn't be welcomed into the fold. You, on the other hand...
Make your mind up then. You said they wanted their own houses insulated for free when they're clearly asking for the government to insulate social housing.
This is what they demand:

"That the UK government immediately promises to produce within four months a legally binding national plan to fully fund and take responsibility for the full low-energy and low-carbon whole-house retrofit , with no externalised costs, of all homes in Britain by 2030 as part of a just transition to full decarbonisation of all parts of society and the economy."

No consideration at all as to whether this is even desirable from a climate perspective. Insulation has huge carbon and environmental cost, splurging it on every home in an unrealistic timescale is unlikely to be the best way forward.
This is what they demand:

"That the UK government immediately promises to produce within four months a legally binding national plan to fully fund and take responsibility for the full low-energy and low-carbon whole-house retrofit , with no externalised costs, of all homes in Britain by 2030 as part of a just transition to full decarbonisation of all parts of society and the economy."

No consideration at all as to whether this is even desirable from a climate perspective. Insulation has huge carbon and environmental cost, splurging it on every home in an unrealistic timescale is unlikely to be the best way forward.
That's demand 2. You've ignored demand 1.
Good to see how people’s fascist tendencies come out as soon as their right to drive everywhere is slightly impinged.
It's great to see these white, middle-class heroes shouting 'fascism' from their white, middle-class perch on the social hierarchy.
Want your London townhouse insulated at the taxpayers' expense?
Come and join Stefania the yoga teacher, and other like-minded white people.

So did you crop out the black person on the left or was it like that already?
Maybe do some research?

"It does have a race issue," art student and Extinction Rebellion protester Annabelle van Dort told CNN. But Van Dort argues that Extinction Rebellion has at least brought the climate crisis onto the political agenda.
Privately educated in a wealthy area on the outskirts of London, Van Dort said she has long been accustomed to being the only person of color in a room. She said the Extinction Rebellion meetings she goes to are largely attended by white, middle-class people, which doesn't bother her personally.
"I don't feel like I can't go because I've always had that my entire life," she said, "but talking to some of my friends who aren't white and aren't middle class, they say it's not for them."
Mothers gather ahead of the Extinction Rebellion "nurse-in" road blockade in London on Wednesday, October 9.
Maybe do some research?

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No, I know that. I mean there's a black protestor's arm in your photo which contradicts your assertion that people who aren't white and middle class wouldn't be welcome. It is probably a middle-class black person though because, not surprisingly, people with more spare time are likely to be over represented in any protest, particularly a weekday one, hence all the old people.

It is amusing, though getting a bit boring now, to see a university-educated white man throwing 'white middle class' around as a term of abuse
White, middle-aged, middle-class, man tries to "own the libs" by pointing out how white and middle-class they are...hmm.
White, middle-aged, middle-class, man tries to "own the libs" by pointing out how white and middle-class they are...hmm.

Perfectly valid in this context. The supreme arrogance of these white middle-class protestors claiming to be protesting on behalf of poor people needs highlighting. If their only excuse for being middle class and white is that their protests happen on weekdays that just highlights their presumptions.
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