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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Perfectly valid in this context. The supreme arrogance of these white middle-class protestors claiming to be protesting on behalf of poor people needs highlighting. If their only excuse for being middle class and white is that their protests happen on weekdays that just highlights their presumptions.

Perfectly valid in this context. The supreme arrogance of these white middle-class posters claiming to be condemning protests on behalf of poor people needs highlighting. If their only excuse for being middle class and white is that their protests happen to disrupt car traffic that just highlights their presumptions.

Easy this.
Perfectly valid in this context. The supreme arrogance of these white middle-class posters claiming to be condemning protests on behalf of poor people needs highlighting. If their only excuse for being middle class and white is that their protests happen to disrupt car traffic that just highlights their presumptions.

Easy this.

I'm no car zealot, and I've expressed sympathy with their aims, but surely you accept that the fact they're largely achingly middle class is part of the reason they're so disliked by most of the public.
I'm no car zealot, and I've expressed sympathy with their aims, but surely you accept that the fact they're largely achingly middle class is part of the reason they're so disliked by most of the public.

Though I suspect their presumed "middle-classness" provides a convenient excuse for the Clarksophiles to avoid the actual issue.
If it's the minging green ones you are middle class by default, even if you shoplifted them. Probably eat them with a 'dip' too.

That can’t fucking be left to stand. Green Sour Cream and chive are the best Pringles. As I’ve had to point out before, any other flavour/colour ( with the possible exception of salt n vinigat) is like that Christmas when you were a kid and you had a massive present but it turned out to be a coat.

And the entire point of Pringles is to dip in dips.

Anyone one who says otherwise has no class.
I'm no car zealot, and I've expressed sympathy with their aims, but surely you accept that the fact they're largely achingly middle class is part of the reason they're so disliked by most of the public.
They're not even maomao's level of middle-class. They're proper-middle-class.
You'd think the cunts that make them would have realised by now that there's a reason they have to keep selling off those minging green ones at half price in Lidl.

Does your culinary wrongness know no bounds?

Though I suspect their presumed "middle-classness" provides a convenient excuse for the Clarksophiles to avoid the actual issue.

I hate Clarkson but attempted to address the actual issue a page or two ago, but of course that part of my post was ignored.
That can’t fucking be left to stand. Green Sour Cream and chive are the best Pringles. As I’ve had to point out before, any other flavour/colour ( with the possible exception of salt n vinigat) is like that Christmas when you were a kid and you had a massive present but it turned out to be a coat.

And the entire point of Pringles is to dip in dips.

Anyone one who says otherwise has no class.
Middle-class cnut.
That can’t fucking be left to stand. Green Sour Cream and chive are the best Pringles. As I’ve had to point out before, any other flavour/colour ( with the possible exception of salt n vinigat) is like that Christmas when you were a kid and you had a massive present but it turned out to be a coat.

And the entire point of Pringles is to dip in dips.

Anyone one who says otherwise has no class.

What are the ones in the red tubes?

Though I suspect their presumed "middle-classness" provides a convenient excuse for the Clarksophiles to avoid the actual issue.
I'm sure some are just using that to bait maomao/edcraw, but I wasn't (it's like shooting fish in a barrel). It's a serious tactical blunder on the part of these protestors. To start a campaign of disruption that alienates potential allies whilst achieving nothing is an own goal.
I bet I make more than the average yoga teacher. What's wrong with yoga anyway? It did wonders for my back and neck, it might help with your injury.
Most yoga teachers don't need money, they were born into money... Middle-class hippy cunts!
That can’t fucking be left to stand. Green Sour Cream and chive are the best Pringles. As I’ve had to point out before, any other flavour/colour ( with the possible exception of salt n vinigat) is like that Christmas when you were a kid and you had a massive present but it turned out to be a coat.

And the entire point of Pringles is to dip in dips.

Anyone one who says otherwise has no class.

Is your monocle's diameter bigger or smaller than a Pringles tube lid?
I'm no car zealot, and I've expressed sympathy with their aims, but surely you accept that the fact they're largely achingly middle class is part of the reason they're so disliked by most of the public.
They are disliked by most of the public for pretty much the same reasons that most of the public doesn't like the RMT when they do a tube strike.

You hear much the same in either case ... "I support their general aims but the way they are doing this is alienating ordinary people who just want to get to work / see granny in hospital / etc"

We all know that the urban75 posters loudly saying this stuff about these protesters think the same about tube strikes, but are too cowardly to say so, because they can't hide behind the "white middle class" stuff.

(I bet that on average, tube drivers earn a lot more than these protesters)

On urban75, objecting to people fighting on class issues remains (mostly) taboo, even on a "banter" basis. Race too, of course. But climate change stuff, not so, it seems. I wonder where we'll be in 10 years time.
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