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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

When you say "the full picture" what you mean is "what I heard on talk radio".

What I saw on BBC news at 10 when the shot panned out to show the ambulance, with the paramedic pleading with protesters and those dragging them away shouting at them that the ambulance was on a call. That is what I mean. As I say, cuntish and cuntish to try and defend that teuchter and edcraw

Edit, and SpookyFrank has chosen to applaud this disgraceful action too, well done.
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I think "what I heard on the video" would suffice.
Selfish wankers, don't care who dies, so long as they get their lofts insulated for free.
No surprise that you're supporting their hatred of people.
What evidence do you have that the Insulate Britain protestors are council tenants?
Saw a cracking little altercation last night. Moron cyclist v dickhead bus driver.

The bus was stopped at a light controlled crossroads indicating left. The moron filtered down the inside of the bus and stopped right by the door. When the lights changed the dickhead couldn't move because he'd have to immediately turn across the moron, and the moron didn't want to move because the penny had dropped and she realised she could get killed by the bus. The dickhead opened the bus door and the two of them started shouting at each other.

It was like a football match between United and City. I wanted them both to lose! :D
One of their leaders was on the telly box the other day and was forced into revealing that he hadn't bothered to insulate his own home despite being able to afford it. They want free insulation for the middle classes under the guise of helping those in fuel poverty.
I will say this though, there's never been a better week to celebrate ordinary folk 'acting like the police' without coming across as a colossally tone-deaf arsehole.

Ironic that the biggest actual effective direct-action protest against climate change in this country was led by an undercover Metropolitan police officer.
I think events of recent weeks have shown that fucking with the fuel supply has a much bigger impact than fucking with traffic, I hope the protesters take some lessons from this.
You say that tongue in cheek but it's exactly what's happened. These cunts were always going to draw a response like this sooner or later and gave Patel a reason to do this on a plate.

“the measures would cover people with a "history of disruption", or where intelligence suggested they might commit crime.”

That’s a win for Hallam and his merry band of vicars.
God. At least Clarkson gets paid for spewing his vapid hate-filled lies. Someone should tell the papers Bi0boy and Cunty Si will do it for free.
I think events of recent weeks have shown that fucking with the fuel supply has a much bigger impact than fucking with traffic, I hope the protesters take some lessons from this.

Let's hope so. They're going to start getting criminal records for this now. So far they've said it's a price worth paying but let's see how many still think that when EU states start bringing in US style visa requirements for Brits, and their records prevent them from sipping lattes in Tuscany and Chamonix at half term.
I have every sympathy with their aims, but it seems to me that the protestors have made a tactical error. They're not helping their cause; everyone is aware of the issue, and nobody will be persuaded to change anything as a result of this; they're just pissing people off, and putting them off the green agenda, by coming across as selfish, entitled, middle-class cranks. And providing Patel an excuse to get tough with protestors that's popular with the public.
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let's see how many still think that when EU states start bringing in US style visa requirements for Brits, and their records prevent them from sipping lattes in Tuscany and Chamonix at half term.

I skipped a lot of pages of this thread, clearly there is a lot to unpack.
And providing Patel an excuse to get tough with protestors that's popular with the public.
This is a complete red herring. Protests that cause any sort of disruption at all are generally unpopular with the public.

Also big LOL at monopoly man calling them middle class. Are you claiming to be upper class now?
I have every sympathy with their aims, but it seems to me that the protestors have made a tactical error. They're not helping their cause; everyone is aware of the issue, and nobody will be persuaded to change anything as a result of this; they're just pissing people off, and putting them off the green agenda, by coming across as selfish, entitled, middle-class cranks. And providing Patel an excuse to get tough with protestors that's popular with the public.

Indeed. My mum is a militant veggie and animal lover and yet told me they should be run over.
This is a complete red herring. Protests that cause any sort of disruption at all are generally unpopular with the public.

Also big LOL at monopoly man calling them middle class. Are you claiming to be upper class now?

What do you think they're achieving, then?

I have to sell my labour power to survive; the very definition of working class. That's not changed by the fact that you're obsessed and upset by the that I get a decent wage for doing so. If you're unsatisfied with your own pay and conditions then you should be lashing out at capital rather than fellow workers; I'd offer my solidarity for that.
What do you think they're achieving, then?

I have to sell my labour power to survive; the very definition of working class. That's not changed by the fact that you're obsessed and upset by the that I get a decent wage for doing so. If you're unsatisfied with your own pay and conditions then you should be lashing out at capital rather than fellow workers; I'd offer my solidarity for that.
I'm middle class. And so are you. Unless you'd like to declare what you do for a living now then you're most recent known job is lawyer. Do I have to explain what middle class means?
I'm middle class. And so are you. Unless you'd like to declare what you do for a living now then you're most recent known job is lawyer. Do I have to explain what middle class means?

I haven't been a lawyer for over 15 years. But, no, I don't want to say what I do now, as I don't want to give away my real life identity. But please do explain what you understand 'middle class' to mean.
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