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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

You've gone further than that, as you well know.
I don't. I've criticised posters on here for dangerous driving and I've attacked car culture and car dependency.

But then I'm talking to a 'literal communist' who believes private transport is worth defending, thinks workers are responsible for the crimes of their bosses and gets his rocks off winding up trans people so I'm not sure you actually know what the words you're using mean.
I don't. I've criticised posters on here for dangerous driving and I've attacked car culture and car dependency.

But then I'm talking to a 'literal communist' who believes private transport is worth defending, thinks workers are responsible for the crimes of their bosses and gets his rocks off winding up trans people so I'm not sure you actually know what the words you're using mean.


I'm not defending private transport per se. I'd love to be in a position where its no longer the necessity it currently is for so many. Something you lack the sense or empathy to grasp.

Some workers are responsible for some of the crimes of some employers. Many police, for instance.

Although I'll admit I find your frothing very amusing, winding you up is nothing to do with gender; I didn't even realise you're trans.

I'm not defending private transport per se. I'd love to be in a position where its no longer the necessity it currently is for so many. Something you lack the sense or empathy to grasp.

Some workers are responsible for some of the crimes of some employers.

Although I'll admit I find your frothing very amusing, winding you up is nothing to do with gender; I didn't even realise you're trans.

You've come to that conclusion because you don't understand how anyone could have empathy for anyone who isn't exactly like them.
And it's also a pretty nasty joke to your nasty little audience who will oblige with laughing faces. Why not just call me a faggot?
And it's also a pretty nasty joke to your nasty little audience who will oblige with laughing faces. Why not just call me a faggot?
Listen, I genuinely had no idea. I'm pretty sure you won't find any post from me in which I've acknowledged you saying that you're trans. It just wasn't a factor whatsoever in me ribbing you. I really don't care if you think I'm a prick or whatever - it's mutual - but I seriously don't want you to think being trans is anything to do with it. I didn't know.
No, I've come to that conclusion based on your clear lack of empathy.
If you're just going to be a nasty little snide cunt about absolutely everything how about popping down to Romford for a first fight? I'd come see you in Hertfordshire but I don't drive.
Listen, I genuinely had no idea. I'm pretty sure you won't find any post from me in which I've acknowledged you saying that you're trans. It just wasn't a factor whatsoever in me ribbing you. I really don't care if you think I'm a price or whatever - it's mutual - but I seriously don't want you to think being trans is anything to do with it. I didn't know.
In fact you know that I'm not so this is just one long snide 'heehee, I called.him a faggot' from you.
If you're just going to be a nasty little snide cunt about absolutely everything how about popping down to Romford for a first fight? I'd come see you in Hertfordshire but I don't drive.
Lol. I really don't care enough about you to travel to the end of my road.
In fact you know that I'm not so this is just one long snide 'heehee, I called.him a faggot' from you.
Well, I didn't think you were. Then you posted something that suggested otherwise. But, fair's fair, if I've got the wrong end of the stick either way, I apologise. I wouldn't have a pop at you because of/about anything like that. Quite apart from it being wrong, I wouldn't need to, with the rich seam of other material you provide.
Oooh, there's gonna be fisticuffs down Romford :cool:
There won't. Quite apart from anything else, he'd be even more of a fool than we already understand him to be by getting barred from teaching before he's even qualified, for fighting!

On top of getting a kicking.
True story. I once saw a car pull over onto the hard shoulder of a motorway. I think it was the M20 in Kent. The driver and the passenger both leapt out and started leathering each other, wild roundhouses, chasing each other around their vehicle, attempted head kicks, the works. Naturally they weren't always able to keep their engagement within the confines of the hard shoulder. Daft fuckers. I hope it didn't end as badly as it had the potential to.
Why? The thread's not about motoring and never was.

I designed it to make it seem to people like you (and people even more gullible, too) that it was about certain things, or even not about certain things. However, what matters is what it's actually about, and its wider societal impact. Having recently carried out an assessment, I'm pleased to say that it is functioning extremely well, just like propaganda should. It's not really in my nature to congratulate myself in this way but I'm afraid that in this case it simply can't be avoided.

There's a reason motoring lobbyists and monomaniacal idealogues like T & P want the thread shut down - they are rightly worried. Can't help notice that the climate denialists have started buzzing around too, today.
I designed it to make it seem to people like you (and people even more gullible, too) that it was about certain things, or even not about certain things. However, what matters is what it's actually about, and its wider societal impact. Having recently carried out an assessment, I'm pleased to say that it is functioning extremely well, just like propaganda should. It's not really in my nature to congratulate myself in this way but I'm afraid that in this case it simply can't be avoided.

There's a reason motoring lobbyists and monomaniacal idealogues like T & P want the thread shut down - they are rightly worried. Can't help notice that the climate denialists have started buzzing around too, today.

It’s about Moomins obviously, you obsessed deviant.
Things are coming to something when people start offering fisticuffs on the boards.

This is Urban75 not Zaire74.

If people post with the sole intention of winding people up then sometimes they will lose their temper. It's not a fucking talent.
If people post with the sole intention of winding people up then sometimes they will lose their temper. It's not a fucking talent.
Own your anger issues; I wasn't posting to wind you up, just disagreeing with the nonsense you spout.
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