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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I suspect there is more to this than we are aware of. The court would normally decide an appropriate sentence that took into account any circumstances of the defendant, such as ability to pay and caring responsibilities. Perhaps the police advised that there was a realistic possibility that the defendent would be granted an unconditional discharge or similar.

Don't humour him.
What teuchter’s lack of understanding of cyclist lingo reveals about him is that he rarely if ever cycles, much preferring the comfort and convenience of his motor car.
Anyway, let's discuss the serious issue, which is whether or not the police should be coming back to victims and suggesting they drop charges against dangerous drivers. And what this tells about the state of car dependency we have reached in this country.
Old Bill putting the victim at the heart of the decision making. Victim centred justice as it were. What a disgrace,
Got you all with that one! So easy. Another successful experiment.
Every time you tell a fib it makes a Moomin very sad.


Badly done teuchter . Badly done.
Seriously, he's got a page or more of excited 'gotchas' out of a an obviously fake denial that references Spymaster's schoolboy bollocks from yesterday. You might think you're all very clever but he got all the internet points.
Seriously, he's got a page or more of excited 'gotchas' out of a an obviously fake denial that references Spymaster's schoolboy bollocks from yesterday.

Don't be silly. You're grasping at straws here after you made a total knob of yourself yesterday.

Like a final defiant puff of smoke before the titanic disappeared. :D
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