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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

You don't think telling somebody to drink themself to death could possibly be upsetting?
Probably. But if your hobby's winding people up you'll have to deal with that once in a while. And if you did actually get upset you might seem vaguely human for five minutes.
Probably. But if your hobby's winding people up you'll have to deal with that once in a while. And if you did actually get upset you might seem vaguely human for five minutes.

He's been remarkably restrained with you today, given your nonsense. Best not push it, eh?
Wonder what the “alpha males” think of this:

OK, I'll bite.

I'm with the sotto voice comment at 0:18 - I'm not sure that the woman holding the sign saying "this is a pavement" spends much time on a pavement. The entrance to the petrol station is not a pavement as can be seen form the kerb stones. When the demonstrating wheelchair appears, the drivers make room. Most people seem to be doing their best in a difficult situation, no doubt with their spirits buoyed up by the entertaining sign woman.
For fuck sake, it really is pathetic and crass. That was a real person who got raped. It destroys people’s lives. It’s not something that you just use as a gotcha.

It’s pathetic also to try to tar drivers with the brush of knife-wielding maniacs just because one driver does it. But nobody actually got hurt, nobody’s trauma is being used for fun. It makes the poster look like a prat for thinking it says anything other than the poster themself doesn’t understand societies. But that’s it.

If you don’t get why using somebody’s trauma as your fun escalation in a stupid thread makes you a prick then you also are a prick.
Wonder what the “alpha males” think of this:

Most of the drivers look to be in the wrong. They’re probably cyclists in stolen vehicles. It’d be easy enough to queue and not block the peds. However, this thread is not the place for serious traffic discussion, it’s for wind-ups and point scoring and you and maomao have some serious catching-up to do today!
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Why does anyone read anything by the fools mentioned above? Don't you think it's a waste of your life? Then you multiply the stupidity by replying....FFS, why do that to yourself? Just put them on ignore and enjoy the good bits of the forum. And when you've done that, if you still need to kill time, just have a wank or eat your own earwax or something. Your quality of life will improve.
For fuck sake, it really is pathetic and crass. That was a real person who got raped. It destroys people’s lives. It’s not something that you just use as a gotcha.

It’s pathetic also to try to tar drivers with the brush of knife-wielding maniacs just because one driver does it. But nobody actually got hurt, nobody’s trauma is being used for fun. It makes the poster look like a prat for thinking it says anything other than the poster themself doesn’t understand societies. But that’s it.

If you don’t get why using somebody’s trauma as your fun escalation in a stupid thread makes you a prick then you also are a prick.

FFS... Can you not see that that's exactly what I was pointing out? :facepalm:
Cars lead to road rage because they isolate people from one another in protective containers and dissociate them from their environment. The knife waving and other petrol station fights are manifestations of this. The dissociation and atomisation that habitual car use leads to are one of the reasons to object to it on the basis of societal harm.

On the other hand there is no plausible association or casual link between using a bicycle and a likelihood of committing sexual assault.
FFS... Can you not see that that's exactly what I was pointing out? :facepalm:
Find another way of pointing it out then. The woman was raped not far from me and just round the corner from several other urbs. She's a real person; not a point to be made in an argument. I get the point you think you're making; not sure if you've understood the objection. I'm done with this now but it was crass as fuck.
For fuck sake, it really is pathetic and crass. That was a real person who got raped. It destroys people’s lives. It’s not something that you just use as a gotcha.

It’s pathetic also to try to tar drivers with the brush of knife-wielding maniacs just because one driver does it. But nobody actually got hurt, nobody’s trauma is being used for fun. It makes the poster look like a prat for thinking it says anything other than the poster themself doesn’t understand societies. But that’s it.

If you don’t get why using somebody’s trauma as your fun escalation in a stupid thread makes you a prick then you also are a prick.


A man of your calibre shouldn't be within light-years of this thread

( and you're spouting bollocks) ;)
Car dependancy and the need to reduce private car use was discussed on radio 4 Today programme this morning. Once again, good to see these discussions gradually appearing in the mainstream more.

They had someone from

Apparently they will produce a new report today but here are some excerpts from a previous one

The Committee on Climate Change says that 62% of future reduction in emissions will rely
on individual choices and behaviours12. However, government has not yet properly engaged
with the public on the substantial behaviour changes that achieving net zero will require13.
The 2030 ban on sales of new petrol and diesel cars and vans (ICEs) is welcome but it is
estimated that we will still need to reduce traffic on our roads by between 20% and 60% by
2030 to meet our carbon reduction targets.14 This will require a shift from private transport to
public, shared and active travel, and to reduce the need for travel. There is also a risk is that
in lowering the cost of motoring, electrification will make mode shift even harder to deliver.
The scale of the challenge is immense. In September 2020 there were 32.9 million cars in
UK, of these 1.1% (348,506) were ultra low emission with just under 0.5% fully electric15.
ULEV sales have doubled over the past year16 but from a very low base. There is no such
thing as a zero emissions car. Electric vehicles (EVs) are carbon intensive to produce.
Decarbonisation of the grid is critical. A key challenge still to overcome is the financial,
economic and social cost of sourcing raw materials for batteries17
Professor Greg Marsden says we must focus not only on when to stop selling ICEs but how
we should electrify as part of a carbon pathway that delivers deep cuts right now. The work
of the DecarboN8 network is focused on rebalancing road space between cars, buses,
cycling and walking; not locking-in car dependency by assuming we just replace ICEs with
(more) EVs; and reducing our carbon footprint by shifting to much more intensive use of a
smaller fleet of vehicles and other e-micromobility solutions18.
Our current use of roads is grossly inefficient. The car is used for 61% of trips and nearly two
thirds of car trips are single occupancy19. The RAC Foundation reveals that the average car
is parked 96.5% of the time, and only used 3.5% of the time20
There is a disconnect between public support for tackling climate change and
people’s understanding of the changes they need to make in their own lives21. A
major campaign will be needed to communicate the wider benefits of modal shift,
such as improved health and road safety, reducing congestion and air pollution.
The RAC Foundation reveals that the average car is parked 96.5% of the time, and only used 3.5% of the time

People just need to drive their cars more. With self-driving cars, people will be able to go for a drive just to get a change of scenery while working on their computers.

Increasing the utilisation rate of vehicles should also reduce the need for parking space, although it may mean more road building is needed.
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