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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Just look at maomao. He enters thermal runaway at the slightest slight.
Yes, I have poor temper control and am receiving professional help for that and a couple of other issues at the moment. But I have a fulfilling job, an amazing family and am mostly happy in my own skin these days. Unlike some posters who seem to extract all their self worth from their ability to wind people up. Or worse, pride themselves on their ability to stay unwound up.

It would be nice if you stopped tagging me. I do enjoy the actual subject of this thread but it just stinks now.
Yes, I have poor temper control and am receiving professional help for that and a couple of other issues at the moment. But I have a fulfilling job, an amazing family and am mostly happy in my own skin these days. Unlike some posters who seem to extract all their self worth from their ability to wind people up. Or worse, pride themselves on their ability to stay unwound up.

It would be nice if you stopped tagging me. I do enjoy the actual subject of this thread but it just stinks now.

Probably needs a new thread in climate change. I suppose I shall set one up.
Climate change however is not the only reason to massively reduce car use. Probably not even the main one.

Fine, I'll leave you to your fun, and you can continue to argue with the handful of people who bother with this thread.
Regarding climate change, I imagine that in a table of "Things We Could Do" sorted by the column titled "CO2 saving divided by Deleterious Impact on People's Lives Score", I imagine "Elimate private car ownership including electric cars" would be somewhere down at the bottom of the table.
Regarding climate change, I imagine that in a table of "Things We Could Do" sorted by the column titled "CO2 saving divided by Deleterious Impact on People's Lives Score", I imagine "Elimate private car ownership including electric cars" would be somewhere down at the bottom of the table.

Christ but you’re boring. Well, that’s it from me for today, enjoy yourselves.
Misuse of a car horn is an offence, just another one of the many driving offences nobody is ever comvicted for.

More proof drivers are quite often thick as mince.

"The man at the front wound down his window and asked me which petrol station I was going to," he said.
"When I said I wasn't, he asked me 'Why not?' and when I said I wasn't carrying petrol, he actually said 'You could have stopped and told us you weren't a petrol tanker.'

Because they’ve been happily driving for years but this one waste of fuel incident will likely be seen as such a devastating blow they’ll likely ditch their cars now, eh?
Oh dear the “big boys” are a bit slow this morning. They’re trying to find petrol to fill up but wasting what little they have whilst trying to find it.
Because they’ve been happily driving for years but this one waste of fuel incident will likely be seen as such a devastating blow they’ll likely ditch their cars now, eh?
If I had a car I'd be wondering if this whole thing was a one-off for sure. Or maybe even an ongoing problem if the army is being drafted in to drive tankers.

I'm sure its just a wee blip and it'll be fine.
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