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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Well I think the whole country is proving that most car owners are a bunch of selfish twunts.
I'm mostly disappointed that my commuting route doesn't take me past any petrol stations. But the local Facebook Oh God Please Tell Me Where I Can Fill Up posts are helping.
No. I don't believe that what has happened would be considered by anyone, except morons, to be what you're trying to make it. Big difference.

Are you sure you're a teacher? :hmm:
I know you pride yourself on being a cunt but this isn't comedy cuntery. Anyway, commute over, so feel free to wallow in your moral vacuity.
Oh stop it. Faux outrage is fucking annoying. And no-one mentioned rape except that Edcraw person.
Its not 'faux'. I genuinely think that's crossed a line. But some people are so keen to avoid being labelled a hypocrite that they'll live their whole lives as a piece of shit just for consistency.
It really is, and it's not very nice, trying to score points that way.
Fuck off you worthless shitstain. The thread's a laugh but I've always argued my actual position give or take a bit of hyperbole. I would never use rape jokes to score points because I'm not a worthless fucking oxygen thief like you.
Fuck off you worthless shitstain. The thread's a laugh but I've always argued my actual position give or take a bit of hyperbole. I would never use rape jokes to score points because I'm not a worthless fucking oxygen thief like you.
“Rape jokes”. You need to get a fucking grip. You’re taking this too far to be able to exit with any degree of honour.
Fuck off you worthless shitstain. The thread's a laugh but I've always argued my actual position give or take a bit of hyperbole. I would never use rape jokes to score points because I'm not a worthless fucking oxygen thief like you.
I've also noticed you get shouty and start abusing people when you realise you're wrong and don't want to admit it. And the thread usually is a laugh, until you do this.
The fascinating thing about Nextdoor is that people are rude under their real name and part of their address. It doesn't do much for the argument against anonymity.

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Peirs and his ilk make a decent living off being high profile arseholes so yeah cries for no anonymity online have more to do with controlling the plebs and capitalism than it does trying to make people be polite
I've also noticed you get shouty and start abusing people when you realise you're wrong and don't want to admit it. And the thread usually is a laugh, until you do this.
And I've noticed you just say fucking horrible things until people get sick of talking to you and then claim you've won something. Go and get on with drinking yourself to death.
You shouldn't take part in threads like this if this is how it's going to react to criticism.
Since when did reacting emotionally to deliberately offensive and nasty behaviour indicate some kind of weakness? I'd much rather put my faith in someone who loses it with edgelords like you than some cunt who gets off on upsetting people.
Anyway, went for a blat into the countryside today in my SUV to buy some leeks from a farm shop. I don’t think the fuel shortages have improved anyone’s driving - got overtaken on a country lane by a Vectra doing 90 in a 60 and had to beep a daft twat in an Octavia trying to join the dual carraigeway at 30mph. Didn’t see any dangerous driving by SUVs though. :(
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Since when did reacting emotionally to deliberately offensive and nasty behaviour indicate some kind of weakness? I'd much rather put my faith in someone who loses it with edgelords like you than some cunt who gets off on upsetting people.
You don't think telling somebody to drink themself to death could possibly be upsetting?
... had to beep a daft twat in an Octavia trying to join the dual carraigeway at 30mph.


I saw him leave at the next exit.
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