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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I (and my companion) came moderately close to being killed by a speeding motorist today. Went out for a relatively short bike ride, nearly all on small lanes so as not to slow down motorists on A roads attending urgent appointments.

On one of these narrow lanes some kind of boy racer type car suddenly appeared in the opposite direction at great speed. Luckily we weren't just at a corner and there was a bit of a layby we could swerve into. He didn't make any effort to slow down, in fact he put his hand continuously on the horn as he approached and sped past. About 50m further along he had to stick the brakes on pretty hard as there was a white van coming the other way. Wasn't far off hitting it. Things momentarily got interesting when some blue lights started flashing on the van and its driver started having a word with boy racer. That was it though, he was allowed to continue on his way. We went to speak to white van man who apparently was a policeman, in an unmarked vehicle.

We told him what had just happened but it seemed there was nothing that could be done. Wished I'd got down there before he let the guy go, even if it had given me the opportunity to give him some of my opinions about his driving in the company of a police officer, possibly reducing the chances of me being violently assaulted as a result.

Starting to think it's time to get a helmet cam.

Us being on bikes is not really relevant here by the way. It was uphill and we weren't going at speed. We'd have been equally in danger if we were walking - no footpaths alongside these lanes. How about a family with kids, walking along in the road and then this guy suddenly flies round a corner?

I've come across the aftermath of such an incident before on a country lane by the way. Luckily we didn't see it directly. The way that some people told us to turn back and not go further was enough to make sure I'll not forget it though.

I wonder if boy racer is uploading his dashcam footage to youtube to share with his mates.
Again, this is driving without due care and attention when the CPS would have hands down got a dangerous driving conviction for that shit. Why are they so reluctant to go for it?
Again, this is driving without due care and attention when the CPS would have hands down got a dangerous driving conviction for that shit. Why are they so reluctant to go for it?
It would have been easy for the driver to say they thought the road was clear to overtake, but didn't see the island, then had to swerve to avoid it, and it would have been impossible to prove otherwise.
It would have been easy for the driver to say they thought the road was clear to overtake, but didn't see the island, then had to swerve to avoid it, and it would have been impossible to prove otherwise.

Him parping them before the overtake would have helped destroy that defence.
'Do as I say not as I do' is a quintessential quality of every single anti-car fundie, on these boards and elsewhere.
AKA 'your granny got an ambulance once so it's fine for me to let my lower limbs atrophy completely while spewing poison into your children's faces and ruining every public space in your town'.
Ambulances are quite different from private car use, which is exactly what teuchter did recently, and I suspect by no means an isolated incident.

If one advocates a total ban on private cars, one should really refrain from using teh evil Death Machine, however occasionally. It'd be different if the person in question was advocating a just a curb in the overall use of vehicles, rather than a ban.Or to put more blantly, if one constantly campaigns for a total ban on sex for others, they shouldn't go visiting brothels whenever they get the itch.
Ambulances are quite different from private car use, which is exactly what teuchter did recently, and I suspect by no means an isolated incident.

If one advocates a total ban on private cars, one should really refrain from using teh evil Death Machine, however occasionally. It'd be different if the person in question was advocating a just a curb in the overall use of vehicles, rather than a ban.Or to put more blantly, if one constantly campaigns for a total ban on sex for others, they shouldn't go visiting brothels whenever they get the itch.
Yes because prostitution and sex are the same thing.

Occasional use isn't the problem. I took two taxis myself this year. It's lazy twats like you who've never walked to the end of the road they live in and are intent on using private motor vehicles even when public transport is quicker.
If one advocates a total ban on private cars, one should really refrain from using teh evil Death Machine
This is an obvious non seqitur, but do go ahead and explain the nonsense logic that leads you to say this. Just for entertainment value.
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