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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

And I still put it to you (and as a fact rather than an opinion) that many of the drivers who religiously observe the stated speed limit at all times are incapable of judging safe speeds on their own, and thus far more dangerous to themselves and others.

Are you contesting the fact that plenty of stretch of A-roads in this country have an inappropriately high speed limit of 50 mph? Because they undoubtedly do. So it”s certainly not at all about all limits are too low and we want to go faster, as I said before.
It seems a bit like you don't really understand what a speed limit is.
And I still put it to you (and as a fact rather than an opinion) that many of the drivers who religiously observe the stated speed limit at all times are incapable of judging safe speeds on their own, and thus far more dangerous to themselves and others.

Are you contesting the fact that plenty of stretch of A-roads in this country have an inappropriately high speed limit of 50 mph? Because they undoubtedly do. So it”s certainly not at all about all limits are too low and we want to go faster, as I said before.

So you'd say it's a fact that someone who never drives over 20 in a 20 zone will also drive at exactly 50 on all 50mph roads in all circumstances? Observing a limit means driving at or below the stated speed.
So? I'm not talking about whether I do or not. I'm talking about whether it's okay for me, and everyone else, to just make up our own rules.

Certainly not you. That would be ridiculous. As for who can; that depends on what car they drive. Most traffic regulations only apply to those who drive vehicles under 300 PS.
I Drive a Car, Ride Motorcycle and a Mountain bike. In all honesty there are plonkers in all camps and Im far from perfect.

The decreasing manners and arrogant lack of respect for others unless virtue signalling is evident in all aspects of life these days and perhaps even amplified when protected from repercussions by the surrounding protection of 2 ton of SUV
Those who Drive but never cycle can't get that it is sometimes safer for everyone if you temporarily pull off the road onto the pavement (I even do it when safe to allow a car to get by easier.)
I'm not even going to try and explain why, you'll never get a car driver to understand this unless they go cycling a few days.
I Drive a Car, Ride Motorcycle and a Mountain bike. In all honesty there are plonkers in all camps and Im far from perfect.

The decreasing manners and arrogant lack of respect for others unless virtue signalling is evident in all aspects of life these days and perhaps even amplified when protected from repercussions by the surrounding protection of 2 ton of SUV
Those who Drive but never cycle can't get that it is sometimes safer for everyone if you temporarily pull off the road onto the pavement (I even do it when safe to allow a car to get by easier.)
I'm not even going to try and explain why, you'll never get a car driver to understand this unless they go cycling a few days.

I stopped reading at "bike".
Thoughts & prays for the driver here - must have been quite a medical emergency for their BMW to mount the pavement and for them not to know what happened and so left the scene.

Yeah but the rules don't apply if you drive a fast car, as spymaster says in yet another of his hilarious 'opinions' which are definitely jokes at the expense of uptight cyclists and not at the expense of the victims of arsehole motorists.
Yeah but the rules don't apply if you drive a fast car, as spymaster says.

You're learning, Plankie boy. Well done. :thumbs:

ETA>Nice to see you've taken me off ignore by the way. I knew you'd be back eventually. We'll consider it step 1, on your path to enlightenment.
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Most people on this Earth do certainly think it is, certainly when it comes to certain aspects of their lives. Bringing two cartons of cigs per person back from a foreign trip instead of one is illegal. So is getting drunk in a pub. So is taking drugs. So is dodging the TV Licence. Or fare dodging. Or countless other things we might choose to view as harmless or morally justified.

As I’ve said plenty of times before, I believe in the concept of an individual being able to work out whether breaking the law can sometimes be right, safe, and justified, depending on what the act is naturally.

But anyone peddling the argument that one can’t really choose which motoring laws to obey or disregard better check their own conduct is 100% law compliant. Because at the end of day, person A judging it is sometimes okay to break the speed limit in the right circumstances is as entitled to do so as person B believing it is okay to consume illegal drugs, or any of the other examples above.
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But anyone peddling the argument that one can’t really choose which motoring laws to obey or disregard better check their own conduct is 100% law compliant. Because at the end of day, person A judging it is sometimes okay to break the speed limit in the right circumstances is as entitled to do so as person B believing it is okay to consume illegal drugs, or any of the other examples above.
It's always the case, people like to point the finger at those doing things they don't like and don't do themselves, but they seem incapable of taking a look in the mirror. They think their little bit of coke at the weekend isn't harming anybody, when in fact it ruins more lives than speeding drivers ever did. I get the impression a lot of these people are trying to offset their own cuntishness by pointing out other people's faults.
Exactly... "I take drugs that kill tens of thousands every year, but what about speeding motorists!" :D

You’ve already done that one mate - let’s try another one.

“Speeding motorists kill hundreds each year but what about China’s coal power plants?” pwned
You’ve already done that one mate - let’s try another one.

“Speeding motorists kill hundreds each year but what about China’s coal power plants?” pwned
Did that strike a nerve? Are you feeling a tad naked and exposed? :D
That's the great thing about cyclists, they pretty much all take drugs, so their hypocrisy is easily pointed out, and it's fun doing so :D
You’ve already done that one mate - let’s try another one.

“Speeding motorists kill hundreds each year but what about China’s coal power plants?” pwned
Speeding motorists who do 60 mph on a 30 or 20 area are psychopaths who are clearly unfit to hold a licence, and very likely to kill themselves and others before long.

Competent drivers who- oh the horror- sometimes go a few mph over the stated limit when the conditions are right, are as likely to kill or maim anyone as a cyclist who chooses to jump a red light or even ride on a pavement in the right conditions.

Please tell me you are able to differentiate between the two scenarios?
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