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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

It'd be better to have effective traffic calming measures, effective enforcement, and meaningful sanctions.

Along with sensible road layouts and speed control. Loads of Sadiq Khan's silly 'war on motorists' stuff is being quietly ditched in London at the moment. Look around and you'll see stretches of blanket 20mph zones being re-signed as 30mph and roads that were designated as bus/cycle lanes being put back to car use. The tell-tale signs are lots road markings visibly rubbed-out and sudden lack of traffic chaos. One of the favourite "cycle friendly" measures was to close one lane of a 2 lane road to cars. All that happened was that you got an enormous tailback alongside an empty lane that had one bus and a couple of cycles go down it occasionally. Most of those have now fortunately been binned but it does seem sometimes that TfL's road planning department is populated by people with the intelligence of edcraw .
New Cycleway 9 extension taking shape:

A cunt in a Tesla puts 5 children and a adult in hospital:

Bit harsh*, given we've no idea what happened; they could have had a heart attack at the wheel. ETA: some of the reports are suggesting they might not have even been behind the wheel!

*Especially given they've chosen one of the safest and most environmentally friendly cars available!
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Along with sensible road layouts and speed control. Loads of Sadiq Khan's silly 'war on motorists' stuff is being quietly ditched in London at the moment. Look around and you'll see stretches of blanket 20mph zones being re-signed as 30mph and roads that were designated as bus/cycle lanes being put back to car use. The tell-tale signs are lots road markings visibly rubbed-out and sudden lack of traffic chaos. One of the favourite "cycle friendly" measures was to close one lane of a 2 lane road to cars. All that happened was that you got an enormous tailback alongside an empty lane that had one bus and a couple of cycles go down it occasionally. Most of those have now fortunately been binned but it does seem sometimes that TfL's road planning department is populated by people with the intelligence of edcraw .
I guess there's an element of trial and error to see what works where.
Bit harsh*, given we've no idea what happened; they could have had a heart attack at the wheel. ETA: some of the reports are suggesting they might not have even been behind the wheel!

*Especially given they've chosen one of the safest and most environmentally friendly cars available!

They were driving a Tesla so I’m confident in my assessment.

Also, electric cars really aren’t the answer.

The trouble with tweeting how often people exceed the speed limit (without sanction) is that it might be unproductive insofar as it normalises speeding, and appears to show that speeding doesn't cause accidents. It'd be better to have effective traffic calming measures, effective enforcement, and meaningful sanctions.
Put speeding drivers in the stocks. That's pretty meaningful as a sanction - and fun for all the family.
They were driving a Tesla so I’m confident in my assessment.

Also, electric cars really aren’t the answer.

What do you have against Tesla drivers?

Whilst electric cars aren't a panacea, they're a step in the right direction to alleviate some of the problems caused by the ICE.

Overall, it seems strange to brand the driver* in this case a cunt without knowing the circumstances or what's happened. (*If they were even driving!)
What do you have against Tesla drivers?

Whilst electric cars aren't a panacea, they're a step in the right direction to alleviate some of the problems caused by the ICE.

Overall, it seems strange to brand the driver* in this case a cunt without knowing the circumstances or what's happened. (*If they were even driving!)
Personally care more about the kid that was airlifted to hospital rather than the small possibility the cars owner isn’t a cunt.
Okay, so we’ll just assume they are especially as, as you point out, they may not have even been driving in which case they’d be a total cunt.
You can assume what you like; I'll wait until we know what happened before coming to any conclusion on the question of cuntiness.
Surely the help with air quality in towns?
Assuming that all ICE car journeys are replaced 1 for 1 with electric vehicles yes they would. The danger is that numbers of cars increase because they are now presented as 'harmless' when they are not.

We already see it all the time - people justifying their decision to use a car rather than public transport "because I have an electric car now".
Certain posters on this thread will be completely enraged by this guy's videos so I'm going to post them up now and again over the next few days.

We already see it all the time - people justifying their decision to use a car rather than public transport "because I have an electric car now".

I've never seen or heard it once. Not here, not anywhere.

I don't even know anyone that's got an electric car. Who are you hanging around with to be hearing this all the time and why do you hang around with them? I guess beggars can't be choosers but they don't sound like your sort of people.
Times over the limit in charge of an HGV - if this guy doesn’t lose his HGV license permanently something’s v wrong:

I'm not quite sure what an incident involving a lorry is doing on a thread about car ownership, particularly private car ownership. Whatever you may think of motor vehicles its going to be a long time till we don't need lorries and trucks that is if we still want you know stuff like food and somewhere to live.

As for the a suitable punishment you can be sent to prison for drink driving but courts seem generally unwilling to impose custodial sentences unless there is a serious incident involving a 3rd party or it is a repeat offender. Without knowing any more about this case I'd say this person should not be allowed behind a wheel for a very long time.
For ever is a long time.

Its only just gone nine. I don't think its healthy to be this angry so early. You've got the whole day to build up a head of steam.
Never mind the driving ban, that should be prison for attempted murder.
Are you still a fighter pilot, or are you back to being a children’s cycling instructor nowadays?

If the latter, perhaps they could use the same law to imprison you for attempted paedophilia.
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