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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Surely this whole thread is a to troll, in both directions? And intentionally so? This was never the place to have a sensible discussion about this topic. And, within that context, it's a bit of fun.
That was my understanding, but Clapson wouldn't even recognise fun if it was a 2 page colour pop-up in his Daily Mail.
U75 has a dearth of emissions reduction chat. Bit of a shame really. This is one of the very few relevant threads. Maybe it all points to general public apathy...the impossibility of individuals averting disaster. I've yet to find a forum with high quality advice for people who want to do their bit.
It’s not confined to this thread though, unfortunately.
It’s a tit for tat thing. The cycling chat thread largely gets left alone because it’s just a bunch of wallies rubbing each other off about carbon fibre and cycle clips. All of the petrol-head threads get rounded on by wombats like maomao and Orang Utan so they’re fair game anywhere in transport. I got (reasonably) told off by Bees yesterday for trolling Bahnhof Strasse’s thread, which was fair enough, so I desisted. This one’s a pure fishing thread though.
I would hope we can have a serious discussion about transport decarbonisation in the proposed new climate change sub folder, if it is created.

There was a decent discussion on the Electric Cars thread recently where even Saul seemed to accept the need for change.
I would hope we can have a serious discussion about transport decarbonisation in the proposed new climate change sub folder, if it is created.

There was a decent discussion on the Electric Cars thread recently where even Saul seemed to accept the need for change.
I'd get involved in a discussion on a serious thread but this isn't one, like all of teuchter's threads.
i keyed a pavement parker last night. will see if they’re still there this evening.
this is annoying. there’s another pavement parker. i’ve now posted different stickers all over the car that i’m at war with to no avail. first was ‘stop parking like an idiot’. second was ‘ Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere’ There are two more stages but they involve the word ‘cunt’ so i’m reluctant to employ that tactic.
it is so much easier to just get a key out and hold it against the car as you pass, but that may be illegal possibly.
will see if it’s still there on Monday.
the code red final measure to apply after the cunt stickers involves tape, cable ties and other stuff to festoon the car with, but am not sure i’ve got the bottle for it as it’s on the main road, though i doubt the owner will see owt as the house is up a driveway

this is annoying. there’s another pavement parker. i’ve now posted different stickers all over the car that i’m at war with to no avail. first was ‘stop parking like an idiot’. second was ‘ Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere’ There are two more stages but they involve the word ‘cunt’ so i’m reluctant to employ that tactic.
it is so much easier to just get a key out and hold it against the car as you pass, but that may be illegal possibly.
will see if it’s still there on Monday.
the code red final measure to apply after the cunt stickers involves tape, cable ties and other stuff to festoon the car with, but am not sure i’ve got the bottle for it as it’s on the main road, though i doubt the owner will see owt as the house is up a driveway
Go for it, but we'll need pictures.
Here is a map board, put up on the (for pedestrians) pavement to help pedestrians find their way on foot when they come out of the tube.

Presumably knocked over by a speeding cyclist.

That's interesting but as far as I can see there are loads of places where it's known there's a speeding problem, but no money or desire for the police to do anything about it.

The warm weather seems to bring them out in South London... Lots of speeding cars on my road over the weekend.

This is interesting - people are using Google data to set up Twitter bots to highlight speeding:

The brutal (and outrageous) truth is that most local authorities will only do something about speeding on a road once there have been fatalities. And just the one unlikely to be enough.

I think that Twitterbot is potentially useful though as it gives a much more reliable source of data than complaining residents.
I think a big part of the problem is that local authorities don’t get any of the money from enforcement but have to pay for cameras so they just don’t do it.

That twitter bot could help to highlight the problem and maybe deal with it through better street design rather than enforcement.

Also just highlights how lots of drivers are complete twats.
For some time I've been trying to push for better street design near me - in particular a junction where there are regularly collisions and vehicles ending up on the pavement...the answer that comes back is that there is insufficient collision data for it to be prioritised. Yup it looks like you have to wait for someone to actually die before it's considered something that needs attention.
Driving 30mph over the speed limit after taking cocaine, cannabis and ketamine!! 6.5 year ban WTF!

Why should he ever be allowed to drive again? We seem to treat it as there’s some god given right to drive.
Driving 30mph over the speed limit after taking cocaine, cannabis and ketamine!! 6.5 year ban WTF!

Why should he ever be allowed to drive again? We seem to treat it as there’s some god given right to drive.
Poor little kid - can only hope he recovered OK. What an total scumbag driver.
The brutal (and outrageous) truth is that most local authorities will only do something about speeding on a road once there have been fatalities. And just the one unlikely to be enough.

I think that Twitterbot is potentially useful though as it gives a much more reliable source of data than complaining residents.
It's a good idea, and ideally every tweet would tag the local highways authority and police. There should be average speed cameras set up everywhere, with fines issued automatically. It would also be good if there was a government site listing everyone done for speeding.

The authorities should also be able to install software on all the offenders' electronic devices to force them to display all text in comic sans too.
It's a good idea, and ideally every tweet would tag the local highways authority and police. There should be average speed cameras set up everywhere, with fines issued automatically. It would also be good if there was a government site listing everyone done for speeding.

The authorities should also be able to install software on all the offenders' electronic devices to force them to display all text in comic sans too.

er… most petrolheads already use, and indeed like comic sans.
It's a good idea, and ideally every tweet would tag the local highways authority and police. There should be average speed cameras set up everywhere, with fines issued automatically. It would also be good if there was a government site listing everyone done for speeding.

The authorities should also be able to install software on all the offenders' electronic devices to force them to display all text in comic sans too.
If you really want to humiliate them, just turn them into cyclists.
The trouble with tweeting how often people exceed the speed limit (without sanction) is that it might be unproductive insofar as it normalises speeding, and appears to show that speeding doesn't cause accidents. It'd be better to have effective traffic calming measures, effective enforcement, and meaningful sanctions.
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